
On March 30, 2014, in Chinese, General | Awareness, by Kok mING



在MH370的事件上,我们也许可以看到了一些异曲同工的地方,那就是将事件的进展不断的拖,让焦点一直往错误的方向衍生。 如果这只是马来西亚的问题,我肯定结局的就是不了了之。

可是,世界都在看,无论如何,都不可以让大马的政府就这样带过。我不同意中国的朋友要打压马来西亚的国民,因为一个国航的失误就问罪于全部的马来西亚公民, 这是冲动又不理智的,可能大家对马来西亚的政府在处理这件事故的手法(手段)非常不满。身为马来西亚公民的我,也像你们一样心情与对事件的不满。无奈的,我们做不了什么,太黑暗了,马来西亚人民的声音被灭了。虽然我不认为真相大白了,但是还是要说的是,一架飞机失踪了这么久,做最坏的打算也是一种解脱。



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On March 16, 2014, in Chinese, General | Discussion, by Kok mING

很久以前,一位好朋友告诉我。 可以用念力来实现你的愿望。


他说只要每天临睡前,用10分钟来想你的愿望,日子久了就会实现了。当初我是半信半疑的。。。 十几年后的现在,回想起来,觉得还是有效!







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On March 8, 2014, in English, General, General | Discussion, Uncategorized, by Kok mING

Human communicate via different languages, people with good speaking skill tends to in the spotlight.

In today’s topic, I would like to highlight on another skill which is Listening. Communication is 2-way, needless to say, it requires more than one people to start any communication.

A complete communication cycle involve transmit (speak) and receive (listen) . Complete doesn’t mean effective, also an effective communication is not always time-bound, it is depends on how both party interpret and understand the messages.

Most people say speaking skill is very important where it helps to initiate any verbal communication. I agree, in return, I must stress the listening skill is equally important too.

How many times, you’ve met with people who keep saying (instructing) you to do things but refused or failed to accept your feedback? They have good listening capability but they do not want to hear or listen from you. This can be due to many reasons such as social status, corporate ranking, personality, age differences and others. At such, these people often unable to have a very good or smooth relationship with others. Likewise, they are probably not suitable to be a team player.

Listening skill is a gift, you have to equip with a open heart to be able to listen the true voices. Many great leaders are successful because they listen and react accordingly. Many bad leaders failed because they refuse to listen but to keep their direction to the dead end. If Obama didn’t listen the needs of American, do you think he will be able to be the first black president of U.S.A. ?

Frankly, you do not need to react to everything you listen. This is part of the listening skill, some times, it requires more than listening skill to start an action. Well, that would be another topic on how to interpret and understand messages.

Last but no least, I listen to you and I never demand you listen to me. The biggest value of communication is to make one(s) understand the message regardless the language competency of both parties.

I hope you enjoy the reading and discover that being quiet and listen could be the important part of communication.

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