在上一个星期,22-01-2009, 有几位同事即将要离职。我们为他们举办了一个欢送会,就在Solaris里的Tenji餐厅。

走进Solaris的时候,已经可以感受到那里的优雅又高贵的气氛。 踏入Tenji的时候,那里的环境比JogoyaShogun 有过之而无不及!


Last week, 22-01-2009, we have a farewell(s) party for a few colleagues who are going to leave us soon. We went to the Tenji @ Solaris for a Japanese Buffet!

When I first walked on Solaris, I can feel the elegant of the surroundings. Step in to Tenji, the environment is far more better than Jogoya  and Shogun!



可是食物就比Jogoya 差。。。 价钱更比以上的两家来的贵。。。


不多说了。看看照片把~ :xd:



The food taste not as good as Jogoya, the price is higher than the listed two too…

The most notable food is the palm-sized oyster, I didn’t try it … it looks weird to swallow the oyster… honestly, do you feel good when the liquid inside the big oyster exploit inside your mouth?

Need not the say much as it has nothing different or outstanding than any other Japanese buffet. Take a look on the photo-loots. :xd:

Not encourage you to go unless you have extra money to spend…





On January 25, 2009, in Chinese, General, Site, Site | Announcement, by Kok mING



今年一定会比往年好!!! hahaha



On January 21, 2009, in Chinese, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING

这家位于增江的咖喱鱼头真的是好吃!简直是“平!靓!正!抵吃挟大件~~” :xd:


点了一份小的 (RM25),端上桌时,吓了一跳~ 分量真的有够多。 可是最后还是被我吃完了(好吃到欲罢不能)! :full:

我很少对食物给高评价的。。。 但是如果你是咖喱鱼头的狂热份子,一定要试试看!!



Pepperlunch @ Pavilion

On January 16, 2009, in English, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING

On 15th December 2008, we went to Pavilion KL to have team lunch again~

It is nothing fancy about Pepper Lunch. Normal style of fast slow food serving in a fast way.

I can’t recall the taste of the dishes because it does not taste very good :shy: So it didn’t leave any image in my mind. :hahaha:

The only fun-thing at Pepper Lunch is you will have to cook for your own dish. It serves with burning plate with raw meat and rice~ You have to work a little on it before you enjoy the meal. That is kinda fun although I didn’t cook mine :xd:

For the price offered and the portion & taste of the food, I wouldn’t recommend you to go for it… I know new franchise deserve encouragement but not this time…

I took some photos back for you too.


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