Many people asked me “why I seldom or hardly post/share more things happen around me as compare to last time.”
The answer is obvious yet it is difficult to tell. It is like a celebrity, your actions are being watched, monitored and attention of the crowd always follow it.

There are many things happening around me which it more colorful than the picture posted, more tastier than the food you liked and more informative compare to the junk feed you read everyday.

Frankly, surrounded by people who care about you is a gift. Sadly, when people turn sick (mentally) , it didn’t take a big crowd to destroy the peace, only 1 is enough and deadly.

Facebook is always a fun place for me to tease and joke with my friends with nonsense or something not serious. Always a place for me to share my view of things happened. As time goes on, people getting serious on Facebook posts, comments, likes, and followers. While I remains the same, taking it not seriously.

Along the years, I noticed some had unfriended me because they dislike my comments when they simply need “like” only. They didn’t want constructive feedback but rather to seek more attentions and the like-minded people to share the posts for more and more attentions…

I noticed people blocked me for reasons that I will not find out… You don’t not need to set me to another group but to unfriend me whenever you want. Simply because setting to other group make it so obvious when our mutual friends see your posts while I am not… That’s stupid Facebook, right?

At times, I get warning for posting thoughts or picture of my work or work place. You know, this is the celebrity life, there are always haters around you. After all, I am still a big fan of Justin Bieber, alright? If you get what I mean… People following you not only to share your happiness nor want to contribute to your life. Simply because they want more chances to bring you down, destroy your reputation and make you in troubles. Even if I make a trip or vacation that can translate to “I am not hardworking or not committed when people need me but I am away”. Just an example, don’t take it  seriously,it has not happen to me, trust me.

Lastly, the world has not change, technology advances, only the people are changing, being controlled by the misleading information or abuse the technology to do malicious stuffs.

If you are to ask me again why my Facebook only contains mostly food and never as fun / enjoyable to read on… My reply is – Please meet me face to face and have a cup of coffee, I promise endless conversations with only joy and fun.

Have fun my friends! May your surrounding grow no haters!

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