If you are puzzled to see my handsome image display on every comment that I reply. I can tell that you can do the same! You can have your avatar display on my blog!!

Okay. Sound interesting? It is a free service provided http://www.gravatar.com .

All you need to do it to register an account over there. Then upload your most handsome or cuties or pretties avatar picture or photo into it! When you make any comment to my blog, you just fill up the email address that you applied for gravatar service. Your mo mo mo mo most  handsome or cuties or pretties avatar will be display in your comment automatically 😀 Sound amazing?

Gravatar is widely applied by many website. You can use it to display your avatar if the website support this gravatar feature 😀

Try it now. I will answer your question if you do not know how to get it done 😀


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