TAO Japanese Buffet

On May 31, 2011, in English, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING

A few weeks back, we went for Japanese buffet in order to show our support to Japan radiation incident by eating their cuisine!

Compare to other restaurant, TAO has nothing different in interior design. Semi-jap style… bad lights for photo and not to spacious table for buffet style of dining. Anyway, we were there for food instead of interior design criticism!

The food offer in front of the counter was not much compare to Tenji, Jogoya, Saisaki or Shogun.

If you ask me, for RM58++, is it worth it? I would say “Yeah, worth to try!”. But not repeat for twice or thrice because for the similar price, I still prefer to go for Xenri D’Garden.

There is one thing notably good and I think it is a very good way of serving. They have more items on the menu free for you to order. You only order which you want to eat. This is possibly a better tactic for the restaurant as we know if we eat none stop, we keep eating until our brain receive the signal. So, by having delicious menu items, customers are force to wait for the goodies.

Herewith some dishes from the menu. The abalone slices are just nice~

I must recommend the lamb chop, I never expect a Japanese restaurant can cook this excellent lamb chop. It is so soft, tender and juicy! (It was recommended by the waitress, thanks to her!)

Scallop tastes perfect too!

Below is the variety of food that you can grab on the counter. Smile

Herewith the contact details. Bring me if you going there! Open-mouthed smile

Tao Authentic Asian Cuisine
Sunway Giza Shopping Mall
Block D, S.02A, S.03 & S.05
2nd Floor, No. 2, Jalan PJU 5/14
PJU 5, Kota Damansara
47810 Petaling Jaya

Tel: 03-6148 2826
Fax: 03-6148 5826



On May 8, 2011, in Chinese, General, General | History, by Kok mING


这是我还在读小学的事情。。。 我的成绩不算好,也不是对读书很有兴趣。 反正小孩就是要上学求知识,必经的阶段。可是有些小孩也会为了工作而辍学, 就像到熟食摊档当洗碗和打杂之类的工作。我不明白,虽然小学和中学都是不收学费的,为什么他们还要出来工作啊?(这个社会问题,我们以后再大大声的聊。。。)

小时候,每当在外用餐,看到和我同年级的小孩,老爸就会叹气的说:“你看,人家像你这么大,就已经开始赚钱了。你就只会打电动!一点用都没有。。。”。 当我上了中学,老爸不是叹气的说,而是生气地责备: “ 都这么大了,还向家里要钱读书,谁谁谁都已经是哪个熟食档的厨师,每个月赚1300元还给父母$$$元的家用!人家还打算当老板卖面!你为什么都不长进点?” 这些话,我都听在心里。我没有怪老爸,毕竟他也是十多岁就出来工作了,二十岁就已当老板,结婚还生了我和弟弟!一个人养一家人,他是有绝对的资格对我说教。


我没有像其他人那么有读书的天分,进不了大学。。。 可是我还是坚持要拿到一个文凭才工作。。。 还好父母亲都没有因为经济的压力而叫我放弃。虽然老爸不断的说我没用,可是他对孩子还是有期望的。出来工作多年,虽然我也当不了老板,但是我可以大大声的说我活得不比其他老板差!

到了现在,我有了自己的家庭。我的太太都会一直的拿我们的孩子跟其他人比较。。。 这让我想起了以上的往事。 做父母的不需要比较,因为孩子的学习能力不是天生的,也不是可以刻意制造出来。 如果现在身为爸爸的我,像老爸当年一样的对孩子说教,如果儿女们接受不了,可能会对他们造成不良的影响。




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