I got my hair cut today

On September 29, 2007, in English, General, Life style, Life style | Hair, by Kok mING

Hey folks! Long time no see? or its a norm that you start to come here in weekly basis rather than daily? :circle:

Ah~ I got my hair cut today. As usual, pricey cutting but looks nice! :ohoho1:

Fast… very fast… time past without any sight. It is end of September 2007 already. :nooo:

First of all, my blog is not doing well… in terms of visitors count :coldsweat: Ya… I know my lazy ass caused that… I really need to spend more times to update more frequent!

Speaking of time, my new job killing up my times fast! The schedules is packed. The job started to be more demanding as it should. Soon to be overloaded but I am still good!

I were in a Mentoring Training 2 days ago. It was a great training where the trainer taught us on how to be a MENTOR in a structured way. :glass:

Haha! Holy shit! MENTORING is such a abstract subject but you can do it in a structured way… That’s the charm of human’s ability to turn something intangible into tangible subject with a ‘value’ on it. Cool, I must say! This is definitely a new thing for me to justify something never able to quantify, measure or present.

Again… this month salty and klesk started their career in a new place. Salty finally found her dream place to work :xd: . As well as klesk is enjoying the new job environment too. Opps. I know you have no interests to know about these two n00bs life but they are my loyal readers. So give face a little laaaaaa, ok? Haha. I still have a lot of loyal fans, don’t be angry if your name is not here. I will do it next time! :xd:

My schedule for next month is fixed… packed with messes and shit-load of troubles. I want to blog about my thoughts on the few recent news but … time…

Dudes! Be good and stay well until my next post.


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