Canon Photo Marathon 2009

On October 12, 2009, in Life style, Life style | Events, Photography, by Kok mING

Last Saturday, 10-Oct-2009. I went to join the Canon Photo Marathon 2009 at Sunway Lagoon…

Woke up as usual – the time I wake for work… Drink a cup of Milo and swallow a redbean bun then I am off to the Marathon!

This is the first time I join the photography event as big as this…

The theme were 1. Splash, 2. Red, 3. Shooting in Progress.


The starting was not good because the rain hit us right before the opening and the sun was lazy-ing behind the cloud…



The event was full with redshirt! Well, for an free event, you get free t-shirt + CAP. I have no complaint on the color :hahaha:

Within the lagoon, you can see all the passionate photographers are trying to make their best shoot, whilst I am observing them.



Herewith another 2 photo which I taken during the event, also not related to the theme.



To be honest, I did not do my best in the event because I was not prepared and I should have bring my laptop to ROTATE the photo… the organizer, CANON, do not allow participants to ROTATE their submission… It just sucks where I didn’t know ROTATE is considering an act of editing the photo 😥

I finish all my photo around 11AM with very tired body and hungry stomach… There are food and drink selling inside the lagoon, but carbonate can drinks cost RM5… fried rice cost RM8… so I decided to visit uncle KFC where I had 2 pieces of fried chicken + 7up review + coleslaw + mash potato + sweet bun and unlimited chili sauce for RM9.75! :xd:  Wise choice, isn’t it?

Ok… back to the event, the computer system was sucks… it had to reload / refresh a few times, then the photo uploaded can be haywire to other theme… but then… I had a chance to touch 1Ds and 5D MKII which immediate makes me feel my 450D is a toy. :shy:

One more freebies is the FREE camera checkup which I had my camera sensor and lenses clean up by the doctor. Worth the visit!

After all, I don’t think I deserve to compete with others because I did not create my best shot in my mind due to laziness and 103438432094032 of unwilling reasons 😛

With this valuable experience, I believe next year, I will know how to do the preparation and shoot for the best.

Also… if I know this can finish so early, I should’ve bring my wife and daughter to Sunway Lagoon for some fun since it was free entry for Canon camera! LoL

Anyway, was fun even without prize!


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