
On October 13, 2007, in Chinese, General, Nonsense, by Kok mING

本来想写一篇文章的, 但是看到了自己的桌子像垃圾场一样。。。:faint:

立刻的动手收拾收拾, 男人真的就是那么的邋遢吗? :shy:  没有法子啦。。。工作忙!生活逼人啊!! :help:



收拾之后,什么灵感都不见了。。。 拿起了相机,随便的找些物体来拍。。。我的猫猫做了模特儿。呵呵!


6 Responses to 假期

  1. shelly says:

    how come all my comments didnt show up a..

    anyway..together forever?? woo..thinking about someone or just got someone? wanna share with me the story a?? I dont understand a word up there leh..haha


  2. Kok mING says:

    Your comment is here.

    Haha. This is just a rubbish post… saying my desk is a mess just like my life… especially working life …

    then the photo is the "tester" LoL. I still trying to assimilating my skill into my new IXUS 75 features…

    So far so good for "dead" objects. Soon will learn to get some movement! Heh Heh

  3. sonia says:

    together forever??
    i knew what your mean
    just like~~~~u and your honey
    together forever

  4. dragonQ says:


  5. Kok mING says:



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