首先恭喜鸟生蛋餐馆荣获本部落格,自开站以来成为第二间BAN FOR LIFE的餐馆!(第一间是皇阿玛板面!已经收档了。。。)

被加冕的原因是:太现实了,十分非常过份的现实!我和兄弟到那里打算聊一些生意,也要喝杯茶吃个饱的。虽然是知道这店没有安装WIFI,可是我们还是进去试试那里的食物。当我们把手提电脑放上桌上时,服务生就跑了过来说:“我们这里一个小时,收RM1.50的电源使用费的。”。 我们还没有点餐,坐了15分钟,她跑过来竟然不是要问我们吃什么,而是要赚更多的钱。说到这里,各位也知道我也不是什么省油的灯,立刻就火大了然后说“生意不是这样做的!”。我们抽身离开了。这样的店,不配赚我的钱!


Nelson Tan, 你的名字没有改错,你的生意头脑还真的是像鸟蛋一样的小。。。这样下去,店名改为鸟不生蛋吧~~~

最后我们到了Coffee Town, 每人用了RM3.50 / 套餐。有一杯白咖啡,两片烧面包和两粒生熟OMEGA蛋!超值哦~~~


English version of the above…

First of all, congratulation to the Nelson Tan Cafe and Restaurant winning the second BAN FOR LIFE award from this blog! (The first winner is Huang Ah Ma Noodle house, R.I.P. already…)


The_one winning reason: Too materialistic, extremely extra-ordinary money-minded! My buddy and me were thinking to have some business talks, enjoy a cup of tea and some delicious food for supper. When we step inside, we were told that this shop do not have WIFI installed. Fine, that’s acceptable because we should not expect all shop offers WIFI too. So we still continue to march inside, got a seat, settle down and look into the menu. My buddy switched on his notebook while we are waiting to order. After the notebook booted into Windows, the waitress comes to us and say “We are charging RM1.50 per hour of electricity use”. We have not order anything, waited for 15 minutes, she ran into us, not taking any order but to tell us this and hope for MORE profit! Way to go! For fuck sake, I am on fire! It is simply ridiculous that you are being so money minded as a restaurant which is setup inside a residential area! We left because this kind of shop does not deserve to earn my money!

The food over there starting price is RM5, drinks are RM4 or higher. I could not find a reason why it still need to charge Rm1.50/hour of electricity use. I don’t mind paying that but why? I am not a businessmen but this world is aiming everything in a win-win point of view. As a business owner, you should look into the ways to maximize your profit by fully utilizing your resource and always keep on providing value-added service to your customers! Business is all about money but if you cannot retain your customer, no matter how well you can cook or perform. You are still a loser!

Nelson Tan, a nice name you’ve given to yourself, your business sense is just like a leg-less bird! Flying sky high (business idea) without thinking on how to land and support yourself! Dream on Nelson, dream on!

At last, we went to Coffee Town. Each of us enjoy a set meal at the price of RM 3.50. 1 cup of White Coffee, 2 toasted bread and 2 half-boiled OMEGA eggs! Very worth it!!



*** Photo taken from other bloggers’ articles but the red wording is from me***

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