Recently, a lot of my blog readers (new comers) checking up my blog. Haha. It is a good news! It means that my writing is not too bad for being a amateur blogger 😀
I started to think that my writing skill/level(English) is unable to describe myself because most of my readers look into my handsome photos… They can’t believe it… Well. Sometimes I cannot believe it too when I look into the pants which I used to wear 10 years ago…
Of course, I try my best to explain that… All these pictures is me and not any other celebrities… Okay… Few are understandable or take it not so serious and accept that I am not lying about those “artistic” picture of myself. For some others, they just ignore and continue to say that I am bluffing them… Haha. What on earth and how the hell and tell me why~~~ on any reasons that I need to bluff my readers about myself?
Ahhh Finally, a 100W light bulb just popped up right on top of my spiky hair. Maybe, It is the time for me to stop being “artistic”. I should be more “realistic” now! I decided to change the blog avatar or the portrait or what-so-ever you say it is… I got two copy of recent photo which I can cut and paste into here 🙂
I chosen one… but if you have any suggestion which is able to “pictures” myself better, please do leave a comment or two. Perhaps nudge me over the MSN! 😀
Here you go!
