A Trip To Sungai Besar

On December 22, 2006, in My work, My Work | Project Site, by Kok mING

3 days ago, I was assigned to assist David in a trip to Sungai Besar… Don’t ask me where is Sungai Besar, all I can tell you is nearby Kuala Selangor…

I don’t think I can tell you what is the purpose of the trip… or IF I tell you… You also don’t know what is it all about too ahaha.

We depart 9:30AM @ Office. Reach the destination @ 11:30AM… Long journey uh?

Then we walk around to do a environment survery first haha. To check around only… It was a fine day without hot sun and cloudly as well 😀  I manage to get a DSLR camera ahah 😛 So I taken some photos for ya to see 😀


  A wooden bridge to shore…


  Some kids “ski-ing” ?? haha.


 Mangrove forest… Must take the photo… for office use …


  BIRDS! Damn! I wish I have better camera lens to zoom it closer for you!


 Wild life No 1. Crabs crabs crabs!


 Wild life No 2. Fish!


 SEAFOOD Restaurant!!! SEAFOOD LUNCH!!! And YES, A FREE SEAFOOD LUNCH, LoL! I can’t take any food photo this time because I feel too shy to take it in front of other hungry colleagues… ahah. Can you imagine feeling that everyone is eyeing on the plate of food while you taking its photo? I simply too shy to do it this time. Perhaps next time! I will eat that again! Because this time did not manage to order the CRAB… 🙁 Next time must order it hehe 🙂


 The only female in this trip… and she is not my colleague… opps 😛 You can guess who she is…


That’s all… and remember I am an I.T. One-Leg-Kick and my new extra role is camera-man. Yay! hahaha 😛


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