昨天我把MSN的私人讯息改成 –> 你问我 点解有书唔读有工又唔做, 你要我点样答 想读书又无钱 想做工又无人请
这句话是我六年前, 失业了4个月,写给自己的歌词,用来讽刺社会的。是RAP的。 可惜的是Andy没有将成品创作出来。。。
WHat is beyond god like says:
Kok mING®©™, recommends http://blog.kokming.com says:
想读书又无钱 想做工又无人请
WHat is beyond god like says:
Kok mING®©™, recommends http://blog.kokming.com says:
WHat is beyond god like says:
Kok mING®©™, recommends http://blog.kokming.com says:
Kok mING®©™, recommends http://blog.kokming.com says:
I am going to blog this nonsense
~ d a v i d ~ says:
~ d a v i d ~ says:
kewl title
~ d a v i d ~ says:
点解有书唔读有工又唔做, 你要我点样答 想读书又无钱 想做工又无人请
Kok mING®©™, recommends http://blog.kokming.com says:
Kok mING®©™, recommends http://blog.kokming.com says:
I am blogging on this
Kok mING®©™, recommends http://blog.kokming.com says:
and you will be in my blog now
很多人都开始对我发牢骚了。 而且还越来越凶了。 真的就在把我说成家裡蹲一样。。。我无奈的将MSN的私人讯息改了。 好让他们也知道世界难混啊!很多很多的事情,我也不想辩驳。我不辩驳不是因为我理亏。 我一定会胜,因为辩驳就是我的强项!当然要双方都是拥有相同的条件。但是我没有做到,因为当我赢了, 我就会输了一个朋友。。。 看开点吧。 不是每个人都会了解你的,也不会有人完全的支持你的。。。
你问我 点解有书唔读有工又唔做, 你要我点样答 想读书又无钱 想做工又无人请 <– 你知道这句话的意思吗?你看到了我的心情吗?表面上,我尽是埋怨, 可是我是对现实的无奈而写的。。。 你看的明白,你应该明白了矛盾的意思。 这个句子很矛盾, 也很简单。。。 就像老白的对话, 永远也没有尽头。
虽然市面上有很多工作, 我也可以做。 但是不适合我,我有何必为了糊口而再度放弃自己的理想?六年了, 我已经对生活妥协了六年!我还有多少个六年??我现在不让建立起自己想要的事业, 我就对不起自己了。。。 可能到最后,我还是要对现实低头,但是还没到最后,我是不会放弃的!
没错,薪金少点也可以生活, 至少可以解去燃眉之急。 可是何必又再重蹈覆辙?我已经三番四次的降低薪金来“乞求”/“幻想” 更好的事业。最后,我还是落到了如斯田地。。。 你明白吗?我不甘心!!
老实的说,身边的朋友虽多, 可是可以交心的也没有几个。 要找到有共识的更难了。当然,今时今日的我, 完全是自己造成的。我没有怪任何朋友, 就算你骂我,你批评我, 你嘲笑我,还是挖苦我。。。 我也没有说你的不是。 因为我知道自己的目标,我不需要根据你们的个人观点而改变我的坚持。 看吧~ 现在我就已经觉得有人说我固执了。。。 不管我是固执还是不听你们苦口婆心的劝告, 你们也别把自己的那一套当成必杀技的一直猛攻我啊。 说到底, 我也是有脾气的人啊。
朋友,很多时候,我会和你多说的时候,绝对是因为我想给你更多的参考。当你们有了决定的时候,我是不是永远都在背后支持你啊?不需要雄辩滔滔的。 朋友的梦想,决定和行动。 我都是二话不说的支持的。 朋友就是要这样的啊!什么都是多余的,挺了在说!!David 一定比较明白我吧, 因为这两年里, 我们都一起的打拼!
你问我 点解有书唔读有工又唔做, 你要我点样答 想读书又无钱 想做工又无人请
This is going to be a technology post but I will try my best to write as “funny” / “hilarious” as I can… So I won’t bore the I.T. illiterate readers 🙂
First of all, what inspires me to write this… Often, we heard people talk about how great is .NET and what it can do and etc… It is overwhelming. Simply overwhelming. In many situations, people start to mis-understand what is .NET.
Let’s start with a little history lesson, short but brief! 🙂
.NET derives its name from a well-known Microsoft Software Component called .NET Framework. What is this? .NET Framework is a large pool of pre-coded libraries or objects for Microsoft Visual Studio.NET to use. If you don’t know what is libraries or objects. No worry. Just make is as a TOOL! 🙂 A handy tool for programmers.
.NET started its journey since year 2002 with the first release of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (often we refer it as Microsoft VS .NET 2002). .NET framework has a few versions and use by different version of Visual Studio. See table below.
.NET Framework | Microsoft Visual Studio Version |
1.0 | Microsoft Visual Studio 2002 |
1.1 | Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 |
2.0 | Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 |
3.0 | Orcas or Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (still in progress) |
3.5 | Orcas or Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (still in progress) |
*** I am not sure which version of .NET framework that Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 will use. It is just a wild guess…
As you see table above… In past 5 years, Microsoft is putting a lot of effort to capture/expand the developer population. Well, forget about it. You don’t need to know that 🙂 For .NET Framework version 3.0, it is included in your brand new Microsoft Windows Vista if you don’t know… 🙂 For most developers or programmers, we are definitely waiting for the version 3.5 because this version will include a new compiler that will support new features such as Language Integrated Query (LINQ), as well as new language features in C# and VB.NET.
Every one thinks that .NET must be Internet related. This is partially wrong, but I could not deny it fully. It is because .NET Framework has the capability to interoperable between web and windows/desktop interface. It is all depends on what kind of software solution you need!
I met some employers or bosses which thinks that if you don’t have .NET experience then you knows nothing in web-development. Gosh! I wish I can slap them hard. Kick them far far away. Besides .NET, we still have JAVA or JAVA EE if you know what is that. Even without .NET or Java knowledge, you can still development a web site with plain HTML…
.NET is just a term for a group of tools. So, when somebody mention that they know .NET, you better ask them which .NET language that he/she knows 🙂 For example, my blog is developed with C#.NET and uses XML as database, currently utilizing .NET Framework 2.0 🙂
If a person says he has more than 7 years of .NET experiences. Just ignore him, it is because .NET was introduced at year 2002. Now is year 2007 only. Even you are a beta tester, I bet it is like 1 year earlier than the other to feel the beta version of .NET Framework 1.0. If you are interviewing people, ensure you have the right candidate with the right experiences 🙂
To summarize, .NET is not the owning the Internet. It is a lot of other tools to develop web-site or Internet application or system (e-commerce, CMS, BLOG and etc).
I hope I did not bore you with this. I wish you have better understanding on this topic. Feel free to ask me more questions too!
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