I got my hair cut today

On September 29, 2007, in English, General, Life style, Life style | Hair, by Kok mING

Hey folks! Long time no see? or its a norm that you start to come here in weekly basis rather than daily? :circle:

Ah~ I got my hair cut today. As usual, pricey cutting but looks nice! :ohoho1:

Fast… very fast… time past without any sight. It is end of September 2007 already. :nooo:

First of all, my blog is not doing well… in terms of visitors count :coldsweat: Ya… I know my lazy ass caused that… I really need to spend more times to update more frequent!

Speaking of time, my new job killing up my times fast! The schedules is packed. The job started to be more demanding as it should. Soon to be overloaded but I am still good!

I were in a Mentoring Training 2 days ago. It was a great training where the trainer taught us on how to be a MENTOR in a structured way. :glass:

Haha! Holy shit! MENTORING is such a abstract subject but you can do it in a structured way… That’s the charm of human’s ability to turn something intangible into tangible subject with a ‘value’ on it. Cool, I must say! This is definitely a new thing for me to justify something never able to quantify, measure or present.

Again… this month salty and klesk started their career in a new place. Salty finally found her dream place to work :xd: . As well as klesk is enjoying the new job environment too. Opps. I know you have no interests to know about these two n00bs life but they are my loyal readers. So give face a little laaaaaa, ok? Haha. I still have a lot of loyal fans, don’t be angry if your name is not here. I will do it next time! :xd:

My schedule for next month is fixed… packed with messes and shit-load of troubles. I want to blog about my thoughts on the few recent news but … time…

Dudes! Be good and stay well until my next post.




On September 21, 2007, in Chinese, General, Language, by Kok mING

有些事, 有些人,很多的有些。。。 你长大了就会明白了。


你明白, “你长大就会明白了”,这句话吗?



现在的我,似乎不喜欢将自己的一套硬硬的套在他人的身上了。我开始慢慢的明白了,有些人是不会站在你的观点去看每一件事的。 有些人也不会像你一样的拼命,有些事,往往都会自行解决的,根本不必立刻的回应。有些人,可以将不可能变成可能,也有一些会将可能变成不可能。

我不是累了,我觉得是我看得更开了。。。 我的思维有了可以容纳其他思想的空间。我很想对其他人说“你长大就会明白了。。。”, 但是我没有说出口,因为他们也未必会了解其真正的意义。





My work

On September 14, 2007, in English, My work, by Kok mING

Hi folks! Its been a long time since my last work-related blog with you. How ya doing there?  

I started my new career for a month already! Time goes fast, I admit that I have not spend as much time as before into this blog… I am doing my best to gather the free time to blog a little too. :he:

Let’s talk about my work place. I were amazed by the desktop computer! It comes with dual LCD monitor! Yes!! Two 17″ LCD Monitor. It is not many companies out there can offer such luxuries, right? Other than that, the computer equips with 2GB RAM, a nice display card. More than enough to do some fancy actions.

Hold on! I still have a IP Phone from Cisco! Wow! This is really a nice phone. Fully network-compatible. I can access to it from my home computer (providing I log into the office VPN and start the phone client). This phone is nice because it can display the daily horoscopes and weather forecast. :hahaha:



Sorry dudes, I can’t tell you much about my job because I signed a NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement) on everything related to the job… All I can say is, I am currently engaging with world-class computer equipments vendor. Yes! Finally, I stepped into the World-Class environment. This is the chance to prove myself! This is the place to perform my best to see whether or not I am at the world-class standard! Although, the tasks assigned to me contains very much of challenges but I am not an easy-to-give-up people before doing my best on it!

The most fruitful gain comes after great hard-work! I am planting the seed right now! Let’s do the best for the day of harvest!


Camp Forest Dinner (Vegetarian)

On September 11, 2007, in Chinese, English, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING



A few weeks ago, Shelly read about my Char Siew blog post. We started a food related conversation… 


 (按图片放大/click to enlarge)


如果她要写食物的部落格,肯定是失败的。。。 因为她用了一个很大的空碗的照片来介绍话题中的餐厅。。。 :sweat:

If she is going to write a food blog, definitely she will fail miserably… It is because she sent me a big empty bowl to recommend this restaurant to me… :sweat:


但是话题中的CAMP FOREST的餐厅,就真的在我家的附近,也有很多次想去光顾的了。听了Shelly的“介绍”,我也更有兴趣的了。

But the Camp forest restaurant that we chat about is really nearby my house, it happens that I wanted to visit it for some times. After Shelly‘s recommendation, it raise my urge to maximum level.


就在星期日的晚上,家里没有煮饭,我们就到了Camp Forest试试了。

Last Sunday night, home has no dinner, we departed to Camp Forest for dinner!



The theme of the restaurant is Forest, this is a very environment friendly restaurant, it only sells organic vegetables. At the bottom of each table, they burn the mosquito coil (Shieldtox), so the customer can enjoy the environment without being bitten by the mosquito! Not bad at all.




看了餐牌,点了鱼排套餐(Fish and Chip) 和 肉骨茶!看了食物的卖相,真的开不出是素食品啊!好厉害啊!!

After going through the menu, we picked the Fish and Chip and Bak Kut Teh (white rice included). Judging from the outlook appearance of the food. It really cannot differentiate it is a vegetarian food! Very nice presentation!



Soup of the Bak Kut Teh taste very good compare to the Aeroplane Bak Kut Teh!! Its real, I did not lie to you! Without the meat as ingredient, still can make the food tasty as real, it is not a easy job at all!



The portion for Fish and Chip is more than enough for a person, this is a dish that can feed you full! Although the price is slightly higher compare to the real meat meal, but judging from the vegetarian food point of view and the size of it, it is already worth the price. Furthermore, it comes with dessert! What can we complaint?



The food are tasty! Friendly waiters!


Price as below: 

鱼排套餐 (Fish and Chip)  - RM17.90

肉骨茶 (Bak Kut Teh) - RM 7.90





另外,这家餐厅的甜品竟然有卖巧克力喷泉(Chocolate fondue)!。。。 。。。 最后一张是拍爽的,但是却是当晚最清晰的,拍食物和场景的都是免强而已。。。唉~~~ 还要继续的摸索相机的功能了。。。

Other than that, this restaurant got sell the Chocolate Fondue (without ice cream)… … The last photo is taken for fun, but it is the most clear photo for the night… The photo about food and venue is still below the par…

Aih~~~ still need to further explore the feature of my new camera. 


以下的地图是从Google Earth里抓出来的。用里面的坐标然后自己在Google Earth里看看吧。

The map is as below… From Google Earth. Get the coordinate and see it yourself  :xd:


PS: Bi-lingual post just because of Shelly is involved and she cannot read Mandarin… So… you see a post like this :xd:


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Bukit Cahaya Gathering

On September 8, 2007, in English, Life style, Life style | Travel, by Kok mING

Some weeks ago, Khang asked me whether or not to join their forum gathering at Bukit Cahaya… I am not sure what are the activities but I got the urge to test my new toy so my answer to him is “Yes. If you have a seat for me.” Hehe. I am too lazy to drive plus I really don’t know where is Bukit Cahaya.

After that, I totally forgot about this “deal” until 2 days ago, Salty and Oreo came to Kepong Milwaukee to find Kepong F4 (we are actually F5 but we seldom get along) for drinks… Then they ask this question “Hey! Kok mING, are you going to join us for the Bukit Cahaya trip?” . Now, only I recall that is actually a “deal” previously. So I ask Khang for a friendly fetch but he needs to go milking fetch a girl. So I end up in White’s car with Ryan!

At the very early morning, Ryan gave me a morning call. How sweet! Although I am ready and watching Astro before he calls me …

After the breakfast with two of them. We straight away drive to Bukit Cahaya.

We grabbed the ticket, read the map, go in and rent a bicycle! Yes! BICYCLE! We are going to ride it! … Huh?What?! I was not told that we need to ride… The last cycling that I did is like 8 years ago… At this point of time, I think of David! I need someone to tell me how to do a painless 3 hours ride… Please…



My bumblebee for the day!


After we walk-ride around 10 minutes… We take our first rest! Yes! 10 minutes. Just nice for a warm up… Check the photo… How to ride in a group? How happy to get a rest? and… Ryan’s bicycle is the tall-type of mountain bike…





After that, we are on our own… no more waiting for group. Just follow the road and ride till the end… I take quite a lot of “pauses” to take some photos. Hehe. That’s why I am so slow that day…




Can you tell me what is this kind of tree or fruit?


After like 1 hour ride. We reached the Cactus Garden… Pretty impressive where you see a lots of Cactus with flowers on top.



After wasting a lot of time, we go back to the starting point… just for the sake of visiting the fucking lousy Four Season House! It is the house where the workers will “decorate” it with certain season theme plus flowers according to the calendar month. The current theme is Spring. Ehhhh. Spring! Luckily it is not summer… Taken a lot of flowers, but due to the room light give not enough exposure to the photo. I am too lazy to edit it or to fake it… I post some “still” ok for you to see. If you want to go in there… My advice, please bring your food into it and have a picnic!




These are the other flower photos.




Lastly, we took off to have a Bak Kut Teh somewhere at Klang!


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Aeroplane Bak Kut Teh

On September 8, 2007, in English, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING

After a tiring Bukit Cahaya Cycling trip. We went exhausted, hungry and P.A.I.N.! Every one is so hungry and needed the food to recover the lost energy. Haha.

So we headed to a Bak Kut Teh @ Klang. I don’t know where is the exact location but Klang! See the photo :xd:


See the shop name? Aeroplane Dry Bak Kut Teh! … Don’t ask me what is the FISH (blue character) means…


We are separated to 2 tables, orders 4 bowls (2 wet, 2 dry) for each table.


I enjoyed the dry pieces because it is very tasty and spicy. Hehe. The one with soup is quite ok but not as delicious as the one Ka-Ka Bak Kut Teh nearby my house… 8 people on table and eaten RM 68.00. The price is not expensive but the portion served is kinda little. Haha. I am the big eater! 😛



Software Developer needed. Preferable can start work immediately.

If you are interested. Please leave a message here or drop me a mail.

Vacancy closed after September 2007


Initial Requirements:

  • Excellent communication skills in English – written and verbal
  • Strong customer service focus with the ability to empathize as well as prioritize customers needs
  • Typing speed of 40 words per minute
  • Sound problem solving skills with linear and logical troubleshooting skills
  • Excellent comprehension of telephone communication skills, usage and manner


If you think yourself “passed” the initial requirements then read on!



Job Title:System developer
Reporting To:System Manager
Department:Database Business Solutions (DBS)
Location:Kuala Lumpur (Near LRT)


9am to 6pm however flexible time management skills are required




Minimum requirements – candidate must possess these attributes for any further consideration to take place.

Important – candidates should possess these attributes but further consideration may be given to candidates who do not possess some of these attributes but are very strong in the Minimum Requirements attributes and can demonstrate an ability to quickly acquire these skills.

Desirable – candidates who possess these attributes will have some advantage.



  • Minimum
  • Important
    • C#.NET
    • Experience with ASP, ASP.Net, Web Services
    • Knowledge of web based architecture
    • Vb.NET
  • Desirable
    • Experience with SQL Server Database design and maintenance
    • Project management skills
    • Windows based web server management



  • Minimum
  • Important
    • Ability to develop and implement plans in order to accomplish set goals.
    • Ability to identify the customers requirements & expectations
    • Ability to learn new material quickly
    • Excellent Logical thinking
    • Excellent problem solving skills
  • Desirable



  • Minimum
  • Important
    • A quick learner with the ability to take on new information
    • Bright outgoing personality. Pursues work with energy and drive and is motivated by accomplishments.
    • Clear sense of Goals/Direction
    • Conflict resolution skills
    • Proactive attitude to work
    • Strong Verbal and Written Communication skills with the ability to communicate correctly and clearly
    • Team Player with sound interpersonal skills.
  • Desirable




If you are interested. Please contact me via email or leave a message here! :he:


Microsoft Surface

On September 2, 2007, in English, My Work | Technolgoy, by Kok mING

The future of computing is at your fingertips!

What is Microsoft Surface? It is a coffee-table looks like computer! 

So what? What is so great about this coffee-table?

I would say this is another cutting-edge and state-of-the-art product from Microsoft. The table design is simple but very presentable. It equips with a glass top, where you can see it looks like normal glass. It is a big touch screen! It can detect your mobile phone when you place it on top (perhaps this is a blue-tooth connection, where you needs to synchronize it for first time…) .

I found it real cool because of the creativity! Right now, it can pull out your multimedia files and edit it via the “Surface“. You can draw anything on it. You can play your favorite movies with it too! In future, perhaps you can place your coffee order via the table: :xd:

Maybe you can do this and that with it… Imagination leads to infinite creativity!

Find out more and enjoy the movie below.


As usual, we have to be caution about everything that Microsoft produced…

If I would place my mobile phone on top of it, what should I care most?  Yeah! That’s my personal contacts and some “real” movie archives! :shy2:

I did not see any security features embedded into the product overview or explicitly stated else-where. Perhaps it will be a lot of bashing sessions on this topic but who cares? After all, it is still an innovative product :goodjob:


Happy Surfacing!


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