Amsterdam – Netherlands 2010

On September 23, 2010, in English, Life style, Life style | Travel, by Kok mING

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands with impressive architecture and lovely canals that live within the city. We stopped there for 2 days for Tulips, Windmill and of course to experience the night life of Amsterdam too! Also, this is our last destination in Europe for this trip…

Our first stop in Amsterdam is Keukenhof, the Tulips garden! Beautiful flowers and places! The most colourful place that I visited during my trip. Awesome garden and I believe in Malaysia, I could not find a place like this! A must visit if you are in Amsterdam.




The next day, we went to search for windmills! That’s also one of my objective to extend my trip in Amsterdam… But I am kind of disappointed when I saw only 4 “live” windmills … and the weather is definitely is challenging my photoshooting skill too… 🙁



One important thing, I must tell you. If you plan to take train to travel within Netherlands, you better know the different type of trains because some are not meant to stop every station… Also not everything is written with the English that we learned…

Within my blogpost, I keep telling to you that I am stay on boathouse but I have not show you any photo of the boat… Herewith the photo.

Not a very big boat but can house around 50-70 people. Friendly host and breakfast provided!


Although I have nothing much to comment about Amsterdam but this is the place that I would like to re-visit if times permit.

Hopefully, I will have enough saving to go Europe again because I still have a lot of places haven’t leave my footprint. Honestly, the trip spent me a lot of money but the experience I gained definitely worth the price!

Here comes to the end of my trip. I full you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy it.

Full album picture is here.



On September 13, 2010, in English, My work, by Kok mING

Managerial position is always the dream of almost all workers because many managerial positions comes with good pay and perks! Regardless what people do, most people wish to keep climbing up on the corporate ladder either to prove or satisfy themselves. Honestly, I am one of them which I will not deny or shy to admit. Since every one wants to be a manager but are you capable for it?

Few years back, I have no understanding on what manager has to do. I thought manager is a very simple job which is to manage people and their work. Ensuring the team perform at the best and no mess or shit from them then I will get a good rating. But this is not entirely true…

I’ve met quite a number of good managers. One enlighten me that no matter what you did, you have to never give up in order to success. He inspired me on “never try never know”. He trusted the team and always encourage us to do what we think is right.

Another, not too bad manager taught me a lot of tactic and skills of “office communication” not too much of political teaching but more on how to correctly pick the person in charge and most important the style –everything in black and white-. Although we ended up unhappily due to many issues but I do treasure on what I had learnt from him.

The third one is one close to my age. We are really closed and became directors of a subsidiary too! Good old times! A very notable sentence that I remember which he like to say “You are not to work for me, because you are working with me!”. If you can spot the difference perhaps you can understand it too.

I’ve also met very technical person to be my manager. He taught me a lot on technical stuff, even though I know a lot but he knows even more! He is always being supportive and good mentor to me. Almost never deny my requests except pay-rise. LoL. Although, he seldom speaks, but his action proven his status. Leading by example is what I take home from him.

The next, I respect on how he manage to drive changes on people! That’s not easy but I believe he did it very well. Also, he taught me a lot of project management knowledge too. Well, perhaps not 1 to 1 lessoning but the processes which he put into work place really give positive impact! He is the one who tells me to fully let go my technical responsibility and trust the team. It is not difficult to do it but it do takes me quite some courage too. Somehow, I believe he changed me too. LoL.

Let’s not brag too much on them. They might be following my blog and stalking my Facebook. Better stop talking about them before I say something wrong.

As you can see, the managers that I respect and give good rating have the similarities. First, they trust me (or perhaps they have no other better candidates…) Second, they never micromanage. Third, they are the role model. Fourth, they can be influential in some ways. Fifth, they give me good lesson which I can apply every where. Although  I may not be the best performer in their scorecard but I do enjoy my work with them!

To be frank, if you want to be a good manager, you do not need to be the superhero or the lifesaver. As long as you are capable, supportive, trustworthy, resourceful and willing to share. I believe in any work place, you will have a good ratings and able to create very strong team-bonding! Although at times, you have to make difficult decisions but it won’t negate the good work you have done if you never stop doing it!

Last but not least, if I am a good  leader or manager –before-, do click LIKE or write comment to tell me. 🙂

Happy reading!


I should make this very clear before you start to waste your life for the rest of the content. First, with this blogpost, I would like to share with you that not only IT job need to work over time, over time can happen to every job whenever needed. Second, I never try influence you to work extra time or go home on time. Third, this is to share with you that we can reduce the chances of occurrences of unnecessary over time with good time management. Fourth, job satisfaction play a very important role to encourage worker to go beyond the limit. Last but not least, if you are a manager and could not take things positively then you may opt to skip this. 🙂

Let’s start, if you are ready to spare your 10 minutes life for this crap! 😀

Many times, I heard people saying that IT workers needs to work long hours. Likewise, I interviewed many candidates who offer themselves to work long hours in order to win the good-will from the interviewer.

Honestly, there are so many managers would prefer someone that willing to work longer hours of course! For me, it doesn’t matter at all. Simply because able to stay back or work longer hours does  not mean you are delivering more or highly productive. It is only show that you are willing to spend more time in office only. Of course, this is an advantage but that will not influence any hiring decision.

Time management is always a key characteristic that the professional must equip with. He/she must be able to properly plan his/her time for work and life, in order to avoid disappointment. I, myself, will be always plan my time but often the weak project management team keep spoiling my schedules only 🙁

In most business, managers always say customer first. They want it to be done before this date and you have to do it even to cancel your scheduled leave. Oh well, if this is true… why don’t you let me to rest at home when the customer has no work request for me? Yes, of course I know I am being sarcastic now. I know that the company is paying me to stay in the office during office hours with or without work request…

Let’s be more realistic in scenario based explanation. I worked for 12-14 hours / day for my last employment. I never complaint or whine that the job taken too much of my time. It is because I know what I am doing and I have the freedom to have my schedules providing there is no conflict to the company’s schedule.

I could stay up to exchange emails with clients during 3AM and go to office 8AM the same day. Most important, I don’t feel tired or unhappy. I am satisfy with what I completed and whenever I receive appreciation notes from the customer. With these, I gain more positive synergy to move forward. You know why? When one people loves what they are doing and they are being appreciated like a professional. They are satisfy and will keep on performing their best.

However, if you are a manager whom do not appraise / appreciate / understand your teams but keep on demanding them to work longer hours. It is very likely that no one going to fight beyond the limit with you. Simply because they don’t have the job satisfaction… Worst case, they will feel being treated like a robot which ended up with a lot of negative synergy and influence the others.

Some managers may always say “You know, having an IT career, that is your faith to work over time” . I will agree if I’ve been slacking around or I am being unproductive (like facebook or chat too much) during working hours.

If I could deliver tasks on time on budget and the manager still demand me to work longer hours, it is too ridiculous to tolerate it … Not because I dislike someone take advantage on me. Simply because there are so many work laying around and each people has only 24 hours / day, if you keep squeezing your people to deliver faster so the project can finish earlier which will shorten the project timeline. When the project timeline is shorten, the company save project running cost and overhead cost due to the project finish earlier, it directly lower down the project cost and give the company higher profit margin. By doing this, you are just burning out your resources. This will not be good to build up human asset. Time to rethink, managers?

Work time for IT professional is not always related overtime or after hours providing proper project planning(duration, cost and resources), fair management to execute and governance the project issues/deliverables/commitments/changes. This will definitely lower down the occurrences of unnecessary overtime…

If you are a manager and you disagree with me, I will not say you are wrong or I am totally correct with my point of view. It is because you may be a good manager whom your teams/subordinates can appreciate you in the way I could not understand only. 🙂


Florence – Italy 2010

On September 1, 2010, in Uncategorized, by Kok mING

Florence is my last stop in Italy.

Unlike Rome, this is a peaceful yet quiet town which fill with heavy scent of art… Almost every corner, you can find the trail of art.

The Duomo is the symbol of Florence. Beside that, you can find a lot of museums and art gallery in Florence! Honestly, I do not enjoy art very much although I am so called an amateur photographer… The art do not seems so interesting to me, apologies to all readers who worship arts…

Having said that, the attraction that I am interested is the world renown – one is the seven wonders, the Leaning Tower!



After seeing it, I am depressed because I thought the tower is really close to the ground unlike the “over-whelming” news saying it could collapse in any seconds… Going up to the tower, it cost you money which is not a small bucks for the poor backpackers like us …


It is over-rated and I find the coliseum is far more interesting then this. At least the historical values worth the price…

As you can see in the photo… the weather were not good at all. During my entire Italy trip, the dark cloud followed me to every spot that I visit… The rain is my guardian who protected (stopped) me to do dangerous photoshooting stunt. But the weather did not give me another reason to visit Italy again…

Back to the story, Florence is not as busy as Rome but a lot of tourist! Also stalls that sell –genuine- products! A lot of serious buyers but not me! 🙂


Herewith some photos which I taken during with -good sky- . I liked the river view although the water looks dirty but it doesn’t smell! 😛




Another thing which I am puzzled… Why they have to do naked statues… I know this is art but can someone give me an answer? I wish I know how to enjoy the art too…



The only thing that really satisfied me was the tea-break in Mc Cafe. What is the best thing to do during rainy days?

That is to enjoy a cup of hot coffee, cup cake, and cheese cake with my love one. Although not everything went well during the Italy trip but this is the moment that I truly enjoyed, although not spending big bucks but I’ve got the satisfaction of being there! 🙂



Until the next post, I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoy my Italy trip!

Happy viewing!     

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