差点忘记了要和你们分享瘦身的秘诀。 哈哈! 对不起啦。 迟写好过没写嘛。
在现今的时代,减肥已经是过时了。 瘦身才是IN的说法!很明显的, 减肥已经不再是肥人的专利了。 每个人都为了完美的体态而加入瘦身的行列。

如果你看了我不再是以前的我,现在的我又是谁。。。 你应该知道我也是瘦身成功的一分子。现在让我和你分享瘦身的秘诀。

秘诀一: 决心

秘诀二: 恒心

秘诀三: 不灰心!



基本上,每个人都对瘦身的步骤廖若指掌。 可是你是否是说就天下无敌, 做就无能为力的人种啊?如果你是。。。 请你把你的决心拿出来。 勇敢的挑战自我吧!首先为自己设立一个目标例如要去掉20公斤的赘肉。 你自己想一个期限给自己吧。 我通常都不鼓励短时间的瘦身,因为要瘦的健康,你是要时间让自己的身体适应饮食的改变的。

到了这里, 请把你的恒心搬出来。 瘦身就像和自己对战。 你有多长命, 这场战争就有多长。。。虽然你知道如何瘦身但是我还是要告诉你有什么食物是你不可以吃的。 你要把快餐,咖哩, 甜食,汽水, 油腻的食物,炒粿條,Lasak, 还有很多很多高热量,高脂肪的食物也要戒掉。 多吃蔬菜, 水果和有益的饮料。

在我瘦身的期间,我把一切我喜欢的食物都戒掉了。 没有了下午茶,宵夜和零食! 我将食物的分量减半。可以的话, 也尽量一直将食物的分量减至和平常人一样。我在正餐之后也会有肚子饿的情况, 我会选择吃苹果还是喝中国茶。 绿茶也是不错的选择。我喜欢喝茶的习惯也是在瘦身的时候培养出来的。 呵呵!

在瘦身期间, 会有很多时候出现很多的诱惑!例如你下班到家或是友人的聚会, 发现餐桌上都是你爱的美食, 然后你就会有“今天吃多点, 明天不吃” 还是“吃了再减”的念头!各位, 如果你是这样的话, 我可以和你说你是没有决心和恒心平庸之辈。 我说了,瘦身是长久的战争,你的敌人就是无尽的食欲。 你要控制它。 不可以让他超越你!你不需要患上厌食症, 可是你要抗拒对自己不利的食物!如果你可以超越食欲, 我敢保证你一定能成功!!因为我曾经也是一个老饕, 吃猪肉一定要和厚厚的猪皮(油)一起入口, 才算香滑可口。 肯德基的炸鸡, 脆脆的外皮才是美味的所在。  香浓的咖哩汁, 淋在饭上或用面包沾汁最正点!还有很多很多。。。 可是现在我对这些食物也有所节制了。 吃多了,还是对身体不好的。。。 你们要知道吃的健康也可以吃出美味的 😀

最后, 就是不灰心! 这个最重要!我看过很多例子。。。 减肥一两个星期就放弃了。 原因是没有效果。。。之后就开始自暴自弃的暴饮暴食了! 哎哟!大哥大姐们!你们要想想啊。。。 你身上的赘肉也不是最近才跟上你的。 如果你想在区区的十几天就瘦身成功,我建议你去动手术更好。。。 我用了6个月来瘦身,然后还要一直的坚持健康的饮食习惯!

还有很多的事情啦。。。 我瘦身成功都没有靠“适当的运动”哈哈!所以很多人都说我的方法错了,不健康。。。 我不想辩驳, 因为事实就是一切!我成功了,你们还在那里“阿吱阿咗”。 你们要知道的事其实很简单。吃少一点就会瘦。 如果你说吃少了, 体重还是一直上升。 我很想问你。。。 如果你不吃, 体重还是会上升,你就是神了。。。 没有吸收哪有增长??

很多人都说我有病。。。 说我减肥过多了。 导致营养不良了。。。 这个。。。 我也不想辩驳啦。。。 我是有病啦! “钱不够用”的病啦。 你每天买2桶家庭装的肯德基给我吃啦。 你说的病就会好了。。。 试问没有钱去吃好料, 哪里会发胖?哈哈!


现在开始把目标明确化! 不要灰心,用你的决心恒心还有时间的把自己的外在美找回来!!


I see myself…

On June 11, 2007, in English, General, Life style, by Kok mING

Last week. As my urge to gain up-to-date knowledge. I went to attend a course at Info-Trek …

The course name MCSA 2003 (Microsoft Certified System Administrator 2003). I am a MCSE 2000 holder… well. On top of that, I am a MCDBA 2000 too.

MCSA course is some what a beginner course for MCSE … Haha… I consider to take the course because I think it might be better for me to go outside rather than doing nothing at home… Furthermore, I needs not to pay a single cent except my transportation and food.

First day of the course… very long hours… schedule from 9am to 9pm… Wahhhh ok… 12 hours. Something interesting. I never whine for long hours. We started the class… well… Obviously, the instructor is dragging the time… Class started 9:30am for 1 hour then break 30 minutes… resume for another 1 hour… then lunch break for 2 hours. Wuahahaha… I don’t know what I am suppose to do… really time wasting… and hi-tea break 30 minutes… dinner break 2.5 hours… well… if you add up everything. It is actually 9am-5pm enough for everything… 🙁

Anyway, forget about the course 🙂 because I quit at the 2nd day… Sorry lah… The MCSA material is really too beginner for me… I am sorry 🙁 I admit that I am lazy now.

I met quite a lot of new friends. They are fresh graduates… yes. Fresh graduates… They flash back my memory… 6 years ago! (ohhh after a long story telling… finally I manage to TOUCH the title). I see myself.

They are a bunch of nice guys and girls… All graduated from UTAR… unemployed and eagerly for a job. None notice I am already 28 years old hahaha. Funny enough. Well. After some chats with them. I see my past. I just looks like one of them. Eager for job. Worry about jobless after graduate. Scared of not competitive enough compare to other college/university graduates. Whines for money not enough. And so on so forth. Haha.

Since I gone through these stages… I share my experience with them by saying something like no need to rush for a job because it is a LONG life for job … and spend some times for travel in order to see the world… haha. All my advises sound familiar because exactly 6 years ago, someone elder than me used to tell me that… and now the situation changed to be I am the elder one…

Anyway, nothing much for the course itself but it do kill some of my time and I get the opportunity to mix with youngster once more time ahaha. You have to know… not always that you will be surrounded by a group of youngster! 🙂


Miscellaneous updates from Kok mING

1. Job Hunting
    Ehhhhh. I applied quite a number of jobs. But none reply… so… I think I have to wait for my chance. I did what I can. Perhaps it is time for me to do something which you think I must do. I am open for suggestions. Please leave your comment.

2. My life 
    Hm. It is still ok. I am doing good. Even though I am unemployed but I really do not feel that I am wasting my time/life as you guys imagine. Every day is a new day for me. Previously, my job is so busy or take up so much time of mine. It made me no time to look backwards or around me. Now I got the time to do so. I realize that it is a lot of things that I have missed out during these years… for example that my dad is really putting HARD effort to earn the living for the family during these years… My mom is really doing housework and cooking whole day… My house can be silence as heaven during noon time… My nieghbour has nice cars..

Well. A boring post. Because I have to write something to let you know that I am still alive 😛

Currently I am working on the new application – DatukGong ahaha. Well. I talk about it more on my next post 🙂

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