Le Classic

On November 10, 2007, in Chinese, English, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING

今天星期六,早上五点多就别公司的人吵醒了。明明是五天制的,但是我好像连续几个周末都被打搅了。。。而且还是七早八早的。 唉~~~~~

Today is Saturday, awaken by office phone calls at 5 A.M. It is clearly stated 5-days work, but it is continuously a few weekends that my weekend got disturbed… furthermore the timing is damn early… Haih~~~


言归正传,最近真的很多食店在Kepong开档了。 Le Classic 是其中一间。Le Classic 的装修简单,用了很多植物来美化但是摆设就差强人意了。。。 食物种类不算少,有套餐,很适合我。哈哈!

Back to the story, Recently, a lot of restaurants opens in Kepong. Le Classic happens to be one of them. The interior design is simple, uses a lot of plants to decorate it but the display impact is kind of below the par…  The variety of foods still ok, got set lunch, suitable for me. Haha! 




Ordered Japanese Style Chicken Rice and Curry Fish Slices Rice.




Japanese Style Chicken Rice taste  not too special but not bad either, it is like most of the others Japanese BBQ cooked Chicken lo… It is remarkable that this restaurant serve this with fried rice instead of normal steam rice. At least it worth the price!



咖哩鱼片饭的味道是老少咸宜的。不会辣但是还是非常送饭的。还是那一句啦。 饭太少了!!! 哈哈! 咖哩鱼片的咖哩就真的让我满意的。还有哦,你看看那个“碗”,像不像乞丐用来讨钱的工具啊??

Curry Fish Slices Rice tastes good for all. It is not spicy but still very good to consume it with steam rice. But still the same old sentence, “The rice is too little!!!” Haha! The portion of curry really satisfy me, can you see that bowl? Looks like the beggar’s bowl?



这就是“熊猫”先生了。。。 眼袋比眼睛还要大了。谁可以救我啊???

This is the almighty Mr. Panda… The eye pack is bigger than the eyes. Who can help me ah???


下雨天,没有拍到店门的正面。要吃就看GoogleMap吧。一个套餐 RM 9.90。


Its a rainy day, cannot take a clear front shop view. If you want to pay a visit, please refer to the GoogleMap. Set lunch at RM 9.90 each.

I give 5 points out of 10. (You see this is so boring and non-descriptive, it means really nothing special about this restaurant la.)



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2 Responses to Le Classic

  1. shelly says:

    That place looks familiar..Is it located near metroprima or the Prince or near MayFair? Corner Lot?

    The curry looks nice. Looks like Tom Yam also..fuahh..hungry…and please eat more..You look like so thin. I demand you give me your metabolism!!


    P/s: Dont worry..your eye problem..u r not the only one..HigH Five!!

  2. Kok mING says:

    Haha. The curry is not bad but not too good either… Just above the par only.

    You want my metabolism? Why you needs this old folk’s metabolism? It is very unlikely it can help to burn fat 😛

    I am eating a lot. Unless I every day eat KFC KFC KFC lo…

    The eye… I got the_eye! 🙁 help us~~~~~

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