Honestly, I have the urge to blog this.

Some ridiculous question and answer tele-conversations that I had gone through with some Citibank customer service.

I called them 2 times, and they called me 3 times where each call asked the same verification questions as below.

1. Can I have your IC Number?
My answer: Sure. ******-**-****

2. May I know your last billing statement amount from Citibank?
My answer: Elo!!!! I am not going to carry the fully paid billing statement in my pocket for the sake of your call! Imagine if you are me, would you carry the paper to go shopping? [Ridiculous! but it is still going on which another silly question…]

3. May I know your last transaction amount?
My answer: Hey! Stop being stupid! I can’t even remember on when is the last transaction which I buy stuff with the credit card from your fuck up bank! Stop asking this kind of question! Ok?! :onfire:

4. Sir, last question, may I know your date of birth?
My answer: KANASAI !! Don’t be so dumb! You are being offensive in a very silly way!!! My birth date can be read from my IC Number. Can you check it? Stop insulting my intelligence or try to bring me down to your level of stupidity! :onfire: :onfire:


To be very frank, I have very unpleasant experiences with these tele-conversations. No doubt, the customer service asked what they supposed to ask. But hey! You are insulting people’s intelligence by asking silly questions and insist them to answer in full! That is annoying and irritating! :autism:

I don’t find it good or secure by asking the above “verification” question! It is just too silly but this is how Citibank Malaysia conduct verification! Really a bodoh-lah process! :xd:


6 Responses to Citibank Malaysia is so S.T.U.P.I.D.

  1. A1 says:

    You are being stupid for blogging about this.

    1. They have different sets of verification questions for clients, perhaps yours is just a so called coincidence scenario.
    2. They are not insulting your intelligence by asking your date of birth, instead you are being "katak di bawah tempurung" for F****** them. Have you ever thought they also have foreigners who use their products? Do foreigners have your so called Malaysian NRIC with your "so greatly printed" date of birth over there?
    3. And you are being annoyed just for the sake of people asking you when or what is your last transaction amount? OMG!!!! You don’t really need to give an exact answer. Roughly you should be able to remember where had you spent, even though you don’t know how much. The reason why they ask you such a question is because, in the event your credit card got stolen or lost, the person who is unethically using it would not be bale to answer such question, and this will trigger their alertness for the person being too suspicious. In another word, this is also to protect the interest of stupid cardholders aka users like YOU.

    Hope these serves as an eye opener for you.

    If you feel what I said is not correct, please don’t publish this and continue being a stupid pathetic blogger.

    If you feel what I said make sense, please publish as I would want to see how my arguement lies.

    Next time before throwing childish comments, please do some survey at your end.

  2. A1 says:

    You are being stupid for blogging about this.

    1. They have different sets of verification questions for clients, perhaps yours is just a so called coincidence scenario.
    2. They are not insulting your intelligence by asking your date of birth, instead you are being "katak di bawah tempurung" for F****** them. Have you ever thought they also have foreigners who use their products? Do foreigners have your so called Malaysian NRIC with your "so greatly printed" date of birth over there?
    3. And you are being annoyed just for the sake of people asking you when or what is your last transaction amount? OMG!!!! You don’t really need to give an exact answer. Roughly you should be able to remember where had you spent, even though you don’t know how much. The reason why they ask you such a question is because, in the event your credit card got stolen or lost, the person who is unethically using it would not be bale to answer such question, and this will trigger their alertness for the person being too suspicious. In another word, this is also to protect the interest of stupid cardholders aka users like YOU.

    Hope these serves as an eye opener for you.

    If you feel what I said is not correct, please don’t publish this and continue being a stupid pathetic blogger.

    If you feel what I said make sense, please publish as I would want to see how my arguement lies.

    Next time before throwing childish comments, please do some survey at your end.

  3. Kok mING says:

    You are not making sense. You are definitely not in the position to judge on my blog post too.

    In fact, as a consumer, I have the rights to comment about the Services provided by the lousy Citibank. Regardless the languages and tones used. They can’t make me happy means they are failing themselves. If a bank need customers to concern about their service level and coverage. I would say fuck off! That’s all!

    Thank you for spending a few minutes of your life time to leave these comment.

    There is nothing to debate, your arguements could be correct from your point of view. I am not going to change your thought as I have no intention to do so.

    Enjoy your stay here or leave 🙂

    Never call someone stupid until they offended you. If I do, I apologize. But if I don’t, I demand your apology.

  4. A1 says:

    Dear Blogger,

    Please refer to your own blog.

    You yourself said "Never call someone stupid until they offended you."

    What you said is correct.

    I feel offended with what you called people working for the sake of money as a Customer Service being called STUPID by you.

    Anyway, you are right as well when you said we all have the right to express own views.

    I am just sharing a different point of view to let you look at things more objectively.

    I am in fact feeling happy that you post my comment which I left for the very 1st time in my life.

    And YES again, you are right.

    I am spending a few minutes of my life time to leave you this comment.

    Your apology is accepted and I would like to apologize as well should there be any hard feelings.

    Enjoy blogging…

  5. Kok mING says:

    Apology accepted. Happy surfing!

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