
On February 17, 2008, in Chinese, English, Life style | Entertainment, by Kok mING


没错了!没有人会忘记陈冠希 (Edison Chan) 。

我好像成了“成人作品”咨询站。。。 每当类似事件发生时,朋友们都立刻的问我“在哪里可以看到?”



我想说的是陈冠希不是男人。虽然你默认了,但是你没有承担责任的勇气。 你是有责任把事情交待清楚。





Do you still remember me? ~ ~

Yes! No one will forget Edison Chen.

I seem to have become “adult art” information center. . . Whenever a similar time of the incident, the friends have asked me immediately, “Where can I see it?”

Oh, I really do not understand why this can be happen. . . Want to see a photo, go http://thegutterpost.blogspot.com . Definitely Not Safe For Work!

Edison Chen is not a man but rubbish. Although you admit it, but you do not have the courage to take responsibility.

As a man, you have the responsibility to explain things clearly.

Although the community will not forgive, but as a man, you take the greatest responsibility on your own fault!

Last but not least, I despise this kind of people! ! !

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