On August 29, 2008, in English, Life style, Life style | Events, My work, by Kok mING

I just go back from a company paid conference, SOFTEC 2008. The venue is at Berjaya Times Square Hotel. This is a 2 days conference. The speakers came from Korea, Japan, Vietnam and some local companies.


Opps…. I forgot to tell you what is this conference topic. It is about Software Testing. Some industry standards and ISO standard were discussed during the conference too.

Basically, nothing really amaze me… but the speakers from various countries and the attendees from various local authorities and ministry did surprise me quite a bit. It is because I never expected that my company actually paid the conference fees but others attendees are almost sponsored by someone else :autism:

The conference is not boring at all. Speakers are experienced enough but was feed by too many food… fall asleep in the afternoon :sleepy:

Let’s check out the food that I had :hahaha:

Food is more enjoyable~




Mind you own language

On August 13, 2008, in Chinese, General, General | Discussion, by Kok mING







有一个人把垃圾桶打开,然后惊讶的说了一个英文名词,”Jesus!”。我立刻想笑了,难道耶稣真的就在那个垃圾桶里?? :hahaha:

午餐之后,我看见了两个人在电梯里相遇,其中一人喊了一声 “Holy shit! Long time no see! How’s you doing?”。我又想大声地笑了。。。难道他的朋友的名字就是“神圣粪便”?:ohoho1:

再来的就是下班前,在某人的电脑前听到有人大喊, “Oh My God!”。 可能是因为当机了吧。。。但是想求神般的大喊“我的天啊”真的有帮助吗?倒不如快快的Restart,在继续工作吧。。。:smoker:




Hey folks! I’m back with the PC FAIR Booth Babes. After some months of waiting and its back! (Get some flashback here.)

This PC Fair is awesome! A lot of photographers, bloggers and  amateur a.k.a. me are there to enjoy the PC Fair atmosphere!

I have to say, this round, more lovable pretty+hot babes. You must go if you haven’t!

Let’s not waste our life.

Show time!! :xd:

Right before the first entrance, 2 sweet Lenovo girls smiling to us. This is from OKI with Japanese costume. I liked the girl on the left hand side. Big eyes sweet smile. They are from P! WiMAX.


Wow! This can be a wall paper! Simply gorgeous and lovely! Good job from Panasonic Lumix Booth! Ohhhh… Samsung Mobile…  Why not face to my camera… 😥 Okay… Nurses from Kaspersky. They are everywhere. Haha!


This is Sony Vaio. As usual, good pick on booth babe! They looks great! She is from Acer. Nice smiling. Acer again~~ Liked the girl on left hand side too. Haha! What’s wrong with me? All left…


She is from HP. Looks corporate? Very friendly babe from BenQ. Haha! I liked this pose. Acer’s booth babes are everywhere too!


She is from (online game company). Looks Hot! Wow! We are just in time to catch all! :hahaha: Wuahahaha! Feeling lucky today? :goodjob:


HTC babes! Looks cool. Perhaps too tired? HTC Babes too! They are with great smiles! Gigabyte.


Angel?! From PC.COM.(They are running great promotion!) Nice post! Sony Camera booth. Haha. To take her photo, rounded the booth twice… Buddy want to take her photo~


Wuahahaha! Right before we left, they show up! Of course, without second thought, I ran up on stage for photo. :xd: The girl is very very good looking! Microsoft! Looks mature but OK!


Nurses gang! Hahah. Just for your laughter! WTF?! Reach there around 11:30AM. Already “people mountain people sea!”


To be frank, I walked 3 hours inside KLCC. But worth it! I enjoy it and bought some cheap stuffs too! If you were there, I do hope you have the same or greater experience than me!

That’s all for now.

Happy commenting!

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它回来了!大马电脑展再度降临了!等了几个月还是值得的~ (看看 flashback.)


值得一提的是,这次美女云集啊~~~ 不去就错失良机咯!



这是在入口处的两位Lenovo 美女在向我们微笑。 这是OKI的和服少女。 我喜欢最左边的那位。。。大眼睛还有甜美的笑容~~


哇!!! Panasonic Lumix的美女真的让很多摄影师都围着她们拍照啊!!好漂亮!! 哦… Samsung Mobile…  为什么不看镜头呢? 😥 Okay… Kaspersky 的护士。到处可见哦!呵呵。


Sony Vaio 的女生都很不错哦! Acer的笑容好灿烂。 又是来自Acer的美女。首选最左边的那位。。。我到底怎么啦?今天似乎对左边的女生情有独钟的。。。


HP的美女~ 她非常的友善,来自BenQ. 哈哈!我喜欢这个POST。 Acer的美女也是到处可见的。呵呵!


她是MyCNX.com的 (线上游戏). 辣妹哦~~~ Wow!大合照啊! :hahaha: 哇哈哈哈哈! 今天幸运女神向我招手了?:goodjob:


这是HTC那里拍的。 很酷哦。可能是累了吧! 也是HTC的。但是她们的笑容很好哦~ Gigabyte.


天使?! PC.COM的。 Sony Camera 的美女. 哈哈~~ 为了拍她的照片,走了两圈咯。。。


哇哈哈哈哈哈!就在我们要离开的时候,他们出现了。我想都不想的跑了上去拍照! :xd: 那个女孩好美啊~~希望小公主会比她更美哦! 微软!有点熟女的感觉~


哇!护士帮!! 哈哈!大马电脑展有“鸡”卖?? 一大早就已经人山人海咯。。。





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