上个星期天,一家人到了Wisma Selangor Dredging里的大同酒家,试试那里的点心自助餐。说就好听啦。。。点心自助餐,真的就是那么“一点心”的自助餐。点心自助餐里的点心的部分真的少得可怜 (只有那么的一辆点心车, 还是限时推出的)。。。 连我也没有拍到照片。。。 真的有点被骗的感觉。RM30一个人头,好贵啊!还好,这次我“有备而吃”的,就是RM150的赠卷!!

Last Sunday,my family went to the TaiTong Restaurant located in Wisma Selangor Dredging building, just to try out the Dim Sum Buffet! It sounds so nice… a Dim Sum Bugger, its really “LITTLE HEART” (a.k.a. Dim Sum) buffet! In this so called Dim Sum buffet, the Dim Sum selections is damn little (only 1 Dim Sum trolley, furthermore you need to wait for its ” Dim Sum release”)… I did not manage to take that “macho” trolley… I felt like I am being cheated. It cost me RM30/headcount, very beli expensive with this “much” of food offered. Luckily, I did not go with empty hands, I have RM 150 voucher with me! Yeah! Voucher rocks!



I don’t understand, why they still put those cheapskate fried rice, fried noodles, curry chicken and TeowChew porridge? All I want is DIM SUM only!!! All of you, the Malaysia Restaurant Owners, please conduct your business with more conscience, ok? Dim Sum buffet did not focus on DIM SUM. I really do not understand… with this many customers, still worry about net-loss??




这两张照片就是整个自助餐的主要食物。。。 还有一辆点心车和一些甜品。。。 太不堪入目了,所以没有拍。我拍了也叫我自己尴尬。。。

These two photos is the main dishes for the whole buffet… still got a Dim Sum trolley and a table of desserts… but it is too shameful to see, so I did not take any photo for you because I will be ashamed of that if I ever take one…



I uses the Cow power and Tiger energy to take these much of Dim Sum… It really contains blood and sweat ahhhhhhhhh!!




Although the dishes below did not well-display, but these are the more delicious food among all available!



Fried radish cake, crispy skin, soft and chewy fillings, full of radish scent, this really makes me feel that the most ordinary things is the most delicious food!



The fresh Shrimp dumplings and SharkFin dumplings, taste good and makes you want to eat more!



The next is Char Siew! Yes! This Char Siew is really not bad, although it is not as tasty are the Char Siew I ate before, but the BBQ stick style of serving, 1 time 1 stick, satisfying your desire till the max!!




要吃就看地图。但是我不鼓励啦。 因为是很贵吃的。。。

If you want to eat then refer to the map. I don’t encourage you to eat this because it is too pricey considering the food served…



5 Responses to 点心自助餐 @ 大同酒家 (DimSum Buffet @ TT Restaurant)

  1. shelly says:

    Only a small tray but like how many types of DIM SUM.. Just wondering why all these peeps go there..maybe also their first and last time..haha

    but the environment looks nice though..Very sophisticated from your pictures. The dimsums although a little, but still, can make my mouth water..or maybe its because im too hungry now..

    And the char siew..SLURPPSS..But RM30..hmm..


  2. sonia says:


  3. Kok mING says:

    Yes. Indeed it is a very pricey 1… dont go for this.


  4. HarbX says:

    Looks very good though. The price is just a bit crazy. Maybe once in a blue moon type of thing this place.

    Next time we go la when we get bonus or something. 😀

  5. Kok mING says:


    Bonus? I think that will be real late and we are about to miss 2 quarters of it 🙁

    Without bonus, we still can go but not this buffet, perhaps some others 😀 !

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