I have nothing to blog… really… but could not say nothing at all. I just do not know what and how to share with you… Anyway, perhaps I should write something funny to entertain you 🙂 So you will come back often!!

10 things I hate about you, ok? … … which? what? why? I hate you!?  You hate me?!

Don’t be mad, ok? It is all about my past experiences on how girls reject me after some days of dating  shopping? fetching? partying or what-so-ever you can think that a girl can do with you during day time 🙂 . I believe that normal guys will start asking the girl to “acknowledge” the relationship status after some days of dating if nothing worst happen. Perhaps you are too handsome to be rejected else… you must raise this question.

To be frank with you, I noticed that girls do not like guys to ask “Am I your boy friendf?”, “We are couple now?”, “Can I say that you are my girl friend?” and etc… But when I was young, I love to ask these questions because … you know -> Lack of confidence <- . As time goes on, asking this kind of questions is like ending the relationship by myself… Haha! It is because the girls will feel frustrated / annoyed / pressured if guys keep asking…

I never think it is very hard to give a clear and straight-to-the-point answer. Perhaps some girls are just born to be playful… Anyway, I am not going to discuss with you on how girl’s thinking about guys. I want to share with you is the 10 lamest reasons for a girls to reject a boy after some datings! Remember the key phrase… “after some datings”


10 lamest reasons for a girl to reject a boy

1. I know you are nice and suitable to me but I still cannot forget about my ex…

2. You are such a nice guy but I am not a good girl for you…

3. You looks so cute but I am looking for someone that is macho, tall and handsome as Nicholas Tse or F4 or Takeshi Kaneshiro or Tom Cruise!

4. You know? You are the best guy I met. But I am not ready to have a serious relationship but I don’t want you to feel bad. Can you continue to take care on me until I am ready?

5. We don’t have the “click”/”flip”/”tick”/or what-so-ever you like to use for connecting the relationship between us.

6. I treated you like my brother, we cant fall in love on each other, you understand?

7. I wish I can be with you but I am currently having a relationship or loving someone without his knowledge… or my ex still after me!

8. I know you too much already so we cant be lover…

9. You born in year 1979…

10. You are FAT


Haha. I have more but the most notable are listed above… If you have more reasons, please leave a comment to share with us! 😀


One Response to 10 things I hate about you…

  1. wawa says:

    because GOD is a girl
    if u kiss her,u are not a gentlem
    if u don’t .u are not a man
    if u praise her,she thinks u are lying
    if u don’t.u are good for nothing
    if u are agree to all her likes,she is abusing
    if u don’t.u are not understanding
    if u make romance,u are an ‘experienced man’
    if u don’t .u are half an a man
    if u visit her too often,she thinks it is boring
    if u don’t she accuse u of double crossing
    if u are a minute late.she complains it’s hard to wait
    is she is late.she says that ‘s a girl’s way
    if u are well dressed,she says u are a playboy
    if u don’t ,u are a dull boy
    if u are jealous.she says it’s bad
    if u don’t ,she thinks u do not love her
    if u are attempt a romance,she says u did not respect her
    if u don’t she thinks u do not like her
    if u kiss her once a while,she professes u are cold
    if u kiss her too many,she yells that u are taking advantage
    if u stare at other, she accuses u of flirting
    if she is atared by others,she says that they are just admiring
    if u talk.she wants u to listen
    if u listen,she wants u to talk
    oh GOD!u created those creature called "WOMAN"
    so confusing.yet so desirable
    "O LORD,tell me what to do ,AMEN"????

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