50th Merdeka

On August 30, 2007, in English, General, General | Awareness, by Kok mING

Yo yo yo~ Negaraku~~~ Negaraku~~KU. I am back from the MNR (Merdeka Naked Run). Hehe. I am kidding only. I have no energy to make a RUN.

Today is the 50th birthday of Malaysia. We (the beloved Malaysian) can enjoy a paid holiday! Yeah! That’s cool!

Today, some people may celebrate for their past memories. Some people will celebrate for the holiday. Some will just follow the pace and shout “Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!” without knowing the meaning of shouting it!

I am the exceptional one. I do not really into the celebration mood. Simply because that’s nothing to celebrate… Please do not confuse. I say nothing to celebrate but never say I do not appreciate the independence that our predecessors fought for us! I respect all the heroes and heroines from the bottom of my heart. I love Malaysia, this is a lovely land. But I dislike the people who are ruling it… They are disgusting, rotten piece of shit.

As a Malaysian, we are disallow to have racist or discriminations among races. However, our law clearly stated that the MALAY has specialities in almost-everything-you-can-tell. So, can I sue the Malaysia Law for once being a “racist”? Old issue? or Known issue? We knew it, we did not say anything does not mean we don’t care about it or you continue to be the ignorance…

I did not own a flag or never make one for myself does not mean I am not a patriotic person. Simply because I do not do “surface” job to satisfy your visual orgasm. I love my country more than you can imagine but I do not like to show-off.

Sometimes, I blog and critic the politics does not mean I am challenging you. In the other way, you have to think about why people are criticizing you instead of supporting you. There must be a reason for people to start a topic or wrote a song.

I did my best to vote in the General Election but the results are disappointed. It shows that by my lonely self, I am unable to fight for what I think we deserves.

Here is the channel for free voices but you deny it. Here is the place for you to gather sincere voices but you never try to understand it. Here is the place for you to show you care about us but you show nothing…

Should I raise your flag inside my blog to say I love you? Come on! You see any blogger embed any flag into their blog for this very special Independent day? If you don’t, perhaps you should start thinking… Malaysia is independent country, same goes to the citizens, they are as independent as Malaysia. You know what I mean. You succeed to define Malaysia as ONE, but you failed miserably to unite the souls!

Last word for this post…




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On August 26, 2007, in Chinese, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING




可怜的小白,无辜辜的成为了HK的陪葬品:happysigh:。可是到买单时,HK自掏腰包的付了一碟叉烧的钱(所以哦,他的照片空间大一些的。。。) :xd:



上菜咯!!半只烧鸭,两碟叉烧!!半肥瘦的叉烧果然是一流!表皮被烧得有些酥脆,里面的脂肪入口即化!还有略带一些甜味的酱汁,更使这个叉烧让人欲罢不能啊!!! 我一向来很少吃肥肉的,也毫不坚持的大口大口的咬啊!!:e:

烧鸭也不会比叉烧逊色。鸭皮烤得脆脆的,里面的肉质滑嫩,还充满着肉汁!! 虽然很油腻,但是你咬下去的一霎那,你就已经无法抗拒的把它完全的毁灭于你的口里来满足被它所引起的食欲!



这一顿,有些贵吃。5个人,要RM55。。。 一个人要RM11。。。 一分钱一分货啦。还算物有所值的!






去到了,Kepong的皇阿玛板面, 叫了甘香炒板面和清汤板面。味道还不错,可能是因为板面里没有碱水的味道,所以不会影响食物的原味。





刚刚吃了几口,觉得还不错,心想今天终于有好料介绍了。。。 但是当我喝汤的时候,我发现了小飞虫和黑色的印在碗里。。。

真的是他妈的鸡蛋糕!!! 我只想好好的吃一顿午饭,你们竟然帮我加料?小飞虫很明显不是刚刚“遇害”的。。。吃到这里,我也没有胃口了。。。 我没有告诉店员。因为他们连食物的卫生也有问题,根本没有资格开食店!!不可能在光顾的!我把钱啃掉也不会再去了。



不好意思哦。。。 下个星期吧!我看看还有什么可以吃的 :xd:

原本想和朋友到独立广场拍夜景的,上班经过时,看到有人在布置灯饰了。。。毕竟买了新的相机,好像看看到底可以拍到什么样的照片。。。 可是他们都没有理我 :autism:

也想到PutraJaya拍烟花的,但是又怕塞车。。。 :circle: 



Things that you bring into the toilet

On August 23, 2007, in English, General, Nonsense, by Kok mING

70s, people bring in toilet paper to wipe their dirty ass.

80s, people bring in magazines or books to read. (for a longer session… to shit all out) 

90s, people bring in mobile phone because they can’t live without communication…

Today, people bring in PSP into the toilet… :sweat:

Yes! PSP! Am I sure? Yes! I cut my head if that is not a PSP! :picknose:

Opps… Actually, I did not see it because he is shitting… I am so sure that he is playing football games on his PSP! Did I hear he yell GOAL inside the toilet?! No, he didn’t but his PSP did! :xd:

Come on! You can “focus” to play PSP games while you are sitting on top of the toilet bowl and doing your best to shit? Haha. I don’t really know how to explain this feeling to you. Perhaps I am old-fashioned folks who cannot do more than 1 things at a time…

Perhaps in future, we will see people bring in laptops for MSN and cam-whoring while they are shitting… :yes:

So, can you tell me what is the thing that you will bring into the toilet? :or:



On August 19, 2007, in Chinese, General, General | Awareness, Recommended, by Kok mING



目前,很多人都说大马政府会拒绝黄明志的道歉, 可是明志对星洲日报说到目前为止还没有接收到任何指他触犯法律的信函。很多政要的言论,都属于个人发表,并不代表政府的决定。大家也无需激动,就算真的被判罪了,我们也应该尊重国家的法律,毕竟这是你们所选出来的政府。身为马来西亚公民的明志也应该知道言论自由的界限,为自己搞出来的风波而负责才是对的。我会接受明志的道歉并不是因为我是华人,原因是我们都应该把机会给与一个勇于认错的人。当然,国有国法,如果道歉可以了事,那么警察和法律机构还有工作吗?明志有罪与否由政府决定,但是公道自在人心。


事先声明。我绝对认同以上两个网站的出发点, 那就是保护我们的明志。但是对他们的做法,我是有所保留了。。。以下的言论,可能会得罪大家,我还是希望与大家分享。

第一,这次的事件,到底是谁在把问题种族化了?在国家的立场,我看到的是大公无私的道理。无论是谁犯了罪,也要受刑。但是有太多的人将问题的重点放在种族的课题上了。媒体错误的报道,读者也严重的缺乏判断能力。。。 为什么要是全球华人支持黄明志行动,怎么不是全世界支持黄明志行动?干嘛只是华人而已?难道真的是华人的问题?你们要让华人抬起头来为明志出头还是要一个公道?? 如果要取回公道,任何肤色的人都应该参与!这样的行动,无疑是将问题更偏向种族化!!政府更会视这个行动或者这股“势力”为煽动的证据!!!到目前为止,政府都没有明确的回应,可能就是在等这一刻的到来!为明志打抱不平的平台, 当然是越多越好,可是要用正确的方法,免得大家的热情变成明志的负担。请各位三思而后行。



8月31日,我将会在零时零分大事播放negarakuku 以证明我的爱国之心!号召各位朋友响应!!!!!!!

老实说,播放禁歌,死路一条。连明志也屈服了。你们又何必撕开包扎好的伤口, 再往里面放火。请再考量。

第三,明志认错了。就算被判有罪,也是无可奈何的。原因是因为这首歌的却是煽动了民族的和谐。 无论是歌曲所至与否, 也有一部分的煽动是由媒体朋友造成的。事到如今,明志也道歉了。政府现在也没有采取真正的“实际”行动来对付他。只是说了保留追究的权利的发表吧?


还记得吗?10年前,轰动一时“华仔”的反自然性行为也没有人再说了,他也重返政坛了。用屁股来思考,也知道堂堂一个有很大机会能坐上首相位置的人,哪里会为屁股而放弃江山??欲加之罪, 何患无辞!!




我知道士可杀,不可辱。 但是留得青山在,哪怕没材烧!何况整个事件是由明志而起的。。。要说“人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人!”并不是我们。。。你们一定会骂我是胆小鬼吧?更会认为我是为了博取政要的欢心才写这篇文章的吧?Kok mING与众人为敌,也很欠抦吧?

我的出发点是和你们一样的。我们都是为了明志着想,我是想让事情完结,而不是纠缠不清。毕竟他的家人,也遭到恐吓,可能性命也有危险。你们如果要行动。。。 请组团保护他们的安全吧!!


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IXUS 75 – 我的新玩具!

On August 17, 2007, in Chinese, General, Life style, by Kok mING

大约两个月前,弟弟把我们的IXUS40 去热浪岛度假。很自然的也把相机带在身上一起的去潜水了。。。 可怜的IXUS40,因为不懂水性就白白的牺牲了。。。 两个月后的今天,我终于把解剖了。残骸里还留有水迹,它真的是活活的被淹死的。。。 :cryrun:



我到了L。Y。P。花了RM1110, 买了IXUS75

Yeah!!我终于又有了照相机了!午餐的时候, 拼命的在拍啊!之后还到了湖滨公园里走走。

哈哈! 但是技术还是生疏了。。。 给我一点时间吧!我一定会有更好的照片的!!





On August 17, 2007, in Chinese, Jokes, Nonsense, by Kok mING

我的夸张修辞法,想必各位也已经略有所闻, 也可能领教过了。 😀













California Pizza Kitchen

On August 15, 2007, in English, Life style, Life style | Food, My work, by Kok mING

Yeah! While everyone guessing on why I did not online at night or how Kok mING manage to live without computer at night…

I started the new job! In a multi-national company… I met a lot of new friends! Yes! Finally The_One hikky manage to get some friends!

Long story short say! (I will tell you more stuffs about the job later)

Second working day, we have a group dinner at California Pizza KItchen, KLCC. Yeah! As you can see from the photo, we are huge group! The waitress is so happy to see us walking into the restaurant! Big business, uh?

We have a lot of fun over there! Especially some chit chat sessions to know each other better! I am not the only new one over there. But… I am the newest one… They are friendly, some are very talkative and playful as well. It is a nice group of people. Let me say this before your request, please do not ask me to introduce the girls to you. LoL. Single but not available … okay?

Derive from the title, you must be expecting a food blog.

Yes! This is about food but I do not have a camera to shot the nice food… I tell you, the foods are delicious, definitely taste more better than the photo!


Taken a lot of photos, but I just pick the photo with me inside it… You know why, don’t ask please.



**** To you. Yes! Its you! Stop laughing! ****

Sooner or later, my colleagues will know this blog because they have my MSN contact. This blog has a mirror in Live Spaces… so once I post this thing. MSN contact will get updated and a star will display besides my name, then with some clicks, they shall see their faces online. LoL. Http://blog.kokming.com will be the actual blog address.

If you really found this, leave a comment so I knows who get this first! Heh heh.

**** End ****


I like to play games since I was young. I owned a lot of home game consoles including Atali, Super Nintendo, Gameboy, Sega and etc.  I am attached to gaming world since I am young, most likely since age of 5. The first arcade game really kicks me in, isn’t the mighty Donkey Kong. The game which got me addicted to it is Street Fighters II. It is a 2D fighting game by Capcom. It is still clear in my mind how I used to play this game and pwned a lot of people who is elder than me. More-over, it gives me more fun than I can enjoy! :or:

Street Fighters II tells me that Indian’s yoga (Dhalsim) can blow fire out from their mouth… LoL. Sound incredible but it is so funny to see that! :hahaha:

Ah! A very notable image to the world. After playing this game, every one thinks the girls in China must have two “bao” or Chun Li hair-style. They must have huge legs and able to do the I-M-possible skill which is “upside down spinning legs”.  Can you see how that E.Honda (Sumo fatty) hug Chun Li? Incredible skill by the Japanese! Heads down!

Wow! See Blanka!! It can bites you until the blood splitting out like a waterfall! Haha!! Lastly, my favorite character, Ryu, the very attractive skill “rising dragon fist”. Amazingly strong and stylish! Guile, Ken and Zangief who I did not manage to a screen-shot…


Why I blog about this? It is because I missed the good old days… So I go to get an emulator to play it again! It works!! It helps me to turn myself back to a TEEN for 10 minutes after playing it!! LoL. :e:

I hopes you have a nice and unforgettable childhood. If not… please go get a life now. :xd:

Happy gaming!!


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