Hey folks! I’m back with the PC FAIR Booth Babes. After some months of waiting and its back! (Get some flashback here.)
This PC Fair is awesome! A lot of photographers, bloggers and amateur a.k.a. me are there to enjoy the PC Fair atmosphere!
I have to say, this round, more lovable pretty+hot babes. You must go if you haven’t!
Let’s not waste our life.
Show time!! :xd:
Right before the first entrance, 2 sweet Lenovo girls smiling to us. | This is from OKI with Japanese costume. | I liked the girl on the left hand side. Big eyes sweet smile. They are from P! WiMAX. |
This is Sony Vaio. As usual, good pick on booth babe! They looks great! | She is from Acer. Nice smiling. | Acer again~~ Liked the girl on left hand side too. Haha! What’s wrong with me? All left… |
She is from HP. Looks corporate? | Very friendly babe from BenQ. | Haha! I liked this pose. Acer’s booth babes are everywhere too! |
She is from MyCNX.com (online game company). Looks Hot! | Wow! We are just in time to catch all! :hahaha: | Wuahahaha! Feeling lucky today? :goodjob: |
HTC babes! Looks cool. Perhaps too tired? | HTC Babes too! They are with great smiles! | Gigabyte. |
Angel?! From PC.COM.(They are running great promotion!) | Nice post! Sony Camera booth. | Haha. To take her photo, rounded the booth twice… Buddy want to take her photo~ |
Wuahahaha! Right before we left, they show up! Of course, without second thought, I ran up on stage for photo. :xd: | The girl is very very good looking! | Microsoft! Looks mature but OK! |
Nurses gang! | Hahah. Just for your laughter! | WTF?! Reach there around 11:30AM. Already “people mountain people sea!” |
To be frank, I walked 3 hours inside KLCC. But worth it! I enjoy it and bought some cheap stuffs too! If you were there, I do hope you have the same or greater experience than me!
That’s all for now.
Happy commenting!
它回来了!大马电脑展再度降临了!等了几个月还是值得的~ (看看 flashback.)
值得一提的是,这次美女云集啊~~~ 不去就错失良机咯!
这是在入口处的两位Lenovo 美女在向我们微笑。 | 这是OKI的和服少女。 | 我喜欢最左边的那位。。。大眼睛还有甜美的笑容~~ |
哇!!! Panasonic Lumix的美女真的让很多摄影师都围着她们拍照啊!!好漂亮!! | 哦… Samsung Mobile… 为什么不看镜头呢? 😥 | Okay… Kaspersky 的护士。到处可见哦!呵呵。 |
Sony Vaio 的女生都很不错哦! | Acer的笑容好灿烂。 | 又是来自Acer的美女。首选最左边的那位。。。我到底怎么啦?今天似乎对左边的女生情有独钟的。。。 |
HP的美女~ | 她非常的友善,来自BenQ. | 哈哈!我喜欢这个POST。 Acer的美女也是到处可见的。呵呵! |
她是MyCNX.com的 (线上游戏). 辣妹哦~~~ | Wow!大合照啊! :hahaha: | 哇哈哈哈哈! 今天幸运女神向我招手了?:goodjob: |
这是HTC那里拍的。 很酷哦。可能是累了吧! | 也是HTC的。但是她们的笑容很好哦~ | Gigabyte. |
天使?! PC.COM的。 | Sony Camera 的美女. | 哈哈~~ 为了拍她的照片,走了两圈咯。。。 |
哇哈哈哈哈哈!就在我们要离开的时候,他们出现了。我想都不想的跑了上去拍照! :xd: | 那个女孩好美啊~~希望小公主会比她更美哦! | 微软!有点熟女的感觉~ |
哇!护士帮!! | 哈哈!大马电脑展有“鸡”卖?? | 一大早就已经人山人海咯。。。 |
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