Yo! It seems that this time has come. It is the end of year 2007.
This year is totally out of my expectation. I mean career wise. From a company director turn into a hikikomori. Finally got a job as a Team Leader. Although this is not a highest title but it gives me some satisfaction which I have the chance to deal with world-class player in IT sector namely the H.P. and Microsoft. It is definitely recovering… I am regaining the lost land too. Seriously, it will take some times for me to get myself back on track.
Other than that, the trip to Bali is really unforgettable. A very nice and memorable trip!
This blog has gained 10 times of visitors grow. From the starting of 90 visits / month. It turn up 900 – 1200 visits /month. Simply amazing. Give yourself a clap for checking this blog often although it has nothing impressive to read on… :shy:
Looking backwards, I did a few silly mistakes but a lot of wise choices. Regardless how good or bad the impact, I am still struggling. Staying alive to kick more asses!
You know what?! The last “kiasu” thing I did in year 2007 is go to the petrol station to pump my oil-tank to max! Yes! MAX! Some said petrol price will raise for 40cents, some said 50 cents, one said RM1.00… So… I joined the kiasu army and queue for full tank petrol which is 13 liters.
How I walk-through year 2007 to year 2008? Staying at home, doing office reports and coding… I am the most hardworking people! Please praise me!! :xd:
Nothing much to bore you again. If you have any interesting story, please post here or a link to your blog! I want to read that 🙂
Happy New Year, My friends!
Two weeks ago, we (me and my family) went to New Beggars Delicious restaurant to eat Beggar Chicken. What is Beggar Chicken? It is a Chinese dishes, details found here! This restaurant located somewhere in Selangor… If I tell you the exact address, you won’t get it… bring you there also too far. It is located inside some kind of oil palm estate. :xd:
在店里还给我看到现在当红的J.CO DONUT ! 甜甜圈/牛车轮真的是那么的美味吗?我很喜欢巧克力风味的,我也试过这个J.CO DONUT , 并不会让我觉得很好吃,也没有再吃的欲望啊!可能是名气过盛而让我把标准提高了吧。。。 :beg:
Looks what I’ve found here?! It is the popular J.CO Donut! (Box only…) The donuts really taste so great? I likes chocolate donut very much, I tried this J.CO Donut too, but I don’t feel it is really a great taste and it can’t make me to repeatedly purchase for it… Possibly because it is so famous, I set a high “passing” mark for it while I taste it… :beg:
Back to the story, this restaurant is not selling Beggars Chicken only, it has many others dishes too.
这就是全部的菜肴了。有甘香明虾,叫化鸡,叫化猪手和糯米饭(还有胡椒猪肚汤,没有拍到。。。) ***叫化鸡,叫化猪手和糯米饭是要预定的***
These are the food ordered that day. Got Prawn, Beggars Chicken, Pork hand(Knuckle) and Stick Rice (and a soup(pork stomach?), not in the photo) . ***Chicken, Pork Hand and Sticky Rice are the dishes where you needs to book at least a day in advance***
叫化鸡,很浓的药材味,很好吃但是肉质不太好。。。不够滑,口感也没有了。(RM32… 还可以啦)
Beggers Chicken, the herb taste strong, tasty but the meat is not very nice… it is not smooth enough, lacking the “biting” feel. (For RM32… this is still OK la…)
甘香明虾, 这个的味道很好,虾很新鲜(可能是靠近渔村吧?)。烹调的方法还不错,味道刚刚好,虾的口感棒!唯一不足的是太少了。。。 一个人一只而已。。。 还是RM40 一碟。。。 好贵吃的啊!:circle:
Prawn, this taste great, fresh prawn from the fisher village, perhaps? The cooking apply to this dish is very nice. The only lacking for this is the serving quantity is too little… 1 people 1 prawn… charging RM40 per dish… it is too expensive to eat! :circle:
糯米饭。这个真的是豪华的糯米饭,用料足。两个字 “好吃” (RM 32一份。。。):goodjob:
Sticky Rice. This can be the real RICH and luxury sticky rice with a lot of fillings inside. Two words to say it all, “Ho Jiak!” (RM32 per dish…) :goodjob:
Pork Hand (knuckle), can you see that? The outlook is so tempting , the meats is melting inside your mouth without much chewing, I ate quite a few pieces of it too! :shy:
Soup, without the luxury outlook, without the tempting scent, but the taste is just good. You should try it! :or:
:full: 这一餐吃了RM180。。。 好贵啊。。。 你请我吃,我就带你去吧!好吗?
:full: This meal cost RM180… freaking expensive ah! If you are buying me this for lunch/dinner, I will lead you there! Ok?
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Have fun and play safe!! :hahaha:
2007年12月13日,星期四,客户中心的经理带了我和我的组员到了Pavilion Kuala Lumpur的勘八(KAMPACHI)吃午餐。你一定是在“哇~~~ 午餐就去吃高级的日本料理?!”。呵呵。他会请我们吃是因为我们替他解决了好几个难题。。。还有就是我为了完成任务,周末也在工作,甚至还要通宵的赶工。。。 真的是“找吃艰难”!
一踏入Pavilion Kuala Lumpur,在眼前的就是豪华的圣诞灯饰。尽显了时尚和不凡的风范。
2007, December 13th, Thursday, the contact center manager brought me and my team member to Kampachi at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur for a lunch. You must must screaming “Wah~~~ Eat high class Japanese food for lunch?!” Heh Heh. He bought us the lunch because we managed to settle his troubles with our dedication… Not to forget that, in order to accomplish the mission, I had to work on weekends, stay overnight in office for deadlines… this lunch really contains “blood” and “sweat”!
Once we entered Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, in front of us, it is a Huge Christmas tree lightning decoration! This has fully demonstrated trendy yet outstanding faces of Pavilion Kuala Lumpur!
勘八(KAMPACHI),是位于六楼的一家高级的日本料理餐厅。里面的装潢真的很不错。说真的。。。我还是第一次到这么高级的餐厅吃午餐。 :shy:
KAMPACHI is a high class Japanese restaurant located at sixth floor. The interior design and decoration is really not bad. To be frank, this is my first visit to such high class restaurant for lunch. :shy:
这里的食物真的是好有“价值”啊!一杯绿茶要RM12。。。 虽然是任饮,但是真的是价值不菲就是了。
The food serves here is really has a “value”! A cup of green-tea cost RM12… Although it is bottom-less but this is still a “valuable” drink.
Come, my friend! Let’s talk about the food. Unagi sushi, taste good. Compare to those chained sushi outlets, this is definitely better!
We ordered a few bento. The one showing below is the quite expensive bento cost RM58. (I forgot the name…)
这个就是我点的东京便当 (Tokyo Bento) – RM38。但看卖相就觉得这是高价食物。有看到那些色彩鲜艳的刺身(SASHIMI)吗?高价食物真的就是比较好!入口即化,咀嚼起来完全不像其他的生鱼片,完全没有那种很“生”的味道,相反地是得到了满足的口感!整体来说,我还是觉得价格比食物的味道来的高。。。
This is the bento that I had. Tokyo Bento is the name. It cost RM38, from the appreance, you can see this is a high class type of food. Have you notice the Sashimi in wonderful colors? It is very nice, it melts directly without chewing! Unlike the others, this sashimi does not has any “raw” taste yet it gives your mouth a high satisfaction for eating that! Overall, I still think tat that food is costly…
接下来的这个便当是本人觉得很值得吃的。有SOBA,饭和鳗鱼。味道我就不知道了。。。 我没有吃这个嘛。。。:cry:
Next, this is the bento that I feel very worth to try. It has SOBA, RICE and UNAGI. I am not sure about the taste… because I did not order this… 😥
鳗鱼便当。。。看起来不错但是我觉得应该吃了也不会有饱的感觉。份量好少啊。 :sweat:
UNAGI bento… this looks good but I believe if I ate this, I won’t feel full. The serving portion is too litle. :sweat:
The desserts is Green-Tea Ice Cream. Nothing special, no surprise… :happysigh:
临走前,有人站在圣诞树上唱歌哦!立刻的拍下来留念。一年一次嘛。 哈哈!:hahaha:
Before we head back to office, got people singing on the Christmas tree! Without a second thought, I took these photos. Once a year chance. Haha! :hahaha:
In conclusion, KAMPACHI’s surroundings and food are really better than the others, but with this price, I don’t think I will fork out my own money to visit it again :xd:
一转眼,又到了2007年尾了。电脑展(PC FAIR)又到了。这可是马来西亚 I.T. 届的一大盛事。无论你是 I.T. 人还是生意人,都会跑去乘热闹的。在去年,当我刚刚开始写部落格时,我买了Samsung 932B LCD,也说了下次一定把美女照片送上的。。。 一年过去了!终于也有了这个机会让我实现对各位的承诺!:xd:
这次为了避开人潮,好让我有“足够”的空间来拍照,我一早就出发了。。。谁知道每个人都好像和我的想法一样。。。 11:30A.M. 就已经是人山人海了。。。虽然这次的电脑展(PC FAIR), 并不是很壮观华丽,可是也吸引了不少的人潮,特别是部落客,我看到了很多的照相机在拍来拍去,可以看出那些“模特儿”都已经“闲”了。 哈哈!!:ohoho1:
A blink of eye, it is the end for year 2007. The PC Fair has comes again! This is a big event for Malaysia I.T. industry. Regardless you are a I.T. Professional or businessmen, you will go there for a walk. Last year, I just started this blog, I bought my Samsung 932B LCD and blogged about it, I said that I will post some pretty booth girls/babes photo for you during the next visit to PC Fair… After a year. Finally I got the chance to realize my promise to you! :xd:
In order to avoid the crowded situation and make myself some “space” for photography, I departed at early morning. Who knows everyone seems like having the same mind, at 11:30A.M. it is already “people mountain people sea” / crowded already… Although, this PC Fair is not as awesome as before, but it is still attracted many people, especially the bloggers, I saw a lot of camera crew shooting here and there, from the model’s face, I can feel that they are very boring with it already. Haha!! :ohoho1:
Sony 的Booth Babes真的就像她的电脑一样。非一般的出众。有天使和魔鬼啊!两个都是很漂亮的哦! :bigeye:
Without wasting your precious time, I shall present the photo to you!
Sony’s Booth Babes really looks alike its laptop! It is not only outstanding but awesome! Angel and Devil, both also very pretty! :bigeye:
Samsung’s theme did surprise me quite a bit! If all the policewomen looks like this, please fast fast come to catch me! Hehe. :e:
Next is Toshiba. Although it has no theme,but her gorgeous looking covers up everything.
PenDrive的主题是希腊神话?应该是吧。。。 :shy:
PenDrive‘s theme is something about Greek Legend? should be like that… :shy:
哈哈!这个不是女生,但是好有型啊!好大的一把刀哦!!我为他拍了一张照片后,他竟然主动的问我要不要合照!我当然是要啦。哈哈!这个线上游戏,角色扮演这位仁兄的工作态度真是不错!! 值得表扬啊!!:good:
Haha! This is not a girl but stylish! A very huge sword oh! After I took a photo for him, he asked me whether or not to take a photo with him! Of course I want! Haha! This online game, this cosplay staff’s working attitude or professionalism is really not bad!! Worth a praise or two!! :good:
This is another girl from another online game. I forgot the name of the game… :shy:
啊~~~!欢乐的时光过得特别快,又是时候说拜拜了!我已经尽我所能的把照片送上了。下次我一定要带多一个摄影发烧友去!我要和她们合照。 不会过分吧?哈哈!我在此申明,每个参与者都尽力让自己处于最佳的状态。 如果照片上不是很漂亮,绝对是我的错。我认了。。。 有很多张都是Out-focus的。善意的批评和意见是无任欢迎的。恶意的批评和指责就可免则免了。不然我会叫Intel的火箭人把你送上太空!或者让小石像射你的哦~~~~
Ah~~~! Almost at the end of the happy hours, its time to say byebye! I’ve done my best to present the photo to you. Next time, I will bring another photography freak with me! I want to take photo with those models. Not too demanding, right? Haha!
Please allow me make it clear, all of the participant performed their best in order to have this successful event. If the photo is not nice, definitely is my fault. I admit it… Almost all photo are Out-focus. Kind criticisms and suggestions are more than welcome. Bad critics and feedbacks are better not to say. Else, I will ask the Intel Rocket Man send you to the outer space! or I will let the little statue to pee on you oh~~~~
I laugh while reading this funny+enjoyable+not_too_surprise news. After a laugh, I start to become sad. It is because this BOLEH-land has once again drop my intelligence level as a Malaysian. I am PWN to be a Malaysian…
Let’s see how effective on stopping piracy by “jailing” Internet users who is doing “illegal” download.
First, how to define “illegal” download? Who can judge it? For years, I still have not see any BSA officer goes into a home user for anti-piracy action.
Second, are you (the government) going to send an army to arrest somebody who is really committed the above crime? RM 250K is not cheap! Up to 10 years jail is consider a very serious offense too. As compare to a armed robbery will only get 5 years jail/case if caught, so 10 years is some what serious. You know… You better robbed for money rather than downloads. It is because you still have to pay to the ISP for connection!
Third, do you have the JAIL spaces for the Internet surfer population? I seriously doubt that. I definitely not going to pay and will not admit I downloaded anything… So, you better take away my computer. I can spend another few thousands to get a new one shortly.
Let me share it with you. Malaysia is not the first country started this joke. So far, I have not see any country that had succeeded in catching this type of “criminal”.
But please listen to me. After the publication of this lousy news/warning. I believe some evil minded fellow will start inter-personate the government officer identity and run into your house for a “check” then ask for the coffee-money!
You do not need to tell me whether or not you have any illegal downloads. I am very sure that everybody has some! However, it is not a crime… you know? I am not sure whether or not that I am correct. As long as you are not using the downloaded material for commercial use or make any profit from it. You are safe… or at least they can’t put all the blame to you.
Last but not least, IF they can track down the user… Why TMNET don’t ban the selected users account but apply throttling technique? Something fishy here… Think again, if the country is really good and the mentality is real high. I don’t think piracy is a problem or CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!
Happy downloading!
星期六,从早上八点到傍晚七点的恶战,真的让我身心疲累了。无情的客户尽然还要我星期天继续工作。。。没办法啦!能者多劳,无能者弃! 永远都保持被需要的状态肯定没错的。
我的公司,非常的靠近吉隆坡塔 (KL TOWER)。 在六年前,我第一份工作的地点也是非常靠近吉隆坡塔的。六年后的现在,我时常会看到这座建筑物但是依然没有上去参观的冲动。(第一张是早上,第二张是傍晚)
人就是这样的吧。。。 往往这么近的事物,都不会去理会的。但是却对自己到达不了的地方,那么远的希望而期待。


Hey folks! Welcome back!
I know that you miss me so much so I am sorry for not doing any update lately… My current job’s work-load start hunting me badly. I got some spare time at home but no idea on what to write. Simply because my mind is tired.
Back to the story!
Some days ago, I received a mail from Google Adsense! Yes! It mail me. No! It is not the legendary pay-check.
I just felt very happy to receive it although it is not a pay-check! I believe I am happy because I am a Google’s fan. Even though nothing worth to blog but I still want to show you the envelop+letter from Google Adsense!
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