
On July 18, 2007, in General, Recommended, by Kok mING







Kok mING不会骗你的。


Movie Wednesday? Cheaper ticket price? I asked a lot of people in my MSN on whether or not they know about this -> cheaper ticket price on Wednesday… It is soooooo sad because none of them knows it is only RM6 / ticket @ Wednesday for TGV cinemas! :coldsweat: Opps… sorry, perhaps they are too rich to know. After all, I am the only poor bastard living inside a cage who needs discount! :cryrun:

Ok… during my ticket price search! I bumped into a Transformers contest! Free contest and I don’t know what it will gives to the winner. Of course, I joined! :xd:

It is a crossword puzzle or something like that… I don’t know what it call anyway, paisehhhhhh :shy:

Immediately, I give my friend Google a call! :bingo: Of course seeking for his help! He is sooooo reliable and never fail me! :38moe: So, I got the answer with me! If you intended to join the contest. Be sure that you refer to the answers below. I throw no guarantee on these answers. 😎 Use it at your own risk!


1. The Autobots and the Decepticons, the two races of robotic aliens have waged a war against the universe.

2. What stands between the evil Decepticons and ultimate power is a clue held by Sam Witwicky .

3. Sam and his friend Mikaela end in a tug of war between the Autobots and Decepticons.

4. Shia LaBeouf plays the role of Sam Witwicky in Transformers.

5. The autobot which guards Sam Witwicky is Bumblebee .

6. Michael Bay is the Director of Transformers.

7. The Transformers combo set which is sold at TGV Cinemas is priced at RM10.90.


Happy Contesting!


How to write a resume

On July 15, 2007, in General, Language, My work, Recommended, by Kok mING

First of all, I would like to say thank you to my family, my friends and YOU! Yes! Its you!

This -> topic <- receive a good response from you guys. Although nobody leave a comment on it but now I am here to blog about the RESUME which you wanted me to share it… … Anyway, let’s start the show!

Resume also known as a curriculum vitae (CV), is a document containing a summary or listing of relevant job experience and education, usually for the purpose of obtaining an interview when seeking employment.

So what is the big deal? Aren’t we all know about it? Wait… … Are you sure you know everything about resume? From A-Z, inside out? Have you really put in your effort to compile a master-piece of resume? Can your resume describe yourself not only experience and education but personality and capability? A good resume will definitely put you up the top of the interview queue!

Let’s put aside the design, format, font, spacing, and title of the resume. We focus on how to write!

First thing to do for resume is to eliminate all negative sentences! It may be related to your former employer, your colleague or yourself… … Any negative sentences in your resume will lead the reader to “derive” your personality, your work ethic, your moral value and your professionalism! 

Yes! I know, everything or everywhere has its bad sides. You are only telling the truth why need to be worry?!  Let me remind you, the reader/employer has totally NO interests to read your bad experiences with your former employment. They only needed to know what they advertised with their vacancy advertisement. So, writing negative things inside a resume is an absolute spoiler! Again, stepping down other people will never prove you are any better than them.

Okay. Let me show you what I’ve got in my mind to turn the negative voice away but still able to express myself.

Negative sentences… Kok mING voices!
I fired my boss because he cheats me. He treats other better than me. I tender my resignation because I would like to seek for a fair and better environment. 
The manager don’t know how to manage the team. He give me no opportunity! The reason for me to leave the current work place because I am looking for a more challenging job and higher degree of team collaboration.
I am the One-Leg-Kick. I do more work than the others but I get the lowest increment and bonus! So I quit! I am looking for a better offer that can fully utilize my skills and abilities!

* You can challenge me to convert other negative sentences. I am all open for it!


Perhaps, you noticed my second point on how to write a resume. That is the wording! Use the right word to explain or express yourself! This is a must! To write a good resume, you do not need the bombastic level of English but make sure you have a rich vocabulary. Most often, better wordings can attract the reader more than everything! Always use stronger words to support your points! Now, the question rise again… How to determine the “strength” of a word?! Can you measure that? Okay… I admit I am bad because I cannot give you the answer on how to measure the “strength” of a word but I believe you can see it below.

Weak sentences. Kok mING strong and confident words!
I sell medicine and talk with the customer. I am fully responsible on the customer communication and interaction. Other than that, I am fully in-charge of the medicine sales activities too. 
I handle this project. I speak to the outsider, my boss and my team mate. This is the independent project that I fully involved and participated into it. I am the main communication window for both internal and external parties.
I help the new comers to do their work correctly. I am the trainer for the new comers and responsible to coach them into a right direction.


These should be enough to make a more presentable resume. I hope I give you some ideas to compile an easy-to-understand but comprehensive resume!

Of course, it has more to discuss further but I leave it for you to explore it!


Happy resume writing!


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On July 15, 2007, in Jokes, Nonsense, by Kok mING

I am actually thinking want to publish this shit or not… it is because someone get it publish it while I am watching it “slowly”.

Just want to avoid something call “duplicated post” or “copy-cat”. Well, I changed my mind, because it is quite a hit MV for now. I guess I should put this up to show my support towards the Malaysia Local Production!

Please don’t buy Pirated Copy. KINDLY support the Intellectual Property! [Sounds like I am a holy-bastard!]



On July 14, 2007, in General, Language, My work, by Kok mING

在这个高唱“中国话”的时代, 我却写这篇不咯个。。。 写的好,又怕得罪我的偶像,写的不好有怕读者流失。你告诉我啦。。。 偶像和你们,我要如何取舍啊?

[突然身后传来讽刺的声音] 你真的是“死别”猪头,鱼与熊掌两者都要!:yes:

哇!我真的是毛孔全开 是茅塞顿开才对!我把不咯个写好,好到无与伦比, 然后就会出名了,有了名望就可以见到偶像啦!到时还可以一起吃饭,之后再成为好朋友!! Yes!Brilliant!太完美的剧本了!让我事不宜迟的踏出第一步,向梦想出发!:car1:


读书的时期,已经知道自己的英文像狗屎一样。但是自己没有去理会,导致英语变成屎都不如的局面。。。 这位你不知道他是谁, 他也不想知道你是谁的人,时常的说我英语烂到极点。。。也是实话啦, 看看我自己的英文考试的成绩。。。1119(Triple 1 9)的考试都“肥佬”的。在College的时期,又不知进取, 毫不上进。真是往事不堪回首啊~~~:autism:

出来工作之后,因为英语差,遇到了很多的阻碍。找工作也艰难,还被人当笑话了。找到了工作,还被上师严重的恶意批评我连简单的英语都掌握不好。。。所写的报告,建议书都不比小学生的好。。。 啊!好“hurt” :help: 。。。现在想起来,我也真的感谢那些曾经批评我的人,没有你们的批评和否定,我也不会知道自己的不足,也不会比别人更努力的把没有学好的,都找回来!

其实,我不想写太多的往事,因为对你们来说可能是闷屁一个。。。 可是,我不写出来,哪有人会知道我也是在自卑和嘲笑声中爬起来的?

今天,小弟的英语也不是好。可是我却自信心爆棚!:bingo: 我写我的,我说我的,我看我的。不需要在意别人的眼光,你越想挽回面子就越不能自拔的堕落下去。。。 嘻嘻!也没有那么严重啦。只是让你知道,要任何事情都能成功,你要有一定的自信心。不要时不时地怀疑自己到底对不对,因为就连美国人也不一定可以把英文掌握的很好啊!更重要的是要有决心,不可以半途而废。

如何再次掌握英语?:glass: 首先你要有100%自信!不要害怕别人的批评,你要当批评和嘲笑是评分的标准。当你发觉批评和嘲笑都被赞美的句子取代时,那你已经成功了!



我知道啊!有很多人都认为上聊天室或是mIRC里用英语和别人交谈就可以一边享受聊天的快乐一边增进英语的能力。这个方法行不通,因为在聊天室还是mIRC里的人可能每一个都像你一样啊!大家都想一边聊天一边学习英语。很难有效果的。还有你阅读的文章,也要确定是运用了正确的英文才阅读啊。否则,也是徒劳无功的。 :yawn:


我喜欢电玩,线上游戏也是我的最爱。我刚学会上网时,就认识了Utopia这个游戏, 这是一个线上策略游戏,很多西方人都有在玩。在那里的唯一沟通语言就是英语!你如果说得不好,没有人了解你的意思,玩下去也没有趣啊!所以,在这个游戏里,我掌握了一些基本的英文基础。例如如何有效的发问,如何的用最简单的句子来表达自己的意思。。。:ohoho1:

然后,我又接触到另外一个线上游戏,是一个MUD(multiuser dungeon)游戏。MUD是一种完完全全只是文字的游戏。你要向哪个方向跑,你要攻击还是逃走,都要用键盘打出,滑鼠是废的。我所玩的是MUME,套用了Lord of the Ring (魔戒)故事的游戏。游戏里的所有句子都是很好的英文(其他玩家的废话除外)。尤其是每个房间(游戏里的)都充满了让人读了都会有身历其境的句子。看多了,也会学到很多的生字和语法。也在那里,蕴量出自己的英语风格。。。:ohoho2:


在游戏之余,工作也帮了很大的忙啊。每当我要写报告书还是建议书的时候,真的领悟到书到用时方恨少的意思!脑子有很多要点,但是英语能力不够,词不达语的表达方式,还敢敢的拿给其他人看:sweat:。。。真的“下水”啊!有很多时候都是劳烦朋友的帮助。。。 就是这位不知道是谁的人还有我的私人英文枪手。哈哈!所谓好汉不吃眼前亏,不会就要不耻下问啊!边问边学啊!

有很多人,因为英语差就失去了和人聊天的信心。如果你不踏出第一步,肯定没有奇迹的。。。知识和经验都不是长在随手可得的树上啊!努力的灌溉和耕耘才会得到成功的果实!其他的事情我不敢说, 但是语文是绝对需要时间的!




On July 13, 2007, in General, Life style, Love, Recommended, by Kok mING


去爱还是被爱最幸福?应该是拥有爱最幸福了。 每个人都有权利的去爱,但不是每个人都可以被爱的。。。 往往的是你爱的人,不爱你,爱你的人,你不爱。

暗恋,应该是最自得其乐的一种恋爱方式吧。那种有爱说不出口的尴尬, 还有不知道如何的让对方知道自己的心情。。。那种对她好,她又茫然不知的情况, 更加重了对感情距离的无力感。偶尔还会傻傻的看着天空,满脑子的想着她。

每天只想将所有自己快乐的事告诉你。 想写信告诉你, 打电话告诉你, 告诉你。
我的小狗死了, 我很难过。
我的考试成绩不错, 很开心。
你知不知道今天上课时, 我偷偷想了你十分钟, 我就是喜欢想你的感觉。





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On July 13, 2007, in General, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING

美女和厨房, 可以共存的吗?答案是当然可以!你有看TVB的美女厨房吗? 除了浪费食物之外,真的是让人开怀大笑的作品!有美女和食物!我一定要看!



可惜的是,美女不等于美食。 这个节目充分表现了现代女人的“味道”。。。 我并不是在偏低女人。只是有话实说。


不会做饭的女生,我在中学时期已经知道了。因为好多的女同学都不爱做家务啊。到了这个年龄,身边的女生也没有几个 真的可以煮一餐三餸一汤的。 拿手小菜可能是豆芽炒豆芽,豆腐蒸豆腐, 或者是刺身(就是还没煮熟的肉类啊!):happysigh:

说真的,不会做饭的女人,我绝对是会扣分的。别把我当成有封建思想的老头子。。。我当然明白,现在的社会是男女平等的!为什么一定要女人做饭啊?你说啊!有法规定女人一定要做饭吗?课本有写女人一定要做饭吗?说到这里,也不是没有道理的。。。 要吃饭,不会自己动手啊?对不对?:or:


10年前开始,女生已经不会做饭了。 50年后,可能她们连煤气炉的开关也不会用。。。不写太多没有根据的言论, 以免伤了和气。

男生也渐渐的适应了这种情况。要说的也只是, 少了“住家饭”, 家就不见了温暖。 我有这样的想法可能我是住家男人吧。。。

我喜欢吃我爱的人所煮的食物,我想每个男人都是一样吧!只要是心爱的人所烹调的料理,都会吃个精光的。不是因为男人贪吃,只是觉得没有比这个更幸福的事情了。我靠着你烹调的食物来维持生命。。。 啊!我的夸张修辞法出现了。但是这就是爱!你知道吗?男人不是想累坏自己的伴侣,他们是想得到这种用钱也买不到的幸福。试问一下,你到餐厅去吃饭,你吃得到幸福吗?你可以品尝到家庭温暖吗?

毕竟每个人都有工作。当然,男人也是可以下厨的,女人吃了也会幸福的啊。 :xingfu:

我想要表达的是, 有很多时候,钱真的不是万能的。它买不到的东西,全部都是无价的。:finally:



This isn’t something new but I believe it worth a sharing.

If you are a programmer or a database administrator, you must face this question either before or after reading this.

I am going to explain the way(s) to retrieve seed identity value after insert into a database table. Always, with the very handy feature of the up-to-date relational database systems, we have the auto-increment primary key/field. More complex situation that is we needs this auto-increment primary key/field to be a foreign key/field for another table which may create a 1-to-1 relationship, 1-to-Many relationship  or Many-to-Many relationship for  these tables.

In your task, assignment or coding design, you are require to acquire the last generated auto-increment index/key value to be a foreign key of another table. For example, you have a Sales table to store every sales order. Another table called SalesItem to store items belongs to every sales order. It is link to Sales table by the foreign key called SalesID. Each sales order may contains more than 1 item but 1 item can belong to a sales order only. Refer the diagrams below.



Now, the difficult part! We knows how to Insert into both tables but how do you ensure the consistency in a heavy-loaded multi-user environment. I mean heavy-loaded in terms of more than thousands of transactions per minutes or seconds!

I admit that 7 years ago. I was so stupid to used the following approaches

Insert Into Sales(… field name …) Values(… values …); Select Max(SalesID) as SalesID from Sales; Inserts Into SalesItem(… field names…) Values(…values…’SalesID’…)


Insert Into Sales(… field name …) Values(… values …);

Select SalesID from Sales order by SalesID desc;

[Store the first SalesID result into a variable and continue with the insertion to the SalesItem table]

Inserts Into SalesItem(… field names…) Values(…values…’SalesID’…)

Both approaches works fine in a single user environment which equal to the development environment where you do all the testing by your lonely self… What if more users do the same transaction at the same time or concurrently ?! I can foresee an identity crisis will happens between these tables sooner or later!

Hold on! Stay calm, young one! No worry at all! We have the solution for now! We can solve this easily! Thanks to the mighty technology enhancement!!

Now we have 3 functions to retrieve seed identity value after insert. Namely the Scope_Identity, @@Identity and Ident_Current.

Scope_Identity, @@Identity and Ident_Current  are similar functions because they return values that are inserted into identity columns.

Ident_Current  is not limited by scope and session; it is limited to a specified table. Ident_Current returns the value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope. This is highly dangerous in multi-user environment because it might be more than 1 users try to insert into the same table concurrently…

Scope_Identity and @@Identity return the last identity values that are generated in any table in the current session.

However, Scope_Identity returns values inserted only within the current scope. While @@Identity is not limited to a specific scope.

The above is quoted from herehere and here!

@@Identity and Ident_Current  can goes pretty wild if you do not know how manage it. Most likely, if you cannot make very good and precise assumptions, you better avoid using these. Scope_Identity has the advantages to give you only the value of current scope only. The risk is minimized by Scope_Identity but it can be messy if you have a very bad table design and coding strategy. Let’s forget it 😀 . There is no good or bad design. Only working or not working design, am I right?

I am not saying that Scope_Identity is a must-apply function for identity retrieving. You must consider the other two functions depends on the situation. There must be a reason for their presence. 🙂

Happy Identity Seeking!


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Welcome back folks! Welcome back to the English channel (or Mal-Lish to be exact…).

Let’s not do any nonsense opening! We go straight to the points! I will share the Job Seeker point of views only. No more no less.

Job interview is a process for both employer and employee to have a chance to discuss about the job. It is the first or second step of getting a job depends on where you start counting it…

After you confirm a job interview as a employee or job seeker, you must do a background research on the employer. It is a must! If you are lazy, at least you make a anonymous call to the company to ask receptionist or who-ever answer the call about what this company major or core business! Prepare yourself for the interview.

First, your outlook appearance must be presentable (for female) or smart (for male). I emphasize on presentable because most girls/ladies know how to dress themselves very much but some of them may not notice some business attires may not be suitable for you (female). Imagine that you wear like the Air-Asia stewardess… I can recall that their uniform is SOOOOOOOO tight and almost squeeze the breast out! I am not saying it is not nice but please do not wear like that just because you wanted to show your good body figure. Unless you are applying for the position of seXretary (secretary) . No offense to those real and professional secretary. For male, please shave or tidy up your beard! Dress smart! Smart mean fresh, good looking and confident! I do not mean that you have to wear a tie or very shinny boots. You can looks smart even with T-Shirt and Jeans. I wish you know that… else you have to get a girl to do some serious shopping with you 😛

Second, read the job advertisement again! You must know what are the expectations of the employer. I know most of you just apply the job without considering whether or not it is suitable. Sometime you will forget about which job that you had applied… You need a job, I understand. With this preparation, during the interview, you can expect what kind of job-related questions will be asked by the interviewer. It certainly help to impress the interviewer if you speak their mind or their expected answers!

Third, bring along everything that can prove yourself. Your passport-sized photo, certificates, transcripts, letter of recommendations and et cetera.

Fourth, always run a mind-simulation of the interview. Expect nothing but prepare for the worst! For example, if you are going for a programmer interview, prepare for a test or so… If that is a accountant job, be prepared that the interviewer will ask you about the accounting rules and et cetera.

Fifth, be honest. Honesty! This is what you needed to have during the interview. Please do not lie on anything. We knows all the spontaneous lies will be revealed by the liar in no times! So, do not try to fool yourself! You just answer what you know and say “I do not know” at the right time. We are born as a human, it is definitely alright to not knowing everything! 

Sixth, do not be nervous. Please be confident with your language. I believe most interviews will be conducted in English. I understand that not every one born with good command or tongue of English. You have bad English but it does not give you any valid reason to be shy or nervous! I have very bad English and now I am writing a English article and hopes you will understand it!  Am I ever feel worry or ashamed of  my bad English? I am very serious in this. Perhaps what give you a job is not your skill but your English. The written and verbal skill is very important for the job. I will discuss this later when I have time! It is definitely a very interesting topic to discuss!

Seventh, during the interview, please do as much as eye-contact or face-to-face conversation! It is not a trick to impress the interviewer but a must-do action to respect the interviewer! Imagine if you answer a question by looking at the table. I know you are shy but the interviewer may felt insulted because you reply to the table instead of them! If you do not know how to have eye-contact, perhaps you spend some coins and buy me “teh-tarik” so we can have some “eye-contact” sessions in mamak stall (offers for girls only… I have no interests to look into a male’s eye for night!). hee hee

Eighth, try to ask questions to the employer. You must ask questions in order to show your interests for the job offered! If you have no question, perhaps you can seek the answer for the questions that the employer asked you. Please be humble when you ask question.

Ninth, always follow up the interview by a “thank you” letter or email a day or two after the interview. It can helps you to out-list the other candidates by leaving a better impression in the employer’s mind. 

Tenth, I will share some questions and answers with you here. I will express it in my very own style during the interview. Perhaps you have to tweak the sentences in order to make it sound like yourself, 😉


Questions that I will ask the interviewer

1. May I know the job requirement in details?

2. May I know the organization culture?

3. Can I have a tour to the work place / environment?

4. What is the career path?

5. Is there any Key Performance Indexes (KPIs) to measure my performance?

You notice? I never talk about salary or the desired package. It is not nice for a employee or job seeker to ask like “How much I will be getting?” or “How much you will pay?” . All you have to do is wait until the employer take the first move to ask about the package you want. When they ask this question, it means they have the intention to give you a chance. If you asked it before them, it will spoil your professional image with all these “money-minded” questions only.


Answers for some common interview questions

1. Why should we hire you?
To answer this question, you have to know what is the employer requirement. Once you know what is the requirement, all you have to do is to relate those requirements into your qualifications. You must sound that you are the right and the best candidates to be hired. I never ask you to lie but be confident to speak the facts! 🙂

2. What makes you think you are suitable for the job?
Almost same as the first question but please answer this question on the focus of yourself. You can say with your xxx and yyy qualification can helps the company to improve this and that. Your aaa and bbb experiences will be very helpful in fulfilling the KPI of the job. Furthermore, you have kkk and mmm knowledge to share with the team/company/business.

3. Why you want to join us?
Very simple. I need a job! You fools! LoL. Please… do not answer this question like this. Perhaps you can answer is with some of the background of the company. For example, I notice this XXX company is very well-known in the market, with the established organization structure, I believe this is a good place to perform my best and to push my career into a brighter level. 

4. How can you prove yourself is an asset for the company?
This question, you must answer it with values and facts! Please include your qualifications, experiences and personal strength into the answer. Furthermore, you can include your loyalty, professionalism and other intangible values of yourself into the answer. It definitely helps to convince the interviewer on how valuable you are…

5. Why you quit the last job?
Very simple answer. To seek a brighter career and better job advancement. 🙂


Last but not least, these are my little thoughts only. If you have any criticisms, please do it with suggestion. Thank you.


Happy Job Interviewing!


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On July 8, 2007, in General, Jokes, Life style, by Kok mING

一天, 红蚂蚁和黑蚂蚁爬上了晒衣杆上。 突然觉得很热就躲在一间粉红色的内裤里乘凉。就在这个时候, 内裤的主人出现了。 她将内裤穿上。两只蚂蚁当然是一头雾水, 只感觉到强烈的震动。

当震动停了, 它们发现了一座黑森林。它们当然是往里面走了。很快的,它们又发现了一个山洞。

红蚂蚁对黑蚂蚁说:“小黑,你看!是山洞。 我们进去吧!”

黑蚂蚁回答说:“小红,我不要。。。 我怕。。。 怕。。。怕。。。 怕黑。。。”

之后, 红蚂蚁就一个人的走进洞里, 黑蚂蚁因为怕黑就往上(有光的地方)走了。

不久黑蚂蚁就爬回地面上了。 再过了不久, 黑蚂蚁在回家的路上也遇见了红蚂蚁。 黑蚂蚁好高兴得抱着红蚂蚁大笑。






就在此时, 红蚂蚁笑了,它对黑蚂蚁说它在山洞的经历

红蚂蚁在山洞里觉得很不舒服,因为有黏又湿的,所以打算出去找黑蚂蚁回家。。。 就在此时,山洞里有如洪水泛滥,差点把红蚂蚁淹死。


可是,恐龙好像没有打算离开山洞的意思。。。 一直的进进出出,又快又慢的。 搞得红蚂蚁头昏脑涨了。

红蚂蚁:“我知道不对劲了,就出尽了吃奶之力, 狠狠地对恐龙咬了一口!! 它被咬之后, 还狂性大发的向我逼近。我当然没有退缩!就在我打算再咬一口的同时,恐龙向我吐口水然后就逃之夭夭了!”

黑蚂蚁:“。。。 。。。”

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