Microsoft Windows Server 2008! Yes! It is correct. Today we are going to install the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Beta 3! This is not an official release of the final retail version. So, some of my content may not be accurate if you compare with the retail version.

Quoted from here. Of course, you can expect some “unexpected” delay on the launch date or the product arrival date… but that’s another story 🙂

Just announced at the Worldwide Partner Conference, Windows Server 2008 will be launched jointly with Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 on Feb. 27, 2008, in Los Angeles. As the most important enterprise launch in company history, this will kick off a “launch wave” of hundreds of worldwide events hosted by Microsoft. Read more.

Things that you need to do the installation is a computer at least with Pentium 4 HT or Dual Core, 1GB RAM, 10 GB hard disk space (inclusive 5GB system used). Most important, the product key! Once you get all things in your hand. Insert the installation DVD into your optical drive and boot the computer from it.  You will see the screen as captured below. Select your preferred language, currency and keyboard layout and start the installation.





After you key in your product key, you will have 2 installation options which is full installation or choose to install the core component only. If you are unsure about this, just click the full installation and click next.



The rest of the installation process is pretty easy. Accept the licensing terms, click Next for a few times. The installation will run all the way to the end. It took me around 35 minutes to get into the desktop screen(installation on virtual pc). Nothing challenging. No difficult term for you to guess. No more boring blue-screen installation. Never ask you to enter any information except product key. No pre-settings needed. NTFS will be the default file system. Indeed, it is a very user friendly installation. Microsoft did a good job on this! The system engineers now will have more time for online games system compatibility testing!

I like this installation, it is easier compare to previous windows server version. Even compare with Windows Vista, for this server you do not need to do any diskpart or any command line to get the hard disk formatted. Aha! It is so simple to install Microsoft Windows Server 2008. Even my 5 years old little brother who know how to type and click can install it! 




Next post, I will show you something beyond the desktop screen 🙂 Stay tuned.



Happy Installation!!


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The next step to do after the installation of Microsoft Windows Server 2008. You need to reset the Administrator account password. Here, I spotted something new! You can create a password reset disk or use a server builder which makes the task even more complicated! Dude, this is so nice! From now on, we do not need to download 3rd party tools to reset the administrator passwords which is set by our managers! Yes! Password cracking is easier! Thanks Microsoft! LoL. Do not abuse the tools. Use it in a good way, please. Ok?

After you change the password, you shall reach to the desktop. Nothing fancy, the background color is ugly. I don’t like it. Who the hell pick this default color?!

The first thing I do is… Select a wall paper, to replace the default blue color background. It looks a lot more better now, right?

I checked with the Server Manager window, I found a lot of things to configure. Well, basically nothing to highlight for normal user, more toy for the system engineers only.

The start menu is inherited from Windows Vista. It is clean and simple. Ah! Not to forget, the beloved Shut-Down Event Tracker is still exist…

I don’t know why I needed to fill up the reason when I want to shut down my server. It is totally P.O.S. (Piece of Shit!) . Although it can be turned off manually but I dislike Microsoft enable it by default. It is an annoying tracker… forgive me if you treasure the tracker very much.

Yes. These are the shut down screen and the login screen. It looks pretty boring isn’t it? Especially with my 19″ LCD, these screen looks extremely plain! They should have something like the DVD menu, some animations or movies display … Anyway, it is not a big deal. We can stand the boredom. :xd:

That’s it. Nothing fancy. Nothing interesting if you have nothing to do with the server. Basically, it is good because it simplified most of the things. You need to configure it only when you need to do so.

Happy Exploring!!


Last week, Microsoft officially release the latest version of Visual Studio codename “Orcas”. It is Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition Beta 2.

Visual Studio 2008 delivers on Microsoft’s vision of smart client applications by letting developers quickly create connected applications that deliver the highest quality rich user experiences. This new version lets any size organization create more secure, more manageable, and more reliable applications that take advantage of Windows Vista, 2007 Office System and the Web. By building these new types of applications, organizations will find it easier than ever to capture and analyze information so that they can make effective business decisions.


Yes! I got the DVD image from the Microsoft MSDN downloads site. The installation goes pretty much same as the previous version. It takes around 4.5GB disk space to install it. The first time fire up the Interactive Development Environment (IDE), it will ask you to choose the default environment settings.



Immediately, I spotted a good feature! For new every new project, you can choose which version of .NET framework that you wanted to use! Yes! Finally, they concern about the compatibilities. It really save the efforts of switching .NET Framework version for the sake of new IDE! Previously, in order to enjoy the new version of Visual Studio, you have to “upgrade” your project to the newer .NET Framework! Fortunately, now we have a painless migration(from 2005 to 2008) to new IDE!

With the .NET Framework 3.5, you have more templates(VB.NET and C#.NET) for Office 2007. It is really ease the developer to create seamless office integration application or add-in.

You can check here for the Feature Specifications for Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5.


A quick run of the new IDE. It is not much different, I got pretty disappointed because I was expecting something like ‘ribbon‘ from Microsoft Office System 2007… Oppsss! Wait a seconds! I found something new on the menu bar. That is a TEST menu over there! Wow! We can do unit testing with the new IDE! That’s cool!



The last thing I found before I turn off my virtual machine is the LINQ object appears in the Web Project control/object toolbar! Yeah! That’s good! More toys for the developers!


Since it is a beta release, I do not want to use it for the actual development. Furthermore the .NET Framework 3.5 is a beta version too. It is always risky to use beta version software. Basically, if you are staying in front of the technology field, you should consider to be an early adopter of the newest version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (code name Orcas).


Happy Programming!!




On July 29, 2007, in Chinese, My work, by Kok mING




“会管理,计划,执行,有想法,有冲劲和知识。 你不应该只是一个普通的技术人员啊!”

。。。 。。。




在你们的眼里,Kok mING可能真的没有什么可以把他难倒。但是,说穿了,其实我比你们来得更差劲,对什么都是一知半解。 我为了让自己什么都会一点,放弃了只专攻某一技能的念头。

我不是什么都会,只是很巧妙的用其他解决方案来掩饰我的不足。很多人,在还没有尝试就放弃,我往往都是尽力去做每一件事。因为我知道尽力就一定会有成果的, 放弃了就是什么也做不了了。可能是这样的一个性格(应该是不服输吧),让我变成了一名‘一脚踢’。




哈哈!满身刀就是没有锋利的,就是这么的一个状况了!以我现在的工作经验, 的确比不上很多人。 但还是有市场需求的,只要肯做就不会饿死。。。




工作上也一样,一旦你设定了目标,无论是5年,10年,15 年,你也要清楚地知道自己的职业(角色)和所需要得到的经验。不好人云亦云的跟随潮流的改变自己,一定要认清自己的方向才行动!




On July 25, 2007, in Chinese, Life style, Life style | Entertainment, by Kok mING


我从小就开始了看动画的习惯,Tom & Jerry (猫抓老鼠), 小叮当,老夫子,圣斗士 ,Power Ranger,变形金刚(Transformers),七龙珠,灌篮高手,One Piece,日式面包王,宝贝宝贝我爱你,火影,死神笔记, 等等。。。。。。小时候是租看录影带的,想起就心痛了。。。 花了不少钱啊!

一直到我知道网络的好处,我开始享受到免费的动画片了!真的是太好了。现在,我看日本的动画片比较多。你真的要佩服日本人啊!他们的动画片真的是种类繁多,让你看也看不完。现在,日本动画的制作也大量使用了3D的电脑动画技术,有些动画的品质比电影来的更高。也有一些根本没有卖弄高科技的作品,像欢迎加入NHK! 这部动画,没有打头和血腥的场面,只是很有意思的将家裡蹲的故事发挥成很好的题材!














First of all, I am not a fan of Harry Porter. I never really complete any episode of Harry Porter either novel or movie… Very important point for me to refuse reading novel! Simply because I don’t kill trees for the sake of entertainment or knowledge. Please save a tree a day, ok?

So what raise my interests to blog about this very latest and last release of Harry Porter and the Deadly Hallows?

I can’t stand someone fooling the public and I can’t let them get away by saying nonsense to my beloved Malaysian consumers, although I am selling or buying nothing at the moment…

Harry Porter and the Deadly Hallows retail price for Malaysia bookstores is RM 109.90. Well, what the hell? Is that expensive to get a novel for my kids?

After the official release, Carrefour and Tesco Malaysia have came out a very attractive pricing! RM 69.90 per novel! Yes! Almost 50% slash! With RM 109.90, you can almost afford to buy 1 for reading and 1 for collection in Carrefour and Tesco Malaysia!

The war started by the most childish actions of 4 major chain Bookstores in Malaysia. I don’t want to name them because they don’t deserve a name here. These bookstores boycott Carrefour and Tesco by stop selling the novel and canceling all the events for this last and memorable release of Harry Porter. You can see it clearly, the consumers, fans, or the loyal readers did nothing wrong! Why these 4 giant bookstores want to spoil their excitement or the happiness of having an event with other Harry Porter’s fans? I simply don’t understand why these bookstores wanted to do these against their customers who actually feed them for life.

On 23rd July 2007, this son of the god, Malaysia Bookseller Association president Cheah Thye Wee, come from no where and says he will supports these bookstores in their decision. Yeah! Malaysian really needs this kind of bright minded species. Sorry. I can’t categorized him as a human because it will definitely drop my level of intelligent to the ground if I do so… I don’t see his action will do any good to the bookstores, readers, publisher or the author… Support them for not selling the novel, you are indirectly asking them to cut-off their most profitable best-seller for year 2007 or perhaps 2008 too. This may lead to a great decrease in sales, at the end, no profit, no bonus and no increment for the employees! Who to blame? Yes. Blame this kind of species, ok?

As I always emphasize, killing the others does not prove you are any better than them. Do you get me? Boycott the hypermarket in this way is simply a waste of resources. In the other way, by getting this up to the newspaper, you helped the hypermarket to promote competitive price offers!

On 24th July 2007, today, 4 major bookstores and a Singapore Penguin has reached to an agreement to resume the sales of the novel. Oh Yeah! Childish boycott last only a day. It really fast and effective! I salute to you!! I admires your decision making skill more than I love sexy chicks!!!



The Singapore Penguin also confirmed that  selling the novel at the price RM 69.90 is at a loss. Now we see what I can quote from the TheStar Online newspaper.

Earlier, Penguin managing director Eddy Teo urged the hypermarkets to practise good business sense and fair trade. 

“The public must understand that bookstores don’t make much profit because their source of income is only books while the range is diversified for hypermarkets,” he said. 

He said bookstores had to worry about hypermarkets and other parties who did not have to provide a range of book titles but had the resources to price key titles very low and use them as “loss leaders” (items sold at a loss in order to attract customers).  

He confirmed that books sold at RM69.90 were being sold at a loss.

First, he emphasized good business sense and fair trade but never clearly express the definitions of those. So it is a smelly rubbish sentence!

The rest of the sentences, we will need to do a little maths to justify it better. Let’s pray I still remember on how to use a calculator…

I quickly browse into the world most well-known bookseller website, namely . Search for Harry Porter and The Deadly Hallows. Viola! I got a result and price at USD$17.99. Ok… make it USD$18.00 (USD$0.01 for the tips). Now, we need a currency converter!  Okay! Can you see it? USD$18.00 = RM 61.2232 or we round it up to RM 61.30.

If is making profit with that price, I could not see any points that Carrefour and Tesco Malaysia selling it at RM 69.90 is at a loss. Now, you tell me who is the loser need to get lost and go back to Singapore for fuck sake. 



Time to get real, my dearest booksellers. Although, I already banned you for life but herewith my 2 cents.

Market is based on the demand and supply. When a great supply and great demand exists in the market but nobody run into your shops, then it must be your problem. That is your damn fucking own problem!! Yes! I am the meanie! You are running a business and could not be as competitive as the others, who to be blamed? I would advice you to fire your Sales and Marketing Manager, let’s double up the pay and hire someone who knows how to do business like those hypermarkets! Ok?

Stop threatening the readers, the consumers or your competitors. We are not idiots. Please do not make yourself looks like an idiot or get some idiotic species to stand by your side. It actually looks a lot more awful by doing so.

My last words to my dearest reader. Please make your wise purchase, you purchase from whoever got a valid license/permit, the author and the publisher will still get the same amount of profit. So, buying a cheaper but original novel does not show you are not a loyal fans! It helps to grow the economy if you can make your purchase wisely.


Happy Reading!


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Let’s not start this post with the story of “who don’t have a god damn fucking financial crisis a.k.a. GDFFC” . That is totally P.O.S. (piece of shit) to say because we are known as the species of people in the category of “always money not enough”.

I believe that I am quite well-known among my friends (real-life or Internet) for being a hardcore consumers! I am very serious when it comes to money spending. For every cent I paid, I must get the equivalent service or product. I never worry about how troublesome to get what I deserved!

Yes. Today’s topic is very interesting and you are definitely going to be the one of the beneficiary!

Let’s introduce the main actor, Kok mING and TM Net Streamyx a.k.a. Strea-My-X (stream my ass) or SlowyAss (who the hell invented this?). Yeah, today I invited another strong cast for your enjoyment. Let’s welcome David for his contributions later in this post!

Please allow me to clarify why I must claim my rebates from TM Net StreamyX. Can you believe that for 1.5 years subscription, I got 274 days downtime as TM Net StreamyX recorded it officially in their system? A flashback if you want to read!

First option to claim your rebates is via telephone calls. You must have all your report numbers with you! If you do not remember it, please spend 30 minutes with them by dailing 100 from your TM Fixed Line Phone. You can get all the report numbers  belongs to your account from the Technical Department. Remember, it is Technical Department, don’t go to the Billing Department because they won’t tell you although they can see it on-screen. Instead of telling you the report numbers, they ask you to call the Technical Department. So, to save your time, ensure you get the right thing from the right place!

I got mine as the table below.

Report Number Aging Period (Days)
5772402 2
5025262 40
4920767 3
3278439 29
3112244 12
1513937 84
1281556 24
1128813 15
1099629 4
1063439 8
662094 9
607825 31
552463 7
498248 6

After a lengthy session with the sexiest call center in Malaysia, I finally connected to the Billing Department. I explain my lengthy piece of old story again because they always love to listen to my voice… What to do?! That’s the charm of Kok mING. LoL. Ok… actually they are just being a douchebag! They are buying themselves some times for listening your story again. So they can generate more profits to the TM Telephony service. At the mean while, they can think a reason to kick you away too! What a nice “One stone kills Two birds” tactic!

Anyway, I am the master of the Art-Of-War tactics. My philosophy is “No win No leave”, so as my urge to claim the rebate to secure a “win”, I manage to get them to open a report stated that I want to get the rebates for all the cases above! So, I got THE_ONE rebate report with the number 5971665, and I have to call back to them after 2-3 weeks because they have to “investigate”. Well, I don’t mind to call as long as I got the report now! Most often, they won’t open any report for you but to suggest you to write an email to the regarding your rebate issue. Never fall into this trick! They never check this mailbox! Save your bandwidth for more hate-mails, ok?

That’s the first option. Slow and NOT_SO_EFFECTIVE_&_EFFICIENT method… Never do this until you can’t afford to apply the following (2nd) option!

Second option is go to the TM Point! The place where you pay your bills! Go there, grab a free number ticket from the “canggih” machine, sit down, wait for your turn(perhaps 1-2 hours doing nothing). During your waiting period, pray for no system_down message on top of their desk!

Once you manage to sit in front of one representative of TM Point. You tell them about your case(s) and express you need a rebates else you will burn down the whole TM Point with your little fire_stick! If they are cooperative enough, they will open a report for you instantly. You can go home after they give you a slip that indicates they lodged a report. Not to surprise, at the same day, they will send an email notification for your report too.

Within 2 weeks, David manage to get the rebate confirmation! How fast!! I recommend this way if you have the time to travel to your nearest TM Point. Refer to the screen-shots below! Credits to David



The third option, this could be your last resort. If you unable to get any response. You can write in / complaint to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) . Sometimes ago, I heard someone reported his cases with TM Net to this government commission. He got the rebates at the next day! I tried to follow the procedures on MCMC web site but I did not manage to get any response from MCMC or TM Net SteamyX, perhaps my bad English or I am a chinese who supposed to be so rich and never need a rebate! 


Here is the end of story! I will updates your about my case later!

Happy Rebates Claiming!!


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HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH  <– This is my first reaction after I read the last sentence of this job advertisement… :xd:

I was lurking in after a dotA session with 3 insanely made human. :faint:

This vacancy catches my attention. At first, I thought Mid Valley is hiring. Opps! After reading it again, Mind Valley it is! It really grabbed my eyes for reading it. It is definitely not a boring advertisement, I would vote it if launch the best job advertisement competition.

What makes me blog this?  Definitely not the last sentence of this advertisement! Trust me! It is not!! okay?

I browse into their website, Hell! I see funny stuffs like inspiring sentences and how they values professionals. Of course, they are tough in people selection, I think! :glass:

Anyway, I do not have what it takes to click the “Apply” button for this advertisement. :smoker:

Yah… I don’t simply apply jobs but I am not choosy, ok?! Please don’t start the “Kok mING is very choosy about jobs” war with me… I am saving your life because I can kill you in seconds just with my speech! Thank you very much!

It attracted me. As a job seeker, I would love to see others getting a job like this too. So, let’s spread this for them a bit!


Happy Job Seeking!!

Advertised: 23-7-07 | Closing Date: 21-8-07.


Database Engineer for American Startup Developing New Web Technologies
(Kuala Lumpur – KL Sentral)


We don’t care if you already have a job, have made your first million or happen to be several time zones out of KL – if you’re the type of database engineer that truly considers yourself brilliant and one-of-a-kind — drop whatever else you’re doing, read this job description and send us a resume.

Do You…

Consider SQL your “second-language”?

Get so addicted to a programming project that you went 2 days without sleeping?

Get complaints from your family that you spend way too much time on the Internet?

Let relational databases get in the way of real-life relationships?

Consider your indices and ER diagrams artistic works that merit framing?

Stay up late at night trying to mentally reverse engineer the Databases for Facebook or Flickr?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above – we’d love to meet you.

Why MindValley?

We’re an American company that moved to KL 2 years ago and have become known for our unique job culture, high profitability, hot products and our ability to attract the best brightest minds from around the world to come work for us.

At MindValley we invent and spin-off cool, new web applications. We pride ourselves in being a self-funded, Edison-style laboratory fueled by bright minds. Our creativity and business style allows us to attract talented people from around the world. Our company is 30% Malaysian, 20% American and the rest includes people from Finland, Belgium, Estonia, Poland, UK, Canada and other countries.

We’re a small team with some pretty big goals and even bigger ambitions..


At our lab you’ll be responsible for working on our latest suite of Web 2.0 applications including SocialRank and BlinkList. We’re experimenting with inventing entirely new applications and re-inventing old products into shiny new cutting edge tools.

Our weapons of choice are PHP, MySQL and Ajax and we apply a lot of code re-use and best practices from the Web 2.0 community.

The ideal candidate will have strong ER-modeling, database design, object oriented analysis and object oriented programming skills. Strong experience on MySQL and solid PHP and Java programming skills.

Everything else can be learned.

Skills Preferred – If you have these you are a great match.

XHTML, XML, Web Design, Advanced Database Design, Advanced SQL Knowledge, Object Oriented Javascript

Optional Skills – these will improve your odds of being accepted.

UI Design, Perl, Python, Knowledge of Google and APIs, Advanced CSS Skills, Knowledge of Testing Methodology, Framework Development and Improvement

Are You a Match for MindValley?

The ideal candidate has a combination of these five personality traits:

1. Intense Drive and Ambition.

2. High Creativity and the Mind of an Inventor.

3. A Desire to Change the World by Creating Products That Will Better the Lives of Millions

4. Strong Skills in Database Design

5. Intense Drive to Learn New Skills

You gain bonus points if any of the following describes you:

1. You’ve written your own internet or desktop apps and shared this on the Web with the General Public.

2. You have made money through your website, through selling your own internet apps or through your own IT related consulting business.

3. You constantly check out new internet startups, mashups, and blogs to learn about the latest web and database engineering tools and hacks.

4. You were considered one of the brightest kids in High School/University.

5. You speak fluent English.

6. You look at websites and think “this sucks, their DB design is horrible, I could re-design this to make it much faster and far more scalable”.

7. You love challenging authority, are not afraid to question your boss and look down on average programmers.

8. You hate traditional workplaces and wonder why Malaysian companies can’t treat their employees the way Google or Yahoo does.

We don’t care about your field of study, grades, age or work experience as long as you’re a brilliant coder, hyper creative and a team player.

You must speak English – fluently. No other languages needed.

Your Perks

If you make our team, we’ll provide you a high-end laptop you can take home, a dedicated server, all the sugary, caffeinated beverages you need, a docking bay for your iPod and a beautiful office. You’ll work in a Silicon Valley style environment with amazing people from around the world, and help us build the next great Internet business. And that’s not to mention the free food, dinners in 6-star hotels, paid-for Island retreats, parties at Luna Bar and the other fun events that MindValley regularly organizes for its crew.

We’ll also pay you competitively plus grant you stock options.

This is the job database engineers dream about.

Upgrade Your Life and Join MindValley.

Need More Reasons to Quit Your Current Job and Work for Us?

Here’s Top 10 Reasons to Be Part of MindValley.

1. Freedom: We understand that brilliant people hate rules and shackles and desire the freedom to do their work, in their way. We let you create your own work hours as long as they are fine with your team mates.

2. Thinking BIG!: We’re not aiming to create an email software, we’re aiming to create the biggest revolution in email since Gmail. We’re not content with creating blogging tools, we aim to create the World’s first “intelligent” blog. When we build an e-commerce site, we aim to put it in the top 1% of sites for performance rates. We aim to be as influential in improving people’s lives through technology as Yahoo, Google or Apple. We love Big, Scary, Audacious Goals. Many people say we’re nuts. We consider this a compliment.

3. Profitability: We’re fully profitable, and continue to see our profits grow by at least 100% year-to-year.

4. Great People: We hire only the best. For a typical position we shift through 100 resumes and interview at least 10 people. Make it in, and you’ll be working with some of the best minds in the business. We understand that “A” people attract “A” people.

5. Treats: We treat our employees well. This includes occasional concert tickets, Starbucks coffee, dinners and drinks and parties. In the last quarter we’ve tossed company parties in Luna Bar, taken our whole team to first Tioman then Redang and rewarded employees with trips to Bali. Our founders have worked at Microsoft and eBay and believe in the Silicon Valley model of treating Great People (see #4) in Great Ways.

6. Creativity: We let you spend 15% of your time each week working on your own projects or inventions. If your project is successful, we’ll help you launch it. We’ve modeled this after Google and 3M’s style of nurturing creativity within the organization.

7. Stability: We’ve never taken a drop of investment and so have no investors to pull the plug on us. Our business also spans multiple industries such as internet marketing, product development, publishing and coding. This protects us from short term market trends in any one industry.

8. Fun: We put the “Fun” in “Business Fundamentals”. Don’t get us wrong – we’re a disciplined, well-oiled engine of growth. But we believe that business should be fun and people should look forward to going to work each day.

9. Idealism: 100% of our employees have spent significant time volunteering or working for non-profits. We started this business to change the world. As a result, we will devote our time and attention to causes that may not
bring in short term profits, but may result in positive social change.

10. Entrepreneurship: We understand that great people dream of starting their own companies. We help you attain this dream. We provide training and mentorship to help you grow. We do not require any employees to sign a bonding
contract (we find this practice ridiculous). Simply, put, you’re free to learn from us and then move on when you’re ready and start your own business – with our blessings. We respect entrepreneurship.

How to Apply

To apply, submit your resume and cover letter via

To improve your odds of being accepted, answer the following in your cover letter.

1. Why do you think MindValley is a Good Match for You.

2. Why do you consider yourself a Brilliant Web Developer and Database Engineer? (don’t be modest now).

Qualified candidates will be contacted for interviews.

We look forward to receiving applications from qualified Candidates.

Vishen M Lakhiani

Co-Founder and Director

PS – if you find this ad funny, interesting or unusual, please help us spread the word by posting this on your blog or website and emailing your friends about this position. We’ll love you to bits and you just might help someone find a dream job.


Offline blogging tools

On July 19, 2007, in General, My Work | Technolgoy, by Kok mING

Hey folks! Do you know about offline blogging or remote blogging? Are you using any applications / programs to blog offline? Well, I am.

I am using a free offline/remote blogging tool name Windows Live Writer (to-date release is Beta 2) from Writer Zone.

Another option for offline blogging is to use the Microsoft Words 2007. Yes! It is equipped with the blog-post feature if you have not discover it! It is very handy. Yeah! Now you can blog from your office! No longer worry about bosses checking on you because you are using the Microsoft Words, it don’t make you looks very suspicious! The more you use it, the more hardworking you are. LoL!

First for the Windows Live Writer, it is really a convenient tool. You can setup and synchronize your account easily including,, and other blog service provider who support/provides the standard blogger API for offline blogging!

More benefits of Live Writer from can be found here and here. I am lazy today… very lazy. I don’t feel like saying much… perhaps too much posts for 2 weeks 😛

Check on the screen-shots below. Even though Windows Live Writer beta 1 is sucks BUT Windows Live Writer beta 2 is cool with a lot of enhancements (Thumbs up for the development team)! It is even cooler because it is free! I definitely hopes it will be included into every version of Microsoft Windows Vista for FREE!

You can save your blog into your local hard disk drive. You can post the draft and edit online! The best feature is you can retrieve up to 500 posts from your blog! I know for some free blog service providers do not offer back up service or do not offer really-user-friendly import and export services. Now, with this feature, you can download your blog post with the WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get) view! It is very convenient for the blogger who do not know much about blog database! For me, I have two blogs running. This one you are reading is the main site, I have another spaces as a backup mirror or phishing point! I just need to write an article once but post it twice and viola! I got a backup spaces in a blink of eye!  



Yeah! I know you want to know how to blog from Microsoft Words 2007. You must be shouting “Hell! Where is the blog-post feature?! I can’t find it!!! You big fat Liar!!!!”

Oppsss. It isn’t my fault if you cannot get it. You need to spend a little more time because Microsoft did put in a lot of efforts to confuse you with their new and enhanced user interface… See the screen-shot below and you will know how to get it by clicking the New button from the menu!




Just like most offline blogging tools, you will need to setup your blog account with Microsoft Words 2007. Shit… Account setup again! They never know we are so stupid! We just want to use it! Setup and configure is always done by the gardeners who live behind our houses!!!

Okay. No worry on this! It is a known-issue that you have no time to Google about it. So you can click here to learn the so-easy setup procedure…

If you really don’t know how to do the account setup, I will be okay to help you with a little fees. 😀 (Yeah, that’s my main motive to post this easy-to-understand but difficult-to-implement post!) LoL :xd:


Happy Offline Blogging!





On July 19, 2007, in Life style, Love, Recommended, by Kok mING


爱是一幅幅的华丽梦想, 还是一丝丝的痛心回忆 ?








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