
On September 28, 2008, in Chinese, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING






我们去的目的就是要尝一尝杨枝金露雪糕 (RM10) !另外还点了芒果糯米卷 (RM 7) 和香芋西米露 (RM 6)。哇!!!好贵吃啊!但是既然要吃就要点自己想吃的咯。一次过,不后悔!:xd: [这家店没有收服务税和政府税哦~~]


杨枝金露雪糕没有想象中的好吃。。。芒果糯米卷虽然特别但是也不怎么的好味道。。。 :smoker:





呵呵~ 你看看小公主吃到津津有味的样子,就算贵,也无所谓啦。:he:



5 分是满分。

食物:3.5 分

环境:3.5 分

服务:4.5 分


Honestly, I have the urge to blog this.

Some ridiculous question and answer tele-conversations that I had gone through with some Citibank customer service.

I called them 2 times, and they called me 3 times where each call asked the same verification questions as below.

1. Can I have your IC Number?
My answer: Sure. ******-**-****

2. May I know your last billing statement amount from Citibank?
My answer: Elo!!!! I am not going to carry the fully paid billing statement in my pocket for the sake of your call! Imagine if you are me, would you carry the paper to go shopping? [Ridiculous! but it is still going on which another silly question…]

3. May I know your last transaction amount?
My answer: Hey! Stop being stupid! I can’t even remember on when is the last transaction which I buy stuff with the credit card from your fuck up bank! Stop asking this kind of question! Ok?! :onfire:

4. Sir, last question, may I know your date of birth?
My answer: KANASAI !! Don’t be so dumb! You are being offensive in a very silly way!!! My birth date can be read from my IC Number. Can you check it? Stop insulting my intelligence or try to bring me down to your level of stupidity! :onfire: :onfire:


To be very frank, I have very unpleasant experiences with these tele-conversations. No doubt, the customer service asked what they supposed to ask. But hey! You are insulting people’s intelligence by asking silly questions and insist them to answer in full! That is annoying and irritating! :autism:

I don’t find it good or secure by asking the above “verification” question! It is just too silly but this is how Citibank Malaysia conduct verification! Really a bodoh-lah process! :xd:






日本式自助餐 @ Jogoya

On September 14, 2008, in Chinese, Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING

大约一年前,就已经决定要到Jogoya去试试。 也听说了那里是如何如何的高档,也知道了那里的价钱也是走高消费路线的。





看看食物的区域吧!有泡菜,刺身,火锅,点心, 天妇罗,等等等等的。







我吃了好多啊~~~ :full: 刺身都吃了3-4盘,烧鳗鱼也吃了2盘,还有天妇罗,螃蟹,干贝等等等等的。。。

要重点介绍的是只有VIP才可以点的帝王蟹了:good: 你看那多么诱人的蟹肉!充满了肉汁的鲜甜!大口大口的咀嚼让我也觉得不枉此行了!




以下就是我一个人吃的但不是全部哦~~~ :ohoho1:











5 分是满分。

食物:4.5 分

环境:3.5 分

服务:4 分


I.S.A. Strikes again!

On September 12, 2008, in English, General, General | Awareness, by Kok mING

Raja Petra is arrested under Internal Security Act.

Right after the official news broadcast from Malaysia Today. It becomes hot-topic!

It is shock-less to me. It always has been the most “intelligent” trick that Malaysia Government can come out.

A lot of people are filled with anger, disappointment and sadness. They want to strike, protest or rally. But please! Be calm and drink a coffee… Start to think about it.

If PDRM (Polis Diraja Malaysia) has enough proof to sue Raja Petra, they have already apply the law suits instead of the lousy I.S.A.

Don’t start any protest or strike but question the officials on why Raja Petra and other journalists are caught but the Ahmad Ismail is still enjoying his life till the max?

It is obvious that this is only a trick / trap to loosen or weaken the strength of the free-voices. We should not be afraid and we have to remain calm.

Let’s see whether they will employ some temporary actors a.k.a. jokers to pretend to be Raja Petra’s supporters to create riot… So they can blame everything to Raja Petra.

The end of their day is approaching near! Let’s see how much of the “remaining” entertainment that they can bring to us!


Good stuff!

On September 9, 2008, in English, General, by Kok mING

Last year, went to Shogun.

So, this year, in front of the Jogoya entrance.

Did I go in? :he:



** 真的是病到失忆,在泰国的行程全都记错了。。。如果我有写错,你就尽管狠狠的,不留情面的。。。指指点点我吧**


听说泰国满街都卖燕窝的。。。 但是事实并不如此啦。这燕窝还真是千呼万唤始出来,要不是导游带我们去,就没有吃到的了。。。

From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008
From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008




From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008


From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008




去到了MBK,什么都没有买到,只是在那里吃了午饭 :full:

From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008

From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008
From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008


From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008

From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008


From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008
From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008

这些就是战利品了~~ :xd:

From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008


我知道你想说什么,一定是在骂我敷衍你们,没有认真地写这一篇文章。。。 我也想啊!可是当时的记忆对我来说就像过了十年那么的遥远啊~~~:ogod:


From Bangkok Pattaya July 2008


这次就这样算了吧~~~  完整的图片都在Picasa里, 有很多食物的照片都在那里哦~~~ 快快去看吧~~~

** For full photo album of my Thailand Trip, please click here **

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