几天前, Andy, 在msn说他有两张娱协2006的门票。 他说是参赛的都有。。。 呵呵他没有获奖, 但是有免费的入门票。 我对这些活动都不感兴趣的。 看在Andy的份上, 这么多年的朋友,一定不可拒绝的 :)呵呵 我相信两年后他一定会获奖的, 坚持到底啊!
看看照片吧。 我迟到了因为下雨大塞车。。。 还好, 让我拍到了梁静茹 ^-^
现场的照片很模糊。。。 摄影技术, 距离和灯光都不能拍啊。。。 但是还是拍了一些。。。
《— 铁头!!! 哈哈。 我说他像伍佰。。。 他是林宇中
曲终人散之时, 只留下有够简陋的星光大道的布景板。。。 难怪很多艺人都不想出席。。。
话说昨天我在一辆挤满了人的火车上。。。 看到了这一幕慈母喂(母)乳。 她一点都不含糊的在众目睽睽之下, 显示了母爱的伟大。。。
别跟我要照片。。。 这么神圣又纯洁的画面, 你就自己幻想吧。。。
各位。。。 真的, 要在还有能力的时候, 尽力的去报答你们的父母!
搬进了新的办公室已经有2-3个星期了。 环境还可以。。。 设备还可以。。。 空间不比以前的大但是其他的部门都说我们的非常大!拜托了, 各位同事,你们的空间已经比我的大1-2倍了。。。 你们还有个别的房间只是用来放你们的 垃圾 文件。 我们电脑部门要多点的空间来放你们的旧电脑也没有得到。。。 不好再讽刺我们了哦。
呵呵, 以上的都是我的“废”腑之言。 读者无需再意, 当然也不代表本人对公司的立场。我是很随和的。。。我们要相亲相爱。。。 你们是最好的你们知道吗? 哇哈哈哈!
昨天下了一场倾盆大雨。 开始时还不为意, 就在我和David纸上谈兵之时, 在他的办公室我听到了雨声。。。 滴滴答答 答答滴滴 滴答滴答 滴滴答答(有点周杰伦的调子) 。。。想都不想,我们就以凌波微步的飘上了顶楼。。。 看到满地是水,没有一丝的防雨措施。 哈哈。
在回到David的办公室。。。 雨水以电光毒龙躦的姿态破顶而入了, 天花板失守了! 机警的我们连忙搬进了2个金钟罩垃圾桶来抵挡雨水的攻势。 发动了红色暴雨警报, 招来了Mok 将军(我们的装修负责人) 。 使出了降龙十八掌来向Mok 将军显示不满。 可怜的Mok 将军也只有默默地承受了。我一早都建议你找Pua Chu Khang的啦。。。 你又说付新币不划算。。。 看现在,再来几场大雨, 办公室都可以划船了。。。
事情就这样了。。。只叹David的房间风水太好了。。。 就连雨水也聚过来了。 好兄弟,水为财!! 记得下注下得凶点哦!
我还向人事部副经理, Woo,借了一部 Canon Powershot A430 的数码相机把水灾的过程拍了。。。 有照片和短片哦!!:D
Hm… people start to demand me to post more pictures instead of writting wahaha.
Without your demand, I will post some photos too… I just got too little time to spend for upload image 🙁
I wish I can fully utilize the time that I spend on KTM… 3 hours each days… wahahaha what to do… money hard to earn lor…
Pictures taken on the way I depart from office. On my way to KTM station @ Setia Jaya. There is a waste-land where those barbarian Indian “car park” monopoly tycoon use it to earn pocket money for more beers! I am not sure whether or not you are going to park your car under their supervision or you already did…
This is what I see during my way to the station 😀 I wanted to take more shot with brighter color setting and even trying to record a movie with the mobile phone BUT those barbarian started to shout at me when I takes the 2nd photo… So I quickkkkk quicckkkkkk run to the station before they invite me to join their swimming session at this pool!
My friends… my last words of this post is dedciated for you. Park at your own risk!
1300889515… is the number that all Malaysian Internet surfers might not forget for the rest of their life…
It is not a number for emergency. This number cannot help you in anything but to let you have a proper channel to release your anger. This is the TM Net CustCare hotline number. You will never find another great ISP as this. They are really make Malaysian feeling “Proud to be a Malaysian” and “Malaysia Boleh!”.
TM Net “boleh” in:
1. Widest coverage for Internet in Malaysia. Without it, Malaysian cannot communicated with the world! As a result, it created the largest whine community against its service quality! Can you imagine that the service can be suddenly disconnected and only resume few days later? especially during weekends… and they still dare to BILL you on time!
2. The first service provider that can ever offer their services on BEST EFFORT BASIS… How on earth that this kind of quality measurement / objective can be announced to the public… Did the industry has its standard to grant the license to the qualified candidates only? Why this BEST EFFORT BASIS can be implemented… All I wanted to say… Can I pay your TM NET bills on my BEST EFFORT BASIS too. I really wish it can be happened. Let’s strike in front of the TM Net head quarter.
3. The best IVR that I had ever encounter… They will be very honest to tell you that they are facing problem and all your service interruption is because of that, so they are sooooo sorry and apologise with those IVR recorded voice. You will need to wait at least 3 minutes(because of stupid recorded sound and their songs!!) if you really wish to listen to a REAL customer servicer officer reply, you better prepare you very best whine speech or complaint essay. You must Fuck them! FUCK those DOUCHEBAGS HARD. You deserve the rights to shout. You pay them every month, you did not hire them but you pay for the service! When you get no service means they are not giving you what you deserve! Go shout! GO Malaysian, GO!
4. TM Net is the highest speed broadband provider in Malaysia… yeah! Sounds cool… not! You will always get at max 70% of the advertised speed. Haha, if you going to question me, why it cannot be max speed? The official answer is listed on the item 2. Best effort basis service! This rocks! why not next time they advertised 100mbps connection as those First World Country and provide the Third World connection to subscribers? Hey! If you are marching towards Wawasan 2020, you gotta stop providing your services with Third World Mentality!
5. The only service that gives you no satisfaction but keep draining your money into their pockets! Yeah! I am serious!! As serious as I love you!!! Since I am soooooooo unhappy with the service. I can always terminate it right? … I tell you… in Malaysia, we are not really good in reading those words with font size 5! On their service contract, they did mention if a subscriber wanted to discontinue the service. They must be subscribed to the service for at least 12 months or willing to pay up to 12 months in order to un-subscribe. WooooHooooo! You see now… The power of “Black and White”. Do you ever have the feeling that you betrayed by your country which always says “Malaysia Boleh” but end up… I boleh, you tak boleh (this mean I can, you cannot). All your money belongs to me! Har har har har har
6. Now you may start to wonder. Why today Kok Ming is so free to write about something which every one knows but useless? Why Kok Ming is soooooooooooo eager to blog this useless speech and none bother? The answer is….
Thank you TM Net. You makes me has the time to compile this blog entry. So I would like to write something about you in order to show my most sincere appreciation.
My internet connection is down since evening… went up for 1 hour and down again… I check the speed from the modem that I acquire from TM Net… 160kbps up… 32kbps down. It definitely rocking for dotA, RANOnline or my porn download!! see picture below as a prove.
(160 Kbps / 1024 Kbps) * 100% = Wow! That’s below 70% of the advertised speed. So I go to reset the modem and hopes it will be better……. Dang! I hit the jackpot! The modem is unable to establish the PPP link now. Give me five! no… I am going to warm the bed for you now.
Good night!
To blog or not to blog… to be or not to be… to read or not to read… to die or not to die…
Peoples started to be amazed… by me…
They sound really suprise that I have a blog now… haha. Do not know they are suprise that I manage to setup or write or attract them to read? Haha. I am happy that they actually looks into what I write … or at least the photo I put into here…
They are sooooo eager to know how I manage to get this things up… ask me this and that … ask me whether or not to setup one for him/her … har har har. Sorry, friends. I do not know how to setup another copy of this thing 🙁
Anyway. Nothing to be suprise… if you don’t know… Except how to write blog… I know how to write lyrics too. kakakakaka… so? puzzled or hard to believe again?
I cannot sing well only… but I still manage to write.
My grammar sucks but I still able to write…
Even though, I have millions of dollars turnover in seconds … but with you are reading this… I will keep writting! 😀
Ohhhhh almost forget. The initial objective to have this entry is to let you know today my colleagues praise my new hair style is very nice and I look very handsome… haha indirectly… means I am not handsome before this +_+” haha
Anyway, listen what you want to hear, ignore what you do not want to listen. That’s the philosophy of life… for the sake of health and mental! 😀
It is a rainy day… nice for sleep…
Good night.
This is a first Saturday of November 2006… IDM will be conducted today.
Basically is for each department head to voice out their so-outstanding issues. On the other hand, the TOP management will question those heads if they have any doubt. It has nothing special but I guess this is a notable meeting you know…
I noticed but I am not sure whether or not my buddy, david, notice it… They changed the department sequence to speak or report… MIS is the first… Purchasing is last. hm… Are they trying to say that MIS deserves to report first started from this month? haha. I would not know but all I know is the Purchasing department keep giving them a lot of troubles. Perhaps it is the reason for it to get the last turn… Ohhhh. you might not know why last turn is bad. MIS always get last or almost last 😛 and many of our thoughts and ideas is not heard by the management simply because during the end of the meeting. Everyone is tired, boring and sleepy like I did 😛 … so you go figure out how bad is the last turn to report…
That’s nothing worth mentioning (not becausea of P&C but really nothing to mention too…) during the meeting except every one keep eating the left-over Yam Cakes and Pineapples (since breakfast)… and people keep making tea or drinks …
Oh… before I forget… that’s the Uncle Lau is sooo funny… KM … well. It is the short-form of my name. Kok Ming = KM. and the Group on the companies that I am working for is KM Group 😛 so now. what is KM means for you? haha Uncle Lau says Kumpul Money Group 😛 haha that’s something good… Kumpul Money = collect money. well. I have another one better… Kedukut Ming… it means stingy ming!
omg… this is the second entries for my blog! yay! 😀
Carrefour 附近开了很多新的发型店。。。 我找了一间价钱还算便宜的来试试。。。
Trendz是店的名字。 以为新张开店, 人客不多的。可是当我去到的时候还有一些人潮。。。 可能Kepong的都是像我这样精明的消费者吧!
店里的环境还可以。 有免费饮料, 舒适的沙发和音乐。。。 等久了还不会很暴躁。。。 哈哈!
等了40分钟, 终于到我了。。。 发型师问我:“要保留现在这个发型吗?” 。 我说:”你就帮我理个适合我的发型吧!” 嘻嘻。 其实我也不知道什么发型好看。。。 我对头发的要求只是要容易整理。。。 哈哈! 我是顾客, 他是PRO。 我当然是Let the PRO do it! 😀
他跟着还说了现在也没有人要理分线的发型了。 呵呵,没办法啦。。。我是看价钱理发的。。。
发型师的名字叫Bernard. 他说我的头发很密,剪一次就等于他的4次!哈哈!他在暗示他亏本了? 😛 他还说我的头发很黑, 这样会使发型显示不出层次感。 他建议我把头发给染上棕色。。。 呵呵 他想把亏的都赚回去?? XD
Bernard说我的样子不像28岁。。。 说我很babyface。。。 很多人都这么说啦。。。 导致, 老的不理我, 年轻的有距离, 小孩还叫我Uncle 🙁 …
当Bernard知道我的工作是I.T. One-Leg-Kick的时候, 他还问我可以帮他安装会计软体吗? 呵呵 你看!现在连发型店也迈向I.T.了!! 不要放弃!MSC失败了, I.T.还是有希望的!! Oppssss! 离题了。。。
剪刀惊险的在我的头上飞舞了30分钟。 我的新发型终于面世了!! 他还教我如何保持和梳理。。。 呵呵, 还不错的客户服务。
理发的收费是RM 13。 比印度人贵一些。。。 但是比我一直光顾的便宜。呵呵。 我还在那里买了造型膏 (Moulding Cream), RM 35。 Hm。。。 我到Jusco的Watson都找不到这种产品。。。 如果你知道市价, 麻烦你告诉我吧!
呵呵, 这就是我的新look了!!

I am still figuring out how to make this thing really works for me…
It is working nicely with firefox browser.
It sucks when comes to IE 7…
the damn thing is… this is an ASP.NET blog engine!! Using ASP.NET 2.0 … and wtf can goes wrong with the latest version of M$ Internet Explorer?
Since I have so positive attitude… I will just pray play until it works!
Next to edit…
1. Change the Blogroll words to something nicer…
2. Trying to figure out how to make the Categories list to appear (well it has nothing and I find it no way to add it… see… I am sooooo outdated already… unable to get things done…)
3. hm…hm… let’s hope I have more time to fix this tonight … if only nobody call me for dotA…
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