50th Merdeka

On August 30, 2007, in English, General, General | Awareness, by Kok mING

Yo yo yo~ Negaraku~~~ Negaraku~~KU. I am back from the MNR (Merdeka Naked Run). Hehe. I am kidding only. I have no energy to make a RUN.

Today is the 50th birthday of Malaysia. We (the beloved Malaysian) can enjoy a paid holiday! Yeah! That’s cool!

Today, some people may celebrate for their past memories. Some people will celebrate for the holiday. Some will just follow the pace and shout “Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!” without knowing the meaning of shouting it!

I am the exceptional one. I do not really into the celebration mood. Simply because that’s nothing to celebrate… Please do not confuse. I say nothing to celebrate but never say I do not appreciate the independence that our predecessors fought for us! I respect all the heroes and heroines from the bottom of my heart. I love Malaysia, this is a lovely land. But I dislike the people who are ruling it… They are disgusting, rotten piece of shit.

As a Malaysian, we are disallow to have racist or discriminations among races. However, our law clearly stated that the MALAY has specialities in almost-everything-you-can-tell. So, can I sue the Malaysia Law for once being a “racist”? Old issue? or Known issue? We knew it, we did not say anything does not mean we don’t care about it or you continue to be the ignorance…

I did not own a flag or never make one for myself does not mean I am not a patriotic person. Simply because I do not do “surface” job to satisfy your visual orgasm. I love my country more than you can imagine but I do not like to show-off.

Sometimes, I blog and critic the politics does not mean I am challenging you. In the other way, you have to think about why people are criticizing you instead of supporting you. There must be a reason for people to start a topic or wrote a song.

I did my best to vote in the General Election but the results are disappointed. It shows that by my lonely self, I am unable to fight for what I think we deserves.

Here is the channel for free voices but you deny it. Here is the place for you to gather sincere voices but you never try to understand it. Here is the place for you to show you care about us but you show nothing…

Should I raise your flag inside my blog to say I love you? Come on! You see any blogger embed any flag into their blog for this very special Independent day? If you don’t, perhaps you should start thinking… Malaysia is independent country, same goes to the citizens, they are as independent as Malaysia. You know what I mean. You succeed to define Malaysia as ONE, but you failed miserably to unite the souls!

Last word for this post…




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2 Responses to 50th Merdeka

  1. shelly says:

    haha..wei…u know..its dangerous u write like this.. U might get caught by the errmm..whats the name..ISA..but then, I love MALAYSIA!!! but then…msia doesnt seem to love me that much..boo hoo hoo


  2. Kok mING says:

    Haha. No worry. I don’t have a million of visitors… so Internal Security Act is kind of too much to apply on me 🙂

    LoL but at least you are in a local university… Although not that much of LOVE… but still some! hehe

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