On December 20, 2006, in Life style, Life style | Entertainment, by Kok mING

Two weeks ago, I saw an T.V. advertisement about a new film… CICAKMAN.

First in my mind… “WTF???!!!” is that SPIDERMAN 3 has rename to CICAKMAN? The CICAKMAN is quite similar to SPIDERMAN. Both also red color costumes. haha and they can climb wall with bare-hand too.

CICAKMAN is a Marvel Malay Super Hero.  Anyway, I am having fun to keep saying CICAKMAN. I dont know the quality of the movie but it is definitely worth a try for Malaysian. Simply because with your support, it may be a Malay Super Hero Legend!

But… don’t count on me to go into cinema for it because I have not enough money to support myself too! 😛



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