
On June 29, 2008, in Chinese, Site, Site | Announcement, by Kok mING


今年,像只牛一样的上班工作。。。 公司里充满了”灾难”的气息。:empty:

感觉到他们都要在今天痛快地大干一场啊~~~ :damn:

呵呵~ 还是静观其变吧 :namor:


说真的。。。 很多人都不相信我30岁了。。。说下说下,还是去看看自己的身份证! 哈哈!:xd:


德国餐 @ STADT

On June 21, 2008, in Chinese, English, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING



Today, we went to the STADT restaurant @ Kepong to try out the German cuisine. It was always my aim to try this because I wanted to try the German Pork Knuckle!! :finally:

The interior design of the restaurant is outstanding in the way that it successfully posed the look and feel of a foreign design. But I never been to German, so I would not know whether or not this is a good German design. The only not so good comment from me is that environment is too lousy. It spoiled the feel. The restaurant should closed the glass door and it can be more comfortable. The customer can enjoy their meal comfortably too.




我点了茉莉花茶,德国蜜糖猪手和白香肠!: he:

I ordered Jasmine Tea, German Pork Knuckle with honey and German White Sausage! :he:




Show time! This Pork Knuckle cost RM39.90. Although it is a luxury but can you see the crispy skin? The outlook appearance is a crime!



你瞧那多汁的猪手,它在强烈的呼唤你去咬一口啊!!香脆的皮和入口即化的口感,真的让我满足到不得了!RM39.90 是值得的!!:goodjob:

Look at the juicy meat, it is summoning you to take a bite of it! The crispy skin and the mouth melting taste, satisfying me till the max! RM39.90, worth the price!! :goodjob:



这个也是厨师推介的德国百香肠,RM17.90。一看到这个摆设,让我想起了时常在AFC (Asia Food Channel)里看到的高级菜肴。没有想到在Kepong,也有餐厅会注意到食物装盘的重要。这真的是色香味俱全啊!:38moe:

This is a chef’s recommendation too, German White Sausage, RM17.90. Look at the dishes, the display looks nice and colourful. It reminds me on the high class food that always show in AFC (Asia Food Channel). Never thought any restaurant in Kepong would care about this factor. This is a good dish (food)! :38moe:




这一餐花了RM67.90, 但是都是值得的!

5 分是满分。

食物:4 分

环境:4 分

服务:3.5 分


This lunch spent RM67.90, but worth the satisfaction!

If 5 points is maximum.

Food: 4 points

Environment: 4 points

Service: 3.5 points




This is a restaurant you would like to try! :bingo:





可是,如果你是一个完全对三国演义没有认识的观众,或是你可以接受歪曲了的三国。。。 这部电影绝对不失为一部好戏!









我为国家两胁插刀,国家为石油插我两刀。。。 :wall:

说真的,无能的政府和永远不会亏本的石油企业。我要对你们说:“Go to hell LAH!!!”    :car2:


New photo ~~

On June 6, 2008, in English, Site, Site | Announcement, by Kok mING

People start complaining on my photo :shy:

So I updated it~ :hahaha:


A little updates…

On June 5, 2008, in English, General, Life style, Site, by Kok mING

Hey folks! Its time again. Let’s go for Petrol Protest!! or start a Gasoline Rally, please!

I am sick of paying that much for petrol 😥

I find it very “coincident” that each year around April to July, it seems to be my “low tide” on luck…

Last year around this period, I was unemployed :shy:

This year… I mean this week, this blog went down for 2 days after the core/engine updates.

Follow by the petrol price jump up 40%… Sad news from the BolehLand. :cryrun:

Other than that, my ZTE ADSL modem, D Link 8 ports switch and 3Com network card are gone with the storm… :autism:

One lightning, triple kills! Fuck!! :onfire:

Earn money is very difficult and act-of-god make it even harder :yawn:

That’s all for now… Got to start praying for good luck to come soon ~~


dasBlog upgraded!

On June 1, 2008, in English, General, Site, Site | Announcement, by Kok mING

I happen to be quite free this weekend… wandering on my computers, checking for software updates. And I found dasBlog released a new version – 2.1.8102.813 !

Without a second thought, I downloaded it and install…

Bang! Right after the installation… domain IIS service down!

Contacted the support, restarted IIS. Sub domains went live but blog still down :cryrun:

After 9 hours of work around, finally revive the blog service but the security is broken :autism:

If you notice anything strange happens, please do contact me 🙂

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