Yesterday, I went for a hair cut. I had a talk with the business owner and also a professional stylist, Bernard. A few times, he discussed this topic to me which every one had asked me the same question too. :bigeye:

Do you write program/applications/system for the anybody?

My answer is “Yes”. Of course I will do it when there is a profit but not necessary to every one. 😎

Bernard told me that he had acquired a few quotations from some suppliers ranging from RM20,000 to RM40,000. He wants a computerize system to capture all customer data and allow all his branches to share the same database for products or benefits redemption. A very good objective and very positive business motive too. I must praise him because that is not much of business owner will really care about how to increase customer satisfaction. :goodjob:

Although he has a good objective but that is not enough. To be honest, whenever there is a business, there is profit or loss.

I did share some of point of views with Bernard because I see the investment is not small for a small / medium business.

First, he must think about the Return of Investment a.k.a. ROI. To be frank, he did not thought about it. He was thinking to have a system to process things faster and consume lesser man power. So my question to  him is “How much profit do you expect the computer system to generate for you?”. His answer is “Not really generating any profit”. I was so shock… I replied “Then you should not consider to apply any computer system, because you are investing on something that don’t bring you any profit… So why you do it? Better purchase more business related products or equipments in order to provide better service to the customers. That will bring better impact to your business.” :smoker:

Second, I advise him to aim for true Win-Win instead of a fake dream. The question is how to maximum the value for money that a customer spent in each transaction? There are no reasons to ask your customer to pay more because you are going for computerization. If you do not ask your customer to pay more then yourself have to bare the system cost which did not add any value to your business profit. So why bother to apply I.T. where you can’t formulate a really Win-Win strategy for it? I am not attempt to force him to retreat but this is the crucial point for all business owners to think about… All of you need a system to generate money but not to waste your hard-earn money. The story can be different if you are filthy rich…

Third, I have asked him, “Do you have any idea on how to guarantee the customer loyalty?”. Obviously, he was thinking that the computer system is able to help to secure a customer by providing membership to them. Well, this is partially true. It is because if his competitors apply the same or more advance membership system then his investment will be mostly turn into no value… The first thing he should do it to think on how to secure the customer based by rolling out the computer system. :bingo:

Anyway, our chat did not go any further because my hair is not that long. Only 20 minutes, he managed to get my hair into a good and stylish shape again! :xd:

I pay the bill and come back to share this with you.

I hope this give you some thinking points when you are going for computerization. :glass:


Some weeks ago (around September 2008), my team went for team lunch again. Yay! Company paid lunch with our choice of food. :hahaha:

First step into the cafe, makes me feel weird. At the moment, I can’t figure out why it is weird. After some minutes, shuttering around, found out that the cafe is full with FEMALE. LoL. Only our table has some handsome men… :shy: 

The environment is not bad. It is comfortable and tidy.




Food ordering time! To be real honest to you, my English sucks big time, I hate menu without photos! :faint:

Always, I cannot understand what the dishes are except the common ingredient names like Lamb, Cheese, Mushroom, Beef, Eggs and etcetera.

I worried on the serving size… I used to dine in some restaurant so I know a few western dishes will come with reasonable size. But this… looks into the menu, got a lot of choices for example sandwiches, pastas, soup, rice and etc. Well, all looks so “small” to me! :he:

Finally, asked a buddy what is Lamb Shank, his answer is “Sure big enough to stuff you well!” :yes:

Without a second thought, I ordered Moroccan Lamb Shank with Tomato rice :xd:

Look!! It serves with huge bone ~~~ LoL. Worth the spending!


Some other orders were the Salmon rice, Beef Pasta and Salmon Pasta. We had 2 pieces of cake for desserts. (I could not remember the food names because the receipt was submitted for claim :shy: )





Overall, all dishes serve in a reasonable size for female or small eater :sigh:

The taste was not bad at all. Very healthy cooking with less oil, little salt and almost no extra “ajinomoto”. This is slow food too!

Give it a try if you do not aim for value for money :hahaha:


5 points is max

Food:4 points

Environment:3.5 points

Service:3 points


差不多有我的头那么大~~~ :xd:


RM6.50 一粒~~~ 这家店可以买到!


我的部落格也被很多的色情网站强行的pingback和trackback。 也有很多访客以色情字句为索引的来到这里。。。:smoker:


从名字看来像是个人部落格。我按了进去。。。 :surprise:


看看女优的部落格,也发现她们也像一般的博客,写了一些生活上的点滴。。。 (别问我为什么看得懂日文。。。Google Translate 是我的好朋友~~)

原来AV 女优博客还真的很多啊~~~



真是很大的啊~~~~ :ogod:

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