Flashback 2009

On December 15, 2009, in General, General | History, by Kok mING

Another year is approaching to the end. For me, this year looks like a year of change, been into a lot of issues, joyful moments and pressures too.

Let’s start doing a few flashback before the new year resolution 🙂

Start with the Longest Chinese New Year holiday that I ever enjoy during my career life. That is from the 1st to 15th day of January in lunar calendar! I wonder when I can have a holiday as long as this again…

Some weeks after my long holiday, with the correct timing, I got promoted to Professional Services Manager. A managerial role which most people dream of. This is another significant milestones for my career too.

More good news to come! My son, Zhe Yu, arrive on the labor day. Along with my daughter, both of them make up a “ 好”word in Mandarin :-)  . At the age of 30, I have a happy family, sustainable income and lots of friends. My life is perfect!

Since a lot of good news for the first half… there must be some bad news to balance it. During the July – August, I were knocked out by the Hand Foot Mouth decease which also granted me a few paid holiday. LoL.

Well, one year must travel once! That’s the statement from my wife. This year, we landed in Krabi, a very relax place with fantastic scenery and tasty food!

Due to the change of office location, I had no choice but to join the Proton army. I am now own a Saga! Let’s hope it last for another 30 years! LoL.

Work wise, I had completed a project for Netgear with the PM role. This is a project that really brighten up my profile! There are not much of people has this kind of commercial experiences with world class player! Also, this is a project with interesting technology, too bad I could not stay until I watched it go for the public release…

Another memorable moment, I had a handshake and chit-chat New Zealand prime minister. Although I am just a small potato but I feel happy and honor too.

Okay, on middle of November, I had tendered my manager seat and take up an offer to be a software developer again. Talk about rapid changes huh? This is shortest notice that I ever serve which is 2 weeks!

Many people say it is a waste to give up the bright career… very few sincerely wish me all the best on it. Perhaps you see this is not a wise move but at times we do not have a choice too. At least, you could have ask me on the reason for favoring such option before commenting on my decision 🙂

WoW! Year 2009, it is definitely bring me a lot of memories… Been into up and down in many situations but still manage to survive. Let’s hope for a better year 2010!

Have you start to recall things happened in 2009 to see what you can do better? Have you started to plan for next year?


PC Fair December 2009

On December 7, 2009, in English, Life style, Life style | Events, by Kok mING

This is a long awaited event that I pinned into my calendar!

PC Fair is always has its charm on me. A few years ago, I shoot with Ixus 40 and later equip with my 450D. People do not understand why I am so interested and passionate into this… Some even say “Can’t you go on the street and just approach the pretty for a photo? Stop being a pathetic uncle and walk into crowd of youth”… So true and I must try it some days later! :happysigh:

You know… After shooting the event for a few times, it is kind of a must do activity… Beginning, it was merely for blogging the event beauty. Later it turns out to be a group activity. It has increase a lot of laughter and fun factor too. I simply enjoy the time that we walk and shoot in group, get a pose from the model and the moment we share the photos and comments. :hahaha:

Ok… enough “opening”. Let’s get into the content. 🙂

This time, although we still seeing a lot of old faces but we do notice that new faces popped up. :goodjob:

I picked some nicer shots to place into this entry, so it won’t overkill someone’s slow internet connection. The full album is available here!






As shown, 1 round will be 1.06KM, and we did 2 rounds. That quite some walking, hehe. The Gold-man photo is here because it does not fit into the babe catergory. :hohoho:



Lastly, it is my show time with the light saber!


That’s the end for this entry. I enjoyed it very much and I do hope the same on you too.

Happy commenting!

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