在上个周末,公司组团到波德生度假了。 目的是为了培养团结的精神。出发前,我们到了茨厰街的一家粥档吃早餐。同事介绍时说生鱼粥是必试佳肴。所以二话不说的就点了生鱼粥。端上来的时候,真的有惊喜哦!鱼肉真的是生的!!哈哈!
RM4.50 一碗。档子的地点就在茨厰街“清补凉”茶档的正对面。
Last weekend, the current company that I am working in, organized a Port Dickson trip. The purpose of the trip is about team building. Yeah! Team building…
Before we depart to P.D. We went to eat porridge breakfast at Petaling Street. My colleague recommends us to try out the “Shang Yu” / raw fish porridge, so without thinking twice, I picked the recommended dishes!
I got a little surprise when the porridge served on the table. It is really comes with RAW fish! Haha!
To eat this, you have to put the raw fish meat/slices into the hot porridge and let the porridge heat to cook the fish. This is a very special porridge that I had ever tried. :xd:
The fish meat devour inside your mouth like a melting chocolate, eat with the hot and smooth porridge, it makes up a good combination! (The fish meat must be cooked. It is because it taste really raw if you take it without throwing it into the porridge…)
RM4.50 one big bowl. The location of this stall is opposite the Petaling Street “Qing Bo Leong” herbal tea stall! (Direct translation rocks!!)
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