一转眼,又到了2007年尾了。电脑展(PC FAIR)又到了。这可是马来西亚 I.T. 届的一大盛事。无论你是 I.T. 人还是生意人,都会跑去乘热闹的。在去年,当我刚刚开始写部落格时,我买了Samsung 932B LCD,也说了下次一定把美女照片送上的。。。 一年过去了!终于也有了这个机会让我实现对各位的承诺!:xd:

这次为了避开人潮,好让我有“足够”的空间来拍照,我一早就出发了。。。谁知道每个人都好像和我的想法一样。。。 11:30A.M. 就已经是人山人海了。。。虽然这次的电脑展(PC FAIR), 并不是很壮观华丽,可是也吸引了不少的人潮,特别是部落客,我看到了很多的照相机在拍来拍去,可以看出那些“模特儿”都已经“闲”了。 哈哈!!:ohoho1:

A blink of eye, it is the end for year 2007. The PC Fair has comes again! This is a big event for Malaysia I.T. industry. Regardless you are a I.T. Professional or businessmen, you will go there for a walk. Last year, I just started this blog, I bought my Samsung 932B LCD and blogged about it, I said that I will post some pretty booth girls/babes photo for you during the next visit to PC Fair… After a year. Finally I got the chance to realize my promise to you! :xd:

In order to avoid the crowded situation and make myself some “space” for photography, I departed at early morning. Who knows everyone seems like having the same mind, at 11:30A.M. it is already “people mountain people sea” / crowded already… Although, this PC Fair is not as awesome as before, but it is still attracted many people, especially the bloggers, I saw a lot of camera crew shooting here and there, from the model’s face, I can feel that they are very boring with it already. Haha!! :ohoho1:




Sony 的Booth Babes真的就像她的电脑一样。非一般的出众。有天使和魔鬼啊!两个都是很漂亮的哦! :bigeye:


Without wasting your precious time, I shall present the photo to you!

Sony’s Booth Babes really looks alike its laptop! It is not only outstanding but awesome! Angel and Devil, both also very pretty! :bigeye:




Samsung’s theme did surprise me quite a bit! If all the policewomen looks like this, please fast fast come to catch me!  Hehe. :e:




Next is Toshiba. Although it has no theme,but her gorgeous looking covers up everything.


PenDrive的主题是希腊神话?应该是吧。。。 :shy:

PenDrive‘s theme is something about Greek Legend? should be like that… :shy:


哈哈!这个不是女生,但是好有型啊!好大的一把刀哦!!我为他拍了一张照片后,他竟然主动的问我要不要合照!我当然是要啦。哈哈!这个线上游戏,角色扮演这位仁兄的工作态度真是不错!! 值得表扬啊!!:good:

Haha! This is not a girl but stylish! A very huge sword oh! After I took a photo for him, he asked me whether or not to take a photo with him! Of course I want! Haha! This online game, this cosplay staff’s working attitude or professionalism is really not bad!! Worth a praise or two!! :good:




This is another girl from another online game. I forgot the name of the game… :shy:



啊~~~!欢乐的时光过得特别快,又是时候说拜拜了!我已经尽我所能的把照片送上了。下次我一定要带多一个摄影发烧友去!我要和她们合照。 不会过分吧?哈哈!我在此申明,每个参与者都尽力让自己处于最佳的状态。 如果照片上不是很漂亮,绝对是我的错。我认了。。。 有很多张都是Out-focus的。善意的批评和意见是无任欢迎的。恶意的批评和指责就可免则免了。不然我会叫Intel的火箭人把你送上太空!或者让小石像射你的哦~~~~

Ah~~~! Almost at the end of the happy hours, its time to say byebye! I’ve done my best to present the photo to you. Next time, I will bring another photography freak with me! I want to take photo with those models. Not too demanding, right? Haha!

Please allow me make it clear, all of the participant performed their best in order to have this successful event. If the photo is not nice, definitely is my fault. I admit it… Almost all photo are Out-focus. Kind criticisms and suggestions are more than welcome. Bad critics and feedbacks are better not to say. Else, I will ask the Intel Rocket Man send you to the outer space! or I will let the little statue to pee on you oh~~~~




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3 Responses to PC Fair December 2007 – The Babes Hunter Edition!

  1. shelly says:

    wow..i like especially the angel model..she looks so sweet n innocent! The company didnt choose the wrong one indeed. And now only i noticed PC Fairs got themes for each of the company..oo


  2. sonia says:


  3. Kok mING says:

    Yes! Sony picked the right candidate… Toshiba has the right person but wrong packaging… haha Same as it product line. The theme idea started a year ago only… not that much of vendor doing that.

    哈哈。有谁不喜欢看美女? 电脑展有角色扮演是因为有线上游戏的宣传啊。

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