Will you join us back in future?

On March 8, 2007, in My work, by Kok mING

Ok… I met some colleagues. They asked me the same question…

Will you join us back in future?

My answer is no. Definitely a big NO NO. I would not do that because as I can tender my position now. It means I has nothing to hope or dream with this career. Even though, I decline this situation but I do open for partnership or joint venture with them. I do not want to work without authority and my own voices! I always believes that I can issue better command compare to them!

You may wonder why I am so confident to give a negative feedback to this question.

Simply because, if I do re-join the company with the same position again. Then, why I have to resign at the first place? It is time-wasting if I retake the same damn job and task. Why should I leave if I wanted to re-join in future? Totally out of the question to ask for re-join.

I don’t even think about counter-offer. Yes, I love money but please spare me a little self-respect. Simply because money cannot buy my career. I would not cheap-sell my career or “time”!

I join with a keen mind and I will leave with a keen mind too! No more no less.


Me.Real @ Today

On March 8, 2007, in My work, by Kok mING

Something I must share with you. I am kinda happy with that. Simply because I have myself back to who I am!

Story goes with the E.D. (Executive Director) from a subsidiary of the Group. I, the M.D. (Messaging Director) of another subsidiary of the group. Here is the scenario.

I tried to format a computer for fuck sake and installed the AutoCad 2002 for fun sake. Around 1PM, they , E.D. and another girl, come into the office after lunch, obviously I am kinda moody where that computer “delay” my lunch hour. This E.D. straight away ask me without seeing or knowing what I am doing.

=========== QUESTIONS ===========

E.D.: This computer got problem.

E.D.: Can you fix it?

E.D.: How long we bought this computer?

E.D.: Can you exchange a new one for me?

E.D.: Why Dell cannot exchange? This is a new computer!

E.D.: I bought this computer with full of trouble and it is wasting your time to fix it now. Go and exchange a new one for me.

E.D.: Are you sure the warranty cannot claim for a new replacement of this?

E.D.: It gives us a lot of trouble.



You have all the questions remembered? Now I am going to show you different version of answer which I will MOST likely say it. I have 2 version of answer which is Before Resignation and After Resignation.


=========== Before Resignation===========

E.D.: This computer got problem.
Me: Ya. I am checking on it.

E.D.: Can you fix it?
Me: Of course, you can trust me!

E.D.: How long we bought this computer?
Me: Let me check with Purchasing Department and feedback to you.

E.D.: Can you exchange a new one for me?
Me: I will call Dell and try my best for it! No worry.

E.D.: Why Dell cannot exchange? This is a new computer!
Me: Oh… I am sorry for that. Perhaps I will write a formal letter to them in order to show our disatisfaction towards their product.

E.D.: I bought this computer with full of trouble and it is wasting your time to fix it now. Go and exchange a new one for me.
Me: Sure sure.

E.D.: Are you sure the warranty cannot claim for a new replacement of this?
Me: Please allow me to take some times to discuss with our Dell Account Manager.

E.D.: It gives us a lot of trouble.
Me: I am sorry for any inconvenience.



Hm… Sound nice and gentle? But not for today since I throw my resignation letter before Chinese New Year! Read below! This is my REAL conversation with her. This makes the Malay girl besides her keep staring on me. Perhaps I spoke these with very cool and cold voice.

=========== After Resignation ===========

E.D.: This computer got problem.
Me: Perhaps. I am not sure.

E.D.: Can you fix it?
Me: I am looking into it. But right now has no problem.

E.D.: How long we bought this computer?
Me: You can ask Purchasing Department. I don’t remember any purchase.

E.D.: Can you exchange a new one for me?
Me: No.

E.D.: Why Dell cannot exchange? This is a new computer!
Me: Because it has no problem right now!

E.D.: I bought this computer with full of trouble and it is wasting your time to fix it now. Go and exchange a new one for me.
Me: I can get you Dell Service Center number. You can call them by yourself. But I advise you not to call because as far as I understand that Dell has no “exchange” or “money back” policy for unknown reason.

E.D.: Are you sure the warranty cannot claim for a new replacement of this?
Me: The product warranty is clearly stated Parts and Labour.

E.D.: It gives us a lot of trouble.
Me: [I am lazy to entertain her. I keep quiet and her face turn bad due to my cool attitude. She sit in her room and I finish my stuff and go lunch with a peace of mind!]



Haha. Although it is not something notable but I really feel happy about it! Speak my mind without hesitation! I have no worry on any bad comments 😀 hehe. That’s her problem where she don’t have the right inter-personal skill but still wanted to act big!

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