其实在很早之前我就想把这篇blog 写出来了。无奈的是我非常地懒惰。 哈哈!!看会以前的照片, 真的觉得自己的改变。。。 从里到外的改变。

  28 年前的某一天。。。 我来到了这个美丽的世界。 呵呵!我的眼睛从出生开始就是大大的啊!!
 40KG 哇!! 这个胖小子好好笑容哦  :-p
 60KG 时光飞逝。。。 转眼间, 这个胖小孩已近长大了。。。
  68KG 哈哈!! 18岁, 考SPM时。。。 我自己看了也不会觉得是我。。。 哈哈! 


哇!!! 这张经典了啦!! 
WANTED!!! DEAD OR ALIVE !!! 十足杀人犯。。。

还记得那时候超向往谈恋爱的。。。 可悲啊!

不自量力也要有个限度啊。。。 没有女生要看我啦。。。 :~(


21岁,生日!成为大人了哦。。。 哈哈!!越来越胖了。。。

那时候的名言是。。。 吃的是福!!

最胖的体重是85KG。。。 可惜没有拍到照片!!

悲哀的是。。。没有女人缘啊~~ 名副其实的“女见愁” 。。。


哦。。。。 22岁。。。 开始瘦了。。。 发奋减肥啊!!

 没有女孩要胖胖的男友吧?用了半年的时间, 从85KG 减到58KG!!


一直都要减肥。。。 就是没有推动力。。。



College Diploma 毕业了。 虽然瘦了身体但是脸还是圆圆的 😀

这是第一份工作。。。 在办公室里用webcam snap的。

 有点像基佬? 哈哈!!


哇哈哈哈哈! 你相信脱胎换骨? 有丑小鸭变天鹅的真人传说吗?

我不敢说我是, 可是你可以看见我的改变!我的蜕变!!又肥仔变靓仔!!!

不是体重而已。。。 连皮肤也变得好了!


  这个是去年用webcam 在公司snap的。。。 像成功人士吗?呵呵~~


我将我的瘦身经历写出来, 并不是想炫耀。我是想让每个人都知道, 人人都可以英俊美丽的。 我没有用半分钱就减肥成功了。。。

要发光发亮全在于你的决心!!无疑的是, 决心是要时间酝酿的但是要坚持!! 没有坚持,永远都不会成功!!

有很多人会说,这餐吃多点,明天吃少点啦。。。 我敢保证这样的人一定减肥失败的。因为他们不够毅力!! 摆脱不了食欲的呼唤。

我可以和你说。。。 现在的我,也非常有女人缘了。。。 可是我并不觉得这是什么值得宣扬的事情。。。

人人都在注重外表。。。 其实外在美是为了内在美而存在的。。。 以貌取人是肤浅的。。。

我曾经肤浅过。。。 也因为肥胖而被取笑,没有自信。 可是肥胖不是一个让你放弃自己的原因!

瘦身成功的收获是什么? 不用多想的是, 100% 的自信心! 有了勇气面对很多人, 不是因为不再肥胖。。。

是因为在整个过程里, 我发现了, 其实一切都是自己的心魔作祟!往往你越注重别人对你的看法, 你就越会迷失自己。



Long time ago, I would like to blog about this… unfortunately I am a total lazy bastard 😛 haha! Looking into the past photo… I realised the changes… from inside out!



28 years ago. A fine day! I come to this beautiful world. Hehe. My eyes is big since I am born! 

 40KG Wah!! This little fatty has great smilling 😛

Time goes fast… Blink of eye, this fatty is growing up!


Haha! 18 years old, photo during SPM, I look at it also cannot believe he is me…

  Photo taken during Post-SPM gathering!

WOW!!! This is classic!!


I still remember at that time, hope to have a lover but sadly… none willing to response 🙁

haha… really speechless now 😛


21 years old! BDAY!! Becoming an adult! Yay!! haha getting fatter… Eat too much 😛

The heaviest weight is 85 KG but no photo taken… aih… can’t show you …


22 years old! Getting slimmer!! Want to be SLIMMMMMMMMM! not STEAM, ok? 😛

No girls like fatty boy friend… so I spend half year to loss weight from 85KG to 58KG.

I did this NOT because of girl… I just want to be more attractive hahah At the end.. still girls! 

Wanted to loss weight but just has no motivation until this age… realise that nothing can be changed if we do not make the first move by ourself!!  

College Diploma graduation. Although body is slimmer but the face still leaving me some baby fat 😀

Taken with webcam during my first job… inside office!

looks like a gay? Hell No! I am not!!


Wuahahahah! You believe miracle?

I don’t mean to be proud but you can see my changes… it happens! It just happens! Man! can you feel it?

  This is snapped last year with web cam too… looks like a successful business man? haha!


I wrote this blog, it not to be advertise my success story. I would like to let my readers know that every one can be handsome and pretty. I did not spend even a single cent to achieve my weight loss target…

To become handsome or beauty. It is depends on yourself. If you believe you can do it then you can! If you think you can, you can! Let me remind you, besides thinking, you will need ACTION to compliment it!! ok?!

Never ever lost yourself. Must set your aim and maintain it. You can loss weight and gain weight in very short time. To maintain the weight is definitely a hardest thing to do…

Now, I own the attraction that I wanted… but this is not something to be proud with… Everyone is just too emphasize on the outlook appearance. They never realise that the outlook appearance is existed to compliment the inner beauty of each person….

I had been one of them before. I got laugh and tease by others due to my fatty looking and lost confidence… but that is not the reason for you to give up yourself! ok?!

I would like to share with you. The most valuable gain during the weight loss process and period is… 100% of confidence!! 

I gain my confidence not because I am good looking now. It is because I notice that previously I have no confidence because I am too emphasize on outlook appearance… I fooled by myself…

I spent my time to look into my inner-self. I reached my destiny! and what’s about you?

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