Inter-Department Meeting (IDM)

On November 4, 2006, in My work, by Kok mING

This is a first Saturday of November 2006… IDM will be conducted today.

Basically is for each department head to voice out their so-outstanding issues. On the other hand, the TOP management will question those heads if they have any doubt. It has nothing special but I guess this is a notable meeting you know…

I noticed but I am not sure whether or not my buddy, david, notice it… They changed the department sequence to speak or report… MIS is the first… Purchasing is last. hm… Are they trying to say that MIS deserves to report first started from this month? haha. I would not know but all I know is the Purchasing department keep giving them a lot of troubles. Perhaps it is the reason for it to get the last turn… Ohhhh. you might not know why last turn is bad. MIS always get last or almost last 😛 and many of our thoughts and ideas is not heard by the management simply because during the end of the meeting. Everyone is tired, boring and sleepy like I did 😛 … so you go figure out how bad is the last turn to report…

That’s nothing worth mentioning (not becausea of P&C but really nothing to mention too…) during the meeting except every one keep eating the left-over Yam Cakes and Pineapples (since breakfast)… and people keep making tea or drinks …

Oh… before I forget… that’s the Uncle Lau is sooo funny…  KM … well. It is the short-form of my name. Kok Ming = KM. and the Group on the companies that I am working for is KM Group 😛  so now. what is KM means for you? haha Uncle Lau says Kumpul Money Group 😛  haha that’s something good… Kumpul Money = collect money. well. I have another one better… Kedukut Ming… it means stingy ming!

omg… this is the second entries for my blog! yay! 😀

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