Camp Forest Dinner (Vegetarian)

On September 11, 2007, in Chinese, English, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING



A few weeks ago, Shelly read about my Char Siew blog post. We started a food related conversation… 


 (按图片放大/click to enlarge)


如果她要写食物的部落格,肯定是失败的。。。 因为她用了一个很大的空碗的照片来介绍话题中的餐厅。。。 :sweat:

If she is going to write a food blog, definitely she will fail miserably… It is because she sent me a big empty bowl to recommend this restaurant to me… :sweat:


但是话题中的CAMP FOREST的餐厅,就真的在我家的附近,也有很多次想去光顾的了。听了Shelly的“介绍”,我也更有兴趣的了。

But the Camp forest restaurant that we chat about is really nearby my house, it happens that I wanted to visit it for some times. After Shelly‘s recommendation, it raise my urge to maximum level.


就在星期日的晚上,家里没有煮饭,我们就到了Camp Forest试试了。

Last Sunday night, home has no dinner, we departed to Camp Forest for dinner!



The theme of the restaurant is Forest, this is a very environment friendly restaurant, it only sells organic vegetables. At the bottom of each table, they burn the mosquito coil (Shieldtox), so the customer can enjoy the environment without being bitten by the mosquito! Not bad at all.




看了餐牌,点了鱼排套餐(Fish and Chip) 和 肉骨茶!看了食物的卖相,真的开不出是素食品啊!好厉害啊!!

After going through the menu, we picked the Fish and Chip and Bak Kut Teh (white rice included). Judging from the outlook appearance of the food. It really cannot differentiate it is a vegetarian food! Very nice presentation!



Soup of the Bak Kut Teh taste very good compare to the Aeroplane Bak Kut Teh!! Its real, I did not lie to you! Without the meat as ingredient, still can make the food tasty as real, it is not a easy job at all!



The portion for Fish and Chip is more than enough for a person, this is a dish that can feed you full! Although the price is slightly higher compare to the real meat meal, but judging from the vegetarian food point of view and the size of it, it is already worth the price. Furthermore, it comes with dessert! What can we complaint?



The food are tasty! Friendly waiters!


Price as below: 

鱼排套餐 (Fish and Chip)  - RM17.90

肉骨茶 (Bak Kut Teh) - RM 7.90





另外,这家餐厅的甜品竟然有卖巧克力喷泉(Chocolate fondue)!。。。 。。。 最后一张是拍爽的,但是却是当晚最清晰的,拍食物和场景的都是免强而已。。。唉~~~ 还要继续的摸索相机的功能了。。。

Other than that, this restaurant got sell the Chocolate Fondue (without ice cream)… … The last photo is taken for fun, but it is the most clear photo for the night… The photo about food and venue is still below the par…

Aih~~~ still need to further explore the feature of my new camera. 


以下的地图是从Google Earth里抓出来的。用里面的坐标然后自己在Google Earth里看看吧。

The map is as below… From Google Earth. Get the coordinate and see it yourself  :xd:


PS: Bi-lingual post just because of Shelly is involved and she cannot read Mandarin… So… you see a post like this :xd:


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4 Responses to Camp Forest Dinner (Vegetarian)

  1. sonia says:

    食物幾好味都好,聞到D 蚊香味..吔胃口都冇晒啦@-@

  2. Kok mING says:

    但是基本上, 那里的食物味道不错,可惜的是没有香味。。。 你知道啦,素食嘛。。。

  3. shelly says:

    OI….manyyak la u..i was just differentiating to u their bowl sizes ba..hahaha..telling u my experience is different from ‘recommending’ wan u know..hahahaha..

    yeah, friendly indeed ths staff..did i tell u already that when we saw the rat running down from the railings, the staff came running and said "dont be scared, dont be afraid, ngo dei yong geh, goh lou shu(the rats r our pets)..we laughed till non stop

    then, they ‘friendly’ till they offered to take pic of us with their cams when we were ss-ing. friendly o?

    But the food, looks not bad many kinds did u eat man!!!


  4. Kok mING says:


    I got your meaning now. haha friendly to take your photo with their cam? hehehe. Or "more friendly" because of you?

    I ordered fish and chip (set dinner) and a bowl of bak kut teh! 😀

    It taste nice!

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