Site News

On August 1, 2007, in English, Site, Site | Announcement, by Kok mING

Time goes fast. It is August already…

First thing to share with you is the site statistic. Wow! I got 849 visits / month, compare to the past, it is really a growth! More-over, I got better search engine hits too. Of course, without your loyal visits, I could not make it this far. I expect the visitor number will keep growing. Perhaps up to 2000 visits / month before this year end. Haha. Perhaps it is sounds like a joke but I hope that will happen!

Thank you very much for your loyal support! 


Yeah! After giving you a flash on the site stats. I have another great news to announce.

Finally, I took an offer. I will resume my working life again on 13th August 2007… The sufferings never ends… Haha. If you do not wish to die in hunger then you have to look for foods… of course more money to buy foods! In order to get money, you must work for it…

I will share with you more about my job later. Give me some times to blend myself into the new environment first. :glass:

Aha! If you are wondering whether or not to keep checking my blog for update. I say you should! I will still spend times into this blog. Recently, I did not post any food blog or photo related blog… it is because my IXUS camera broken already. So, after my first salary, I will definitely shop for a replacement. :xd:

In order to ease your reading on my bi-lingual blog… I noticed some of you do not like to English. A few of you does not know Chinese… So… I created two new article category. You can filter the blog by English or Chinese. For all blog post from now onwards, I will categorize it nicely :).  This is what I can do for ya… Hope you enjoy it!

That’s all for now!

Keep checking in!!

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