Today, the 10th day without my Streamyx connection @ home.

I know you miss me… I know you cannot live without me… I know the cyberspace without me is so colourless… but what I can do? 🙁 I am so sorry because you still have to wait me longer…

Wuahahahahahahah the above is the opening only… just to lead you into a non-sense mode to download the voice clip below! 😛

Started from 10 days ago,  each day, I spend 1 hour to talk with the Streamyx customer service team. From 1st level front desk support to high level Operation Manager… The battle is still on-going between us.

A lot of people do not know how to get > attention < for their issues or they simply give up to at least try their best to fight for the their very own consumer rights. You gotta know… Living in this materialistic world, we MUST demand what we deserve! The more you tolenrate, the bigger time you lose up!

I am not an very good speaker but I think I am up to the certain standard to grab those douchebags’ attention to resolve my problem. I manage to get the mp3 recorder from David and record some significant voice clip for educational purposes!

Download and listen if you want to know how I fight against those douchebags! Listen at your own risk… I do not responsible for any mental or physo problem of yours after listening to my Mal-Lish!!!

Clip with the File name Ms Z – 17.15 minutes.mp3 is the conversation between me with thier supervisor. This clip is able to give you some hints on how to get the chance to speak to Operation Manager.

Ms Z – 17.15 minutes .mp3

Clip with the file name Shantira – 5.57 minutes.mp3 is the conversation between me and the operation manager. Woo Hoo! that’s something remarkable… Shantira sounds very helpful and very impressive. 🙂 That’s the operation manager style haha.

Shantira – 5.57 minutes.mp3

Clip with the file name Patric 2.19.mp3 is the conversation between me and Patric, another supervisor from the customer service team. Nothing much to speak because I bet my hope on Shantira already ahahahaha 😀

Patric 2.19.mp3

After the 3 calls! YES, finally a technician name Indran contact me and inform me that my connection is fixed. Unfortunately, I am not at home now… So I cannot test it. Anyway, I am happy that my voice did went through and their response fast enough today! 🙂 I am happy to speak with the 3 people above haha.

Last but not least, I stress the voice clips above is intented for educational purpose only. Any mis-conduct caused by the above media files, please report to me so I can erase them. If someone re-produce the file or use it else where, please sue them! I hold no responsibilities on any mis-uses or illegal uses of these voice clips. It is intended to educate my fellow readers only. 🙂


3 Responses to Battles against TM Net – Kok Ming vs Streamyx CustCare Team – 10th Day

  1. Kok Ming says:

    I change the wave file format to mp3 format due to too many complaints of file cannot be listen 🙁

    My bad… I am so sorry .

  2. f1 says:

    Just finished listen to those conversations.
    To drag your problem for 10 days is very unacceptable!
    Those TMNuts people is known to their slow response.
    You are the first person I know that able to reach operation manager. Well done!
    If there’s other options than TMNut, pls by all means, CHANGE!

  3. Kok Ming says:

    The longest downtime was 62 days :S

    Well… next month… December 2006. I can celebrate my anniversary of TMNet subscription with compliment of 3 months downtime… har har har… funny….. not!

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