What I want to be…

On January 31, 2007, in My work, by Kok mING

After my programmer and system support submitted their resignation letters. I really felt a big cloud of bad luck is covering my front path. The MIS Department which I spent 1.5 years to build up may collaspe in any time.

Ignore the above. It is not important. All I wanted to tell you is what written below.

That is a company request to view my resume via Jobstreet.com .  This company has requested my resume for twice. First time is the position of Assitant Manager and the second time is Analyst Programmer. Oh Yeah! It always happen like 1 month one request from different company. I will release my resume if I am happy with the request.

I release both for the above positions but I manage to withdrawn immediately for the application of Analyst Programmer. Today, the company has invited me for the Analyst Programmer Interview. I straight away reject it online without a second thought.

I need to step my career path wisely. Now, I am a Senior Analyst Programmer and multi-task as Assistant Manager. Almost the level to reach Manager/Director position. Why I have to think about stepping backward for more money? I must step forward for more pride, satisfaction, glory and money (of course)! I will never step backward anymore. It is a no return step! Definitely NO_RETURN. Once you stepped backward, you gotta wait/create another chance to move up again! Although I might get better pay by stepping backward but I has no interest to step back!

I must move forward. Keep climbing. Reach to the top or the destination of my career path.

I don’t know what I want to be.  but…

I am sure I am learning from the past, commanding the present and conquer the future!

There’s no turning back! It is only moving forward with full strength! Doing my best for the better future with “DO FIRST DIE LATER” philosophy!!


3 Responses to What I want to be…

  1. wawa says:

    u told the boss:
    one good qualified man is better than a score of man.i can handle his work easily by myself and u will end up saving money if u pay me ten thousand a month.
    because they all 〔癈材〕:D

  2. Kok mING says:

    The fact is among all the bosses that I encountered in my career seems not to believe that I am a man with great ability haha.

    I can tell you. My handsome face actually brought me too much of career "block" simply because I looks too young to be good! or they are too old to accept the fact 😛

  3. wawa says:


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