终于也来到了这个时刻, 也是新旧替换的时候了。
没有华丽的登场, 更匆匆地落幕了。
两年的征途, 留下了不少战绩。 不停的厮杀, 挥洒着敌方的鲜血不断前进。同时的也绘画了无限的机会, 凭实力开辟了无数的荒土。
无奈的是紧凑的战局, 使自己的步调乱了, 迷失了方向, 要回头也没有路标了。。。
在什么都没有得到的情况下, 心灰意冷的撤离了。 没有不甘心的感觉更没有放不下的心情。
反而有种被释放的感觉。。。 更正确的可以说是不再坚持所谓的回报。 清楚明白了, 有很多事情都是不会有回报的。
了解了自己的观点虽然与他人有异但是正确,明白了自己不是跑的太快, 只是其他人不愿跟上。
学到了很多办公室的手段, 也看到了自己的不足和无能。。。
我不是放弃了,也不是逃避了。 只是不想浪费时间重复着有名无实的责任。 两年了,我什么都没有得到, 知道再多要求也是徒然。
最后大声笑的才是大赢家。。。 可是何时才走到最后? 又有谁可以等到呢?
有太多的问号,太少的句号和一堆突如其来的感叹号。。。 也只可以用省略号来表达自己。
虽然在这里我绝处逢生, 是一个命不该绝的硬汉。可惜的是夕阳无限好, 只是近黄昏。再灿烂的, 也会黯然消逝的。
要知道有机会就要把握! 没有时机就要自己创造!! 我们有缘再见了!!!
这次如愿以偿了。 终于在Sungai Besar吃到了海鲜午餐 (Seafood Lunch)。 要感谢David的好意了。
我跟你说。。。 世上的际遇就是这么的难以猜测。 谁会知道我在四天内吃了两顿海鲜午餐呢? 只可以说我真的是有口福哦。
上次的照片真的是不堪入目啊!! 为了重振声誉, 再次为你献上午餐的照片。 哈哈!! 流口水的话。。。 恕不负责。
清蒸金昌鱼的肉质鲜美, 入口即化! 清炒油墨菜, 清甜爽口!
甘香螃蟹更是回味无穷了。甘香的烹调方式搭配鲜美而细嫩的蟹肉, 真的是正到不得了!


去了Jusco 新开的戏院看了300。 还不错的电影。 早上3点钟才回到家, 8点多就起床去吃肉骨茶了。。。 因为约了叔叔10点钟来帮我看今年的运势。
我的叔叔是风水大师哦~~~~ 准不准就看个人了。。。 信不信也是由你了。。。 我多数是把好听的话用来激励自己, 不好听的用来警惕自己哦。。。 哈哈! 叔叔的第一句话就说我今年会比去年更加的“孤寒”。。。 我听了也笑得很大声。。。 明明就真的很吝啬了, 为什么还是存不了钱呢?
这也说明了我越来越有韩(“寒”)风了。 哇哈哈哈! 真是伤脑筋。。。 我真的并非如此吝啬的。。。 只是我花费的很精明而已。。。
我问叔叔今年买2手车会对我有影响吗?他说我4个月后会买新车。。。 这次让我头疼了。。。 我真的打算买2手车的, 算了。。。 还是看看行情再研究了。
12点多,开始出发到瓜拉雪兰莪 (KUALA SELANGOR) 的二手车场看看。 他是爸爸的朋友, 应该会算便宜一点的。 人算不如天算。。。 到达时, 他竟然关店了。 只好改天再去了。
看看时间, 午餐时间也到了。既然来到了以新鲜海鲜闻名的瓜拉雪兰莪, 哪里可以入宝山却空手而回啊??!! 当然是要吃个痛快了! 海鲜大餐!! 我绝对不会再让到了嘴巴前的螃蟹溜走的!!! 哈哈!
没有把我的IXUS 40带去。。。 用我的DOPOD 577W 拍不到好的照片。。。 但是我还是要让你们看看。 我吃的好饱啊! 嘻嘻!
这样的一天, 还是很不错的。
经过了之前的情绪波动, 我也应该让自己的心情恢复平常了。
今天绝对是一个值得纪念的日子。 这个星期六将是一个里程碑。 今天之后,我不需要在星期六上班了! 这是多么让人鼓舞的事实啊! 工作了6年多, 终于可以摆脱五天半或六天工作了! 以后每个星期六都可以睡觉睡到自然醒!!
哈哈!不要羡慕我哦。 这是要自己争取的。 如果你不踏出第一步, 是不会有机会的。
还有两个小时, 我就脱离苦海啦!!! WooooHoooooo!!!
The long awaited Service Packs 2 for Windows Server 2003 is ready for public download!
As usual! I am the real risk-taker. I installed it when Windows Update display it to me!
Just to share with you. I failed first installation with a freshly started Windows Server 2003. It display something like low in resources error message.
But I succeed with one more try! I don’t know what caused the problem. Perhaps I utilized Windows Server 2003 unlike any other people… So this strange installation behaviour happened to me!
This is the second day after the SP2 installation. My system is still running well. Still able to BT, surf and chat.
If you are considering to deploy SP2, you may try it out with a testing machine first. As usual, M$ never come out some real fine shits for no reason.

Basically nothing to say. Taken some photo… pretty boring trip too…
At least some flowers to kill my free time over there.
Anyo Haseyo~~~! 《— 韩国问候语。
嘻嘻! 看了就知道今天我要写得是韩国餐哦!绝对没有“大长金”。
我家附近的Or-Ju / 御厨餐厅 终于推出了特价套餐!没错啦,我这种贪图小便宜的人, 一定不会放过如此机会的。
点了一份铁板烤章鱼饭, 还有辛辣海鲜汤和饭。 每个套餐都附有泡菜(KIMCHI)的! 还有其他小菜。 真的就像在韩国用餐。 不禁让我回想起去年我在韩国的日子。 真的好怀念啊! 有谁可以SPONSOR我再到韩国体会躺在绵绵白雪上还有痛快的吃韩国烤黑猪肉的感觉啊!
不再浪费唇舌了。 看照片吧!
还有辛辣海鲜汤和饭。有太阳蛋哦!吃饱了, 还有免费的蜜糖人参茶哦! 不错不错!
第一, 食物太辣了。。。 我这么可以吃辣的人, 也吃到香汗淋漓满头是汗。。。
第二, 料理的饭不是韩国的米。。。 有点失望。。。 还以为可以吃到韩国的味道,就是本土的米饭把韩国的感觉都破坏了!
如果你没有吃过韩国餐,你一定要试这家的, 因为价格不会贵哦。 这一餐花费是RM24。 吃的饱!
Ok… I met some colleagues. They asked me the same question…
Will you join us back in future?
My answer is no. Definitely a big NO NO. I would not do that because as I can tender my position now. It means I has nothing to hope or dream with this career. Even though, I decline this situation but I do open for partnership or joint venture with them. I do not want to work without authority and my own voices! I always believes that I can issue better command compare to them!
You may wonder why I am so confident to give a negative feedback to this question.
Simply because, if I do re-join the company with the same position again. Then, why I have to resign at the first place? It is time-wasting if I retake the same damn job and task. Why should I leave if I wanted to re-join in future? Totally out of the question to ask for re-join.
I don’t even think about counter-offer. Yes, I love money but please spare me a little self-respect. Simply because money cannot buy my career. I would not cheap-sell my career or “time”!
I join with a keen mind and I will leave with a keen mind too! No more no less.
Something I must share with you. I am kinda happy with that. Simply because I have myself back to who I am!
Story goes with the E.D. (Executive Director) from a subsidiary of the Group. I, the M.D. (Messaging Director) of another subsidiary of the group. Here is the scenario.
I tried to format a computer for fuck sake and installed the AutoCad 2002 for fun sake. Around 1PM, they , E.D. and another girl, come into the office after lunch, obviously I am kinda moody where that computer “delay” my lunch hour. This E.D. straight away ask me without seeing or knowing what I am doing.
=========== QUESTIONS ===========
E.D.: This computer got problem.
E.D.: Can you fix it?
E.D.: How long we bought this computer?
E.D.: Can you exchange a new one for me?
E.D.: Why Dell cannot exchange? This is a new computer!
E.D.: I bought this computer with full of trouble and it is wasting your time to fix it now. Go and exchange a new one for me.
E.D.: Are you sure the warranty cannot claim for a new replacement of this?
E.D.: It gives us a lot of trouble.
You have all the questions remembered? Now I am going to show you different version of answer which I will MOST likely say it. I have 2 version of answer which is Before Resignation and After Resignation.
=========== Before Resignation===========
E.D.: This computer got problem.
Me: Ya. I am checking on it.
E.D.: Can you fix it?
Me: Of course, you can trust me!
E.D.: How long we bought this computer?
Me: Let me check with Purchasing Department and feedback to you.
E.D.: Can you exchange a new one for me?
Me: I will call Dell and try my best for it! No worry.
E.D.: Why Dell cannot exchange? This is a new computer!
Me: Oh… I am sorry for that. Perhaps I will write a formal letter to them in order to show our disatisfaction towards their product.
E.D.: I bought this computer with full of trouble and it is wasting your time to fix it now. Go and exchange a new one for me.
Me: Sure sure.
E.D.: Are you sure the warranty cannot claim for a new replacement of this?
Me: Please allow me to take some times to discuss with our Dell Account Manager.
E.D.: It gives us a lot of trouble.
Me: I am sorry for any inconvenience.
Hm… Sound nice and gentle? But not for today since I throw my resignation letter before Chinese New Year! Read below! This is my REAL conversation with her. This makes the Malay girl besides her keep staring on me. Perhaps I spoke these with very cool and cold voice.
=========== After Resignation ===========
E.D.: This computer got problem.
Me: Perhaps. I am not sure.
E.D.: Can you fix it?
Me: I am looking into it. But right now has no problem.
E.D.: How long we bought this computer?
Me: You can ask Purchasing Department. I don’t remember any purchase.
E.D.: Can you exchange a new one for me?
Me: No.
E.D.: Why Dell cannot exchange? This is a new computer!
Me: Because it has no problem right now!
E.D.: I bought this computer with full of trouble and it is wasting your time to fix it now. Go and exchange a new one for me.
Me: I can get you Dell Service Center number. You can call them by yourself. But I advise you not to call because as far as I understand that Dell has no “exchange” or “money back” policy for unknown reason.
E.D.: Are you sure the warranty cannot claim for a new replacement of this?
Me: The product warranty is clearly stated Parts and Labour.
E.D.: It gives us a lot of trouble.
Me: [I am lazy to entertain her. I keep quiet and her face turn bad due to my cool attitude. She sit in her room and I finish my stuff and go lunch with a peace of mind!]
Haha. Although it is not something notable but I really feel happy about it! Speak my mind without hesitation! I have no worry on any bad comments 😀 hehe. That’s her problem where she don’t have the right inter-personal skill but still wanted to act big!
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