Kok mING @ Paypal

On December 12, 2006, in Site, Site | Announcement, by Kok mING

Yo! Yo! Yo! I recreated my Paypal account. It was inactive for 1.5 years haha. The account went inactive and cannot be re-activated too : (  *sniff*

Anyway, I got it setup again for some online payments and such. After 1.5 years, finally we, Malaysian, get the Donate button wuahahahah. At very beginning, Malaysian allowed to SEND money and REQUEST money only… never able to withdraw… I don’t know how it works and it seems nothing profitable at >that< moment so I left my account for 1.5 year heh heh.

hm… This post is to notify you that I have added that ultimate DONATE button somewhere @ my site haha.

Now you know, I am such a money-horny or money-minded people!! It is never be too late to know it. ok?

So start donate to me if your pocket has no more space for your money! I will be very glad to keep it for you until I spend it away!!! har har har.

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