I noticed this like 2 months ago… before my connection went down for 11 days.
It was an upgrade from 1mbps/384kbps (download/upload) to 2mbps/512kbps (download/upload)
A week ago, before I receive the trusted source of news on TM Net implemented traffic shaping on BitTorrent. I noticed another upgrade which make my connection speed has greater upload. That is 2mbps/896kbps (download/upload) . It is really able to get at least 70% connection speed of that but… without the ability to BT… it is just too much because all my download sources are using BT to share the files :'(
Anyway, do not really want to praise TM Net or Streamyx but they did give me something better or show some improvement on this. Let’s give them a credit or two for this time… Let’s hope another upgrade soon or no more traffic shaping.
hehe. This is the screen capture!!

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