On May 3, 2008, in Chinese, English, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING


这家在Kepong Carrefour 附近的日本餐厅,让我蠢蠢欲动了。就在劳动节的当天,我去吃了!:ohoho2:



After the KAMPACHI, been a long time never had a nice Japanese meal.

This Labor Day, I found a Japanese Dining restaurant nearby the Kepong Carrefour, and I went into it. :ohoho2:

The interior design is not a traditional type of Japanese restaurant, it has the modern looking Japanese style!



看了餐单,决定吃牛肉火锅 (RM 33),Sukiyaki。顾名思义,主角当然是牛肉了,而且还是在澳洲饲养的日本牛~~~(不是我吹牛。。。这是美眉服务生告诉我的):hahaha:



Look into the menu, I decided to order the Sukiyaki (RM 33). This is a beef dishes, the cute waitress told me that the cow was “born in Japan” but raise in Australia. :hahaha:

This Japanese Green Pea is F.O.C (Free of charge) because I redeem it with magazine coupon!




主角上场了!!牛肉火锅~~~ 新鲜的蔬菜搭配上肉质良好的澳洲牛肉,还没有煮就已经让我垂涎三尺了!我不知道如何“烹调”这个牛肉火锅,还劳烦了美眉服务生教我们真正的吃法。呵呵~~ :shy:



The Sukiyaki or if you want to call it Steambot… Fresh vegetable plus the reddish beef slices! It makes me more hungry even looking at it! But I do not know how to “cook” this… luckily the waitress is helpful enough to  help us to cook it. Hehe~~ :shy:

The soup is very tasty and hot (because it keeps boiling), the beef slices do not need to cook very long time because it is “thin”! After eating this Sukiyaki, I feel really worth it. Simply because this is not a dishes that the others amateur restaurant can serve.




吃了牛肉火锅,不饱啊~~~ :ono:

再点了三文鱼汤饭 (RM 12)。。。这个在餐单中是属于日本的道地食物,但是很失望啊~~~ 没有味道的。。。浪费了我的金钱啊!:nooo:


I am still hungry after the Sukiyaki~~~ :ono:

Additional order, Soup Rice with Salmon Flake (RM 12)… In the menu, it stated this is a “true” Japanese menu, but very disappointed to me… It is too tasteless… wasted my money to try it! :nooo:





After all, I would recommend you to visit it for the Sukiyaki. Definitely, you will find something different there!

The map is here!


2 Responses to 日本餐 @ YOKOTAYA

  1. wawa says:

    KOK MING:[我不知道如何“烹调”这个牛肉火锅]

  2. Kok mING says:

    日本式的。。。我是第一次吃咯。。。 呵呵

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