1月份的最后一天,我和同事们再拉队到Pavilion吃午餐。用公费的,不吃白不吃啊~~~ :xd:

End of January 2008, we (my colleagues and me) went to Pavilion to have lunch again. Claimable from company! Why not spend it before others? :xd:


当时农历新年的布置啊!当天还请来了Pak Lah。。。 不知道什么事情,总之就是人多!

Still got Chinese New Year decorations! That day, Pak Lah was there… don’t know what happen but damn many people!



翡翠小橱的服务生真的不识趣,我只是想拍照片, 她/他就马力全开拼命的跑过来阻止我。。。 真的好“Kan Na Sai”啊!! :sigh:

The waiter of Crystal Jade Kitchen is really annoying, I would like to take a photo, but then she/he comes to stop me… damn damn “Kan Na Sai” ah! :sigh:




The interior design is not special… the dining set is just another typical type of weapon.




My colleague order Chicken Rice. As you look into it… you still want to try it? It was too dried… not nice at all. :sigh:




This is the Little Prawn Fried Noodle which I order for that day, this has no different compare to the street hawker stall… only this one was made fresh…



啊~~ 这个烧鸡干捞面就不错啊。卖相,味道和价格都不会过份!:hahaha:

Yes! This Roasted Chicken Noodle is not bad. The presentation, taste and price is above the par! :hahaha:




We ordered some side dishes but the taste … one word “bad”



一餐。。。吃了RM223。。。 好贵啊!! 还好是公费的,不然真的出血了。

This lunch cost RM223… freaking expensive le!! Luckily it is claimable from Company, else I will be vomitting blood for this kind of food.



服务 - 1分

食物 - 3分

环境 - 3分

价格 - 2分(有点贵)


My rating for this, 5 points max.

Service – 1 point

Food – 3 points

Environment – 3 points

Price – 2 points (a little over-price)

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