


在生活当中,我们每天都在过着自己的生活,也同时的看着别人的生活。很多时候,我们都会拿别人的生活上的点滴来“讨论”,好听一些就是“参考”或是“学习”。往往我们都是看到他人的错处然后加以批评。就像 “他不应该这样那样的,应该像这样的做才行的。。。” 还是 “如果我是他,我觉得不会这样,我会那样因为我知道什么什么的。。。”


想必你在生活上也常常的遇到某个人针对你的失误,然后引入自己的观点在加以评击你吧?在读书时期,工作时期还是朋友之间的闲聊, 我们都会遇到这些事情。









Accident or ?!

On April 19, 2008, in English, General | Awareness, by Kok mING

Shelly sent me this video…

I watched it. Speechless for a few minutes.

How on earth this could be happen?!




**** Updated 21-April-2008 ****

Obviously, youtube disabled my video 🙁

But I have setup a free download link for you!

Download it here!


It is the tax paying month again!

This time, I found something new. The “novice” sit besides me successfully use an very identical way to exploit the application.

Yes! The Hasilnet website is showing the MSSQL connection string when there is an error! *I leave it for you to reproduce the error*

Below is the thing that I manage to do a screen shot on it. According to the file name, it is very likely the DigiCert module is not properly coded!



Seeing from the IP itself, it does not looks like public IP. Tried to connect via MSSQL Management Studio but no luck. Tried all the IPs listing in whois search still no luck. Perhaps the database is not allow remote connection!


If the database do not allow that, perhaps we can think a way to go in via [your hacking methods here]


So, that’s what I can tell you. I am risking my blogger’s life to share this information with you. You better make sure that you are EDUCATED enough to apply the information for EDUCATIONAL use only :hahaha:


Happy hunting!


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有点失望啊!:cry: 看不到很多的美女。。。有是有。。。但是就是没有那种拍照的冲劲。。。所以没有照片。。。:happysigh:

在PC Fair里竟然有人问我要不要申请信用卡。。。我。。。。 我。。。 回答:“我还不够“睡”啊(不满21岁)”。呵呵,那个人立刻的“变脸”然后我们就很“浪漫又无奈”的被人潮分离了。

在离开前,看到了MyCNX的摊子。匆匆忙忙的拍了2张蒙蒙的照片。然后又被另外的一个女生“看上”, 她跑前来说我流汗了,叫我买CD(RM2),附送扇子!:bigeye: 我立刻的回答:“我30岁了。。。”。 她还以为我骗她就很不爽的走开了。:hahaha:


The first PC fair for 2008 has started. I took my precious time to shop there! Last year was not bad!

I got a little disappointed this year! 😥 I did not manage to spot a lot of pretty girl… it still has some… but they did not manage to “urge” me for taking their photo… so this time don’t have any photo… :happysigh:

I got a little annoyed because inside the PC fair, got a credit card agent approached me for application… I …. answer :”I am under age to be qualified as an applicant” hehe, that fellow’s face turn black. Without a seconds, we were separated by the crowd.

Right before I left, I saw the MyCNX booth which I took the photo with the sword man last year! Without wasting anytime, I took 2 blurry photo. After that, another girl “hunt” me down… She come to me and say I am sweating, persuade me to buy a RM2 game CD with free gift! :bigeye: I reply, “I am 30 years old…” . She told I am lying and went away unhappily. :hahaha:




Dudes, where’s her bones?!

On April 10, 2008, in English, General, by Kok mING

I find this is amazing!




On April 5, 2008, in Chinese, Love, by Kok mING








** 只是有感而发的文章**

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