Today, a friend send a MSN message to me, ask about how to translate Chinese to English.
Without any delay, my “reflex” comes! Fire up my web browse, key in into the address bar! I am expecting a 404 error or Page Not Found response but… …
Viola! It loads the Google Translate BETA! I am so happy that Google always knows what I needs and prepare it before I scream for it! It is really my best friend! Never fail me!! LoL.
Immediately, I test it with a simple sentence. Wow! See?! It is so accurate and it never lie! It translate the Chinese sentence to English sentence correctly! The translation never mess up the meaning of the sentence. Good job, Google! After that, I try with other sentences. As a result, for short and simple sentence, it can translate nicely. For longer or complex sentence, it can’t really perform as good as expected. But it is good enough to do simple translation job! It is online! No need to install anything!! The most important is FREE of charge!!! Can you complaint?
It supports 25 types of translations! You can help Google Translate to improve the future release by “Suggest a better translation”! You can be part of the team too! 🙂 Sounds great?
Last but not least, you can translate a web page with this tool!
Yes! For all readers who don’t know how to read Chinese! You can use this tool to translate my Chinese blog-post into English! From now onwards, you will never miss any of my post! :xd:
Happy Translating!!
两个星期前的晚上,家里停电了。少了电力的供应,有很多事情都无法进行。:circle: 不可以上网,没有电视看,没有音乐听,没有了风扇,没有了灯光,一切一切的事情就这样的停顿了。这就是所谓的文明吧!:sigh:
停电的夜晚,让我想起了在非法木屋区居住的情况。 因为那里是常常停电的。可能你们会认为非法木屋是很简陋的吧。生活环境也真的是有点抱歉的,可是基本的生活设备还是齐全的。你们应该很难想象在城市,居然还存在着非法木屋。现在已经被拆掉了哦。。。:cry:
屋子的后方就是一片树丛。里面充满了山珍海味蛇虫鼠蚁。还记得我房间的天花板上时常会有老鼠追逐的声音。这让我想起了有一次有老鼠死在天花板上,腐烂了,然后有虫虫从天花板点下来 :coldsweat: 。。。 哈哈!现在想起才知道恶心, 当时的我根本不当是一回事 :desk: 。。。 呵呵!
除此还有几次家里入蛇的情况。:ogod: 哈哈!是啊!蛇~~~软啪啪, 滑潺潺的蛇哦!你有试过打蛇吗?有听过蛇的惨叫声吗??我们都不会抓蛇,所以一有发现就把它打死!:namor: 不要告我哦!我没钱的。。。 很多的情况都是老爸或者年长的长辈操刀打蛇的。我只有一次的经验。那一次是那条蛇爬入了我的睡房。。。 对啊!睡房!我叫了外公来帮忙。 嘻嘻!毕竟我一个人还是会怕的 :shy:。。。顺利的把蛇杀了后,在清理凶案现场时,才发现那条死蛇居然是蜗居在饭厅的橱子后面。因为在那里发现了一大堆蛇大便 :surprise: 。。。 哇哈哈哈!与蛇同居了多久啊?时常都会发现一些小动物例如四脚蛇,变色龙,田鼠,青蛙等等的。哦!还有水鱼!!可以吃的水鱼啊!:yes:
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