TOTO-PMP-Magnum,What is the next NUMBER!?

On May 31, 2007, in Uncategorized, by Kok mING


Aha! Perhaps a wrong topic for today. It is because most of my readers are female… Perhaps they do not bet any of the above games 🙂

Anyway, I do not want to blog on how to diet until you leave enough message to me. Haha!! Come on lah… make my blog more lively, ok? Else very soon we will have to say byebye ah… 🙁

Ok… Now back to the business. I am currently working on a program which can gather the past results/drawings of TOTO, PMP(Damacai) and Magnum. The program shall tell you some basic analysis about the data gathered. For example, the occurrence of some combination of 4 digits during past years.

*blink* *Blink* I saw someone eye open wide now 😛 You wanted to know how often the number you are betting draw out in the history of these games? Haha. Comes. Leave your comment! I mean comment, not MSN message! I shall reply you here with the occurrences:D

Below is the sample. He he he


Numbers Occurrences Numbers Occurrences Numbers Occurrences
1347 243 0249 187 1246 164
0237 238 0159 181 0689 161
1247 234 0239 180 3489 161
2479 234 0129 178 4589 161
0178 232 0468 178 2458 160
4789 232 3578 177 1268 160
0147 230 0789 176 2369 160
1458 228 0357 176 1368 159
1789 227 0567 175 0147 158
1578 226 2478 174 0149 157
1349 226 1378 174 0389 157
1248 224 4589 174 1348 157
2457 224 2489 173 0148 157
1459 223 2367 173 1239 156
5789 222 1245 173 2356 156
2789 220 0134 172 0359 155
0589 220 1358 172 1349 155
2358 220 4678 172 1259 155
3467 219 3589 171 0357 155
0268 219 5678 170 0124 153

Some explanations for the above table. Numbers is the 4 digits that you bet, the occurrence is how many times its occur in history of each game 🙂

For example, Magnum 1347 has 243 occurrence . It means in the history of Magnum results/drawings. These 4 digits 1347 has occur 243 times. Not to confuse you, the occurrence of each number do not mean a direct or perfect match. This 1347 maybe 1437 or 7431 or 7314 or 4317 or 3417 when it appear in the history.

To summarize it, the number 1347 has 24 combinations and it occured in the history for 243 times. Understand? hehe Perhaps it is hard to understand but it gets easy if you have the experience of betting :-p haha. If you dont understand, you might watch a Singaporean movie name “Money Not Enough”!


I checked my last 4 digits of my IC number with Magnum history result… Aiyeh! It only appear 12 times(direct/perfect match) from Year 1985 until Year 2007. See… If I bet since year 1985… I will be a beggar now… haha!

I will continue enhance the program, perhaps I will release it out if I see it is a great interests for you guys 😀

Please remember Kok mING never encourage betting or gambling… NEVER!



14 Responses to TOTO-PMP-Magnum,What is the next NUMBER!?

  1. dragonQ says:

    pls check for me 4801..i wanna know how many times my mom won this num..

  2. Kok mING says:

    For the number 4801

    ** Magnum **
    It came out 15 times in the history.
    First Prize – 1
    Third Prize – 1
    Starter – 7
    Consolation – 6

    Latest hit is year 2006

    ** Toto **
    It came out 5 times in the history.
    Starter – 4
    Consolation – 1

    Latest hit is year 2005

    ** Damacai **
    It came out 9 times in the history.
    Third Prize – 1
    Starter – 5
    Consolation – 4

    Latest hit is year 2005

    Aiyeh… if you mom really feed this number so much… Tell her there is still hopes for this second half for year 2007 because 2 years for damacai never draw out! haha 😛

    Any other number?

  3. dragonQ says:

    6488, 4466, 9821 n 8921..
    should i continue? *like praying in front of Datuk Gong*

  4. Kok mING says:

    Number 6488
    ** Magnum **
    4 times in history. 1 Starter, 3 consolations
    Latest hit year 2006

    ** TOTO **
    2 times in history. 2 Starter.
    Latest hit year 2001

    ** Damacai **
    4 times in history. 1 Third prize, 2 Starter, 1 Consolation
    Latest hit year 2001

    Number 4466
    ** Magnum **
    6 times in history. 1 Second prize, 2 Starter, 3 consolations
    Latest hit year 1996

    ** TOTO **
    6 times in history. 1 Third prize, 3 Starter, 2 consolation.
    Latest hit year 2005

    ** Damacai **
    6 times in history. 1 Second prize, 2 Starter, 3 consolations
    Latest hit year 2005

    Number 9821
    ** Magnum **
    8 times in history. 6 Starter, 2 consolations
    Latest hit year 2005

    ** TOTO **
    6 times in history. 4 Starter, 2 consolation.
    Latest hit year 2005

    ** Damacai **
    6 times in history. 2 First prize, 2 Starter, 2 consolations
    Latest hit year 2005

    Number 8921
    ** Magnum **
    7 times in history. 1 First prize, 2 Starter, 4 consolations
    Latest hit year 2005

    ** TOTO **
    7 times in history. 1 Second prize, 4 Starter, 2 consolation.
    Latest hit year 2004

    ** Damacai **
    12 times in history. 1 First prize, 1 Second prize, 1 Third price, 4 Starter, 5 consolations
    Latest hit year 2006

    Hahaha abuse is no good ohhhh. I can guarantee you hit these numbers too 😛

  5. klesk says:

    how do you know most of ur readers are female

  6. Kok mING says:


    You can check on every comment… most of them are female. And of course… I am the blog owner, I can see the email address too 🙂

    Most likely they are return-visitors and they have my msn. They are the one who comment a lot in msn 😛

  7. Sandy says:


    Can you please check my car number 8661? Appreciate that & thanks 🙂

  8. Kok mING says:

    Number 8661
    ** Magnum **
    5 times in history. 1 First prize, 1 Second prize, 2 Starter, 1 consolations
    Latest hit year 2006 (First prize ohhhhh)

    ** TOTO **
    4 times in history. 1 Starter, 3 consolation.
    Latest hit year 2003

    ** Damacai **
    5 times in history. 1 Second prize, 3 Starter, 1 consolations
    Latest hit year 1998

  9. shaen says:

    Datuk Gong,,
    bo bi 1114 1st prize

  10. Kok mING says:

    Number 1114
    ** Magnum **
    9 times in history. 1 First prize, 4 Starter, 4 consolations
    Latest hit year 2006

    ** TOTO **
    8 times in history. 3 Starter, 5 consolation.
    Latest hit year 2007

    ** Damacai **
    5 times in history. 1 Second prize, 2 Starter, 2 consolations
    Latest hit year 2004

  11. shaen says:

    erm.. Datuk Gong
    then when is the next time??
    i want show hand…haha

  12. Kok mING says:

    Yeah. You wait first
    When I got my Datuk title. I will definitely tell you what is the <b>NEXT</b> number…

    now you wash hand first… prepare it for later to show!

  13. Sandy says:

    Ya, first prize and that a month BEFORE I got my car! I’ve been investing this number (front number to back & back number throw back to front) ever since but no luck till now! Any indication when will be out? *pray* *wink*

  14. Kok mING says:


    I wish I can tell you when… but from the drawing Pattern of the history result… nothing strange. It is all seems "logic" in mathematical or possibilities too… 🙁

    Save your money lah…

    Perhaps Damacai got better luck because it has "almost" 10 years never draw haha.

    I just say say only… you kena then buy me big big breakfast, lunch and dinner… if no kena 😛 you don’t blame me oh. hehe

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